Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK I was thinking a house a bit more like this (keep the traditional look)

7.1 and weight is up too much so it’s time to tighten things up again.

Physio yesterday was fine. She is quite happy with progress and so am I. I’m now not using the stick all the time. It’s with me but it’s sometimes folded up and in my bag rather than in my hand.

Went to a thing at the opera house yesterday which was a showing of a new opera as very much a work in progress.

The complete thing should be three hours and a full opera house production but this was just an hour with snippets of music and lots of explanation of what sets would look like and how they’re trying to get the story and message across.

It was followed by a half hour Q&A session drilling down into one particular aspect of story and how it was or wasn’t coming across.

Overall it was an interesting experience and there’s clearly more than a seed of a good idea here but it needs work. It’s been a long time since I’ve attended WIP showcases for brand new work and I am reminded of how much I miss those moments of witnessing the birth of new work. I’ll see if I can get back on the mailing list for more of these I think.

Now to wait for a plumber who will arrive between 8 and 6 today.
@Gwynn I did wonder whether this would have been more your thing…

I am well prepared for a life on a different planet. Here's a picture of me and my friend on a walk on thebeach the other day.

6.2 this morning for me. Seems like I’m stuck on the 6 step at the moment. But then looking back at what I am snacking on in the evenings and the amount of insulin to attempt to tackle it, there’s no wonder. Must get back to being good again!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS. How about a house that is a planet?


Have a great Friday everyone, whatever you’re doing.
Morning all. 7.2! I was inexplicably high most of yesterday, even after a very vigorous 1.5 hours in the garden. After thinking I’d got away with the cold last week, it’s returned with a vengeance, snotty, phlegmy and I’ve developed a rasping cough. Didn’t have a good night but some of that was due to watching Fall on Netflix. If you’ve a fear of heights, or cheesy films, like me, don’t watch it.

Good news, I think, DSN called at 1.20pm. Sent prescription for new pens to my pharmacy. There was a “ if there’s a problem let me know, I might need to contact the Diabetes Clinic,” codicil at the end of the phone call. 🙄

Zara day today but she’s not coming until lunch time, mummy off on a weekend break to Center Parcs with seven girlfriends to celebrate their 30th birthdays, they all went to school together and all turned 30 this last 12 months. Daddy works on Saturday mornings so Zara is having a sleepover tonight. Better make the most of this morning to get some peace!

Have a fab Friday all. @Gwynn congrats on your out of this world HS. 🙂
Joining my fellow House Specialist @Gwynn this morning with another 5.2. :D
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@MeeTooTeeTwo Congrats on the HS and unfortunately all our houses today are designed for living in unusual locales.

And for the third day on the trot it’s another 5.6 for me. Interesting, and for the third day on the trot it’s a wild and windy sunny morning, I see a pattern emerging here.
4.5 for me. Feeling much more like this is a cold not just the start of my hayfever season this morning. I will be doing another COVID test tomorrow I guess....
Morning all on this bright and breezy day.

6.7 this morning. Happy with that as I went to bed on 15.3 (with a 1.53u correction on board) due to a chocolate binge after dinner. Ate at least half a bag of Cadbury mini-eggs and a few choccie coated almonds left over from Xmas. Was just a bit fragile after yesterday.

Trip to the Chiropractor at 2pm and meeting friends in the local at 5:30 today. It will be nice to have a bit of a social gathering as we've not been out for a full week.

@eggyg so sorry the cold has come back with a vengeance. Would say "take it easy" but can see that's not gonna happen with Zara around!

@42istheanswer HUGS hope it's not Covid.

@Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTwo I think you two are taking advantage of the good folks here to build international and interplanetary property empires! Congrats on adding a planet anyway.

Have a good Friday all...
7.8 for me today.

So I spoke with the nurse yesterday about bloods and she relooked at my history and decided to just start the 5mg folic acid right away and just retest in 3 months to make sure its gone up. After that switch to over the counter supplements/doses but do more bloods to make sure that's enough to hold my foliate up.
Also asked for advice on if anything can be done about my chest. I'm still coughing a lot and to add onto it she also thinks I have pleurisy. Have had it before and I agree.
As its all pointing to viral still nothing can be done apart from ibuprofen for the pain which she did advise to take continuously.
All in all a bit fed up with feeling knackered before I even do anything and having a massive uphill battle to keep numbers close to in range.

Suppose I had better attempt to do some bits about the house which will undoubtedly lead to naps later on.