Group 7-day waking average?

A whopping 13.2 for me. Got stressed yesterday afternoon and totally lost control of my diet. Tried to binge on boiled eggs and tuna with mayonnaise and coffee with cream but that just didn't cut it, tried some granola with raspberries and cream but still climbing the walls and ended up on cola bottles, which I bought when I couldn't get any JBs. I never ever eat JBs for comfort.... they are like medication and I only use them as and when I need to and very sparingly but for some reason, I can't maintain that mentality and discipline with other sweets and I kept going back for a few more and a few more. At least I didn't eat the whole packet or even half but far too much on top of all the other stuff (the granola took about 2x4 units itself as I went back for seconds) and once my levels went above 10, there was no bringing them down despite lots of stacked insulin each time I went back for more. Eventually I hauled myself out of the house for a walk and to pick my car up from the hospital car park where I left it after retinal screening. (The joys of rural hospitals with large car parks and no parking fees.:D)
Libre couldn't cope with all the sweets and insulin chaos, so just kept giving me the try again in 10 mins message. I made sure to take a very public route and rang Ian to let him know where I was in case levels dropped rapidly. 2 miles along the road my sister rang me and we had an in depth conversation about GGs health issues whilst I walked and then suddenly levels plummeted. Caresens BG meter wouldn't work (too cold) so needed to go down the bra to warm up, Libre still not scanning. Popped 2 JBs and managed to tear open one of the Optium test strips I bought recently to use in the Libre and got a reading of 1.9. 😱 Caresens eventually decided to work and a much better 3.3 and then Libre gave me a scan reading of 3.0 with an horizontal arrow.... all whilst juggling my gear against someone's garden wall. Found a bus stop to park my bot in for 5 mins and ring my sister back and let her know I was OK and ring Ian to update him on progress and then continued my walk back to the car, the final mile being uphill. Levels kept dropping so more JBs needed but just the bare minimum. Of course, when I got to the car I was hypo again, so stranded for an hour waiting for levels to come up but at least I had a warm comfortable place to sit and the radio for entertainment. Then of course they went the other way and contrary to DAFNE advice I hit the high with a 2 unit correction and headed off to the supermarket once I was legal to drive. Did my shopping and got home but levels stayed high. Despite my earlier walks, I jabbed 2 units of Levemir and more Fiasp corrections before bed. but still been above range all night.
Have I learned my lesson?.....Yes, my system really doesn't like it when I get "drunk" on sugar!..... Will that teach me not to do it again at some point?..... Probably not 🙄 , but hopefully not for a long, long time!
Think I handled it pretty well though on the whole apart from creating the problem in the first place of course. Kept people informed of my situation and that I might need help, made sure I had 3 testing options and plenty of hypo meds, kept to very public and easlly accessible route, rather than my preferred route, the old railway line walkway.

Anyway, still battling to get my levels down, but have just managed to dip under 10 2.5 hours after getting up with 2 stacked corrections in my system and a basal increase of 2. Needless to say my stats are shot for this week. 🙄 The remaining half a packet of Cola Bottles will be heading up to Ian's as soon as I can trust myself to handle the packet😉

Many congratulations to @Mr Pixels on another House Special.

@ColinUK Does that house on the sea actually float. Must be pretty gruesome in rough weather though! I quite like that it has a saucer underneath the pod to "catch" any "spills" and a little garden on the decking of one of the lily pad feet.
@rebrascora in the blurb it’s clearly designed to not only float but also by able to be “sailed” somewhere pretty much at whim.
Good morning. 5.4 - glad to be back in the 5s.
Grey, windy, shower forecast.
Spent yesterday tethered to BP monitor which shed its wretched tube every time I stretched my left arm out. Fortunately Libby came which relieved the tedium - and provided help mucking out the Gs.
Hope everyone doing well.
And just for a change it’s a happy 5.7 for me on another grey and windy morning, when will this wind die down again as I’ve not been able to get out on my bike for four days now….
Morning. 5.4 for me, further COVID test negative and I'm feeling quite a bit better than I did yesterday morning so that's good. Work laptop refused to reboot when I came back to it yesterday evening having left it for an hour which is very frustrating as I still have work to do to catch up on the time I missed on Tuesday, but not sure if I can be bothered this morning phoning IT to see if it can be reloaded anyway as I have plans for this afternoon (watching a football match in person for the first time in years!) so could probably do with washing my hair 😉. Not much low carb on the menu at the stadium but at least a sausage roll will have some fat to balance the carbs :rofl:
Morning all - tipping down again. Quite thankful... window cleaner came Tuesday, Wednesday windows were covered in bird poo. Hopefuly the rain will wash them clean!

8.6 this morning. Went to bed on 6.9 so I guess I'd better tweak basals again as a pattern is discernible.

Not much on today except grocery shopping. Had a really good evening out yesterday - it's been ages since all our friends have been present due to sickness, but everyone was there last night and we had a good laugh.

@MrPixels congratulations once again.... building on your property portfolio well!

@rebrascora your day sounded horrendous yesterday. Hope things settle a bit today.

@Grannylorraine glad to hear your manager is on side now, but do not forget to take notes.

@goodybags are you sure you should be paying full council tax on your new home whilst it is under renovation and is not habitable? We were in your position in 2000 and we paid no council tax on the house we were renovating until we moved in. I think now that it's possibly 50% discount rather than the full 100% but check with your local council. The info is usually on their website.

I too wonder how @Lanny is, specially knowing she lives alone.

Have a lovely weekend all!
@rebrascora - wow, what a day you had of it! Hopefully much less of a rollercoaster today for you! It is a little scary when you have to think about taking more public routes so as not to risk passing out with a hypo somewhere remote. Good that you always have hypo treatments to hand.
Good morning everyone. I have no idea what time it is.... early

Bg 4.7 happy with that.

Church this morning

Then who knows what

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning, 6.0 for me today.

New sensor seems to be settling a bit now and reading about 1 below BG, which I think is fairly typical of them. Although I have had some readings previously that have been within 0.5 or less. I guess it depends on what is going on with your BG and how the lag is between it and ISF. I’m wondering whether to move my target from 6 down to 5 on the Libre, but that may mean I end up with more hypos. Perhaps I just need to accept what the Libre says and ignore the rabbit hole of constantly checking against BG.

Plan is to meet friends at lunchtime today in a nearby National Trust property, I think given the rain we will be confined to the house and cafe rather than wandering the grounds, but it will be nice to catch up with them again whatever we end up doing.

Need to be as quiet as a mouse this morning as my wife had to work a night shift last night (yet more staff shortages affecting shifts at the children’s home she manages), hopefully she will get at least 4 hours sleep before we have to go out.

Have a good day everyone, and welcome to summer time!
Morning all. 🙂 7.6 here.

Didn’t get much work done yesterday, so it’s full steam ahead today - once I’ve walked the dogs, changed the time on all my diabetes devices, read the Sunday papers...oh no, I’m well n truly in holiday mode! 😉

And peculiarly, especially given that today is the day that the moon or sun or whatever gets held back for an hour just to screw with the tides, I slept solidly all night long.

Have a good day folks!