Group 7-day waking average?

Holme House is beautiful. Not quite so sure if I’d tire of the tourists in my back garden though but it’ll do at a pinch.
My sister used to live there. No, really. It used to be leased to Bedford College, and had some student rooms on the top floor. Sis was a student there back in the 60s and lived in the Holme in her final year. Not so many tourists then, I think, but the herons could get a bit rowdy.
Morning folks. 🙂 5.3 here...oooo, so close, do I get a shed?

It’s sunny but nippy here. I’ll be wearing a hat to walk the dogs this morning.

Those rude people want to be taken down a peg or twenty @Grannylorraine - there’s no excuse for that kind of attitude / behaviour. I hope the chat with your manager sorts things out once and for all.
@ColinUK here's a well deserved couple of houses for you...take your pick


And one with a river view


One if you like fruit...
images (37).jpeg

Or perhaps an animal lover

And finally, if your world is upsidedown...
Good morning BG 6.2 BP 177/92.
Nasty, grey, chilly morning with a breeze to push the cold into your bones.

@Grannylorraine So sorry you are having such a rough time. Large warm hugs and a reminder that we all value you. Is there anyone in the firm (union rep etc) who can help you deal with what is evidently poor management? Even if it is only to sit in and witness your discussion?
@ColinUK Well done on the 5.2 - you deserve a palace.
Morning all. 8.1

Got the blood results yesterday and foliate has gone down but not below the lower accepted level (6.8 where the guidelines are 3.9). It was over 20 last October so it has fallen. Enough to explain the tiredness symptoms, dunno?
Have a phone consult at 5.30pm to have results explained to me. Hoping they will agree to skip the repeat blood test and get me back on the high dose folic acid again but with a better plan to keep levels up in future when the course has ended. Will let you know how that turns out 😉

Hope you all have a fab day 🙂
Morning all. 6.8 @ 7.27am bit nippy this morning. 🙂 I want to be living near rowdy herons. :D

@Grannylorraine life's too short to be phoning Chad Varah's lot over work. Take early retirement asap. I once spent a dastardly year being bullied by my then boss Anne Southworth, a grade A lunatic working for the education department at our town hall. How come once a loony is in place at a local government establishment they can never get them out and they can then feel free to make people's lives a misery, my boss made someone have a nervous breakdown and she's probably still there somewhere! Are you in a union? Do anything to get out, it'll make you ill. :(
Well, if we're talking palaces...


There's this one but it may need a little repair work...
Morning all. Score on the door, 6,4.

I’m all excited as I’m expecting a call, from a DSN this afternoon, after 1pm! Thus appointment was made 15 days ago.🙄 This is re getting some new insulin pens to replace my conked out Echoes. What a faff it was getting the receptionist to understand what I wanted, because I got the original ones from the hospital they aren’t on my prescription and this seemed to greatly puzzle her. She went through everything insulin related on my prescription, do you mean Levemir insulin cartridges? Or NovoRapid? Or 4mm super fine needles? No! I need the pens to put the cartridges in. Think we got there in the end. Fingers crossed that, 1; I actually receive the call, and 2; The DSN knows what I’m talking about. Wish me luck.

Congratulations @ColinUK and @42istheanswer on your splendid HSs.
@Grannylorraine so sorry you’re having grief at work. It’s not on. Good luck on your conversation today.

Have a good day one and all. 🙂
A higher than normal for me 6.4 this morning. Dare I say that my shoulder is actually feeling loads better? It is obviously scared with both naproxen and physio exercises and has decided to stop aching, finally!

Congratulations to @ColinUK, @42istheanswer and @MeeTooTeeTwo on your Thursday HS. Here is South Fork Ranch in Parker, Texas (home of the Dallas TV show). It’s pretty big and should give you all enough room.


@Grannylorraine - hope you have a better day today, sending hugs.

@eggyg - fingers crossed for your DSN call and getting the pens!

Take care everyone and have a good day whatever you are doing.
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And it’s another 5.6 again this very windy morning, and now the earlier sunshine has disappeared and the usual grey sky has returned.
This is getting rediculous...three with 5.2

@MeeTooTeeTwo heres a house. Life 'exciting' as they say
