Group 7-day waking average?

And staying on the subject of art and design here are the Medical Art photos of the day yesterday at the ECG clinic.

I call this one “Crowd”

And this “Blue/Light”

ECG didn’t show anything untoward so investigations continue.

Today they continue with me going to London Zoo! No idea why that popped into my head as something to do today but it did and I booked my ticket!

It’s been 15 years or so since I was there so I’m doubtful any of the animals will recognise me. :rofl:
Morning all. 🙂 4.3 here.

Something’s bitten me all over my legs and it’s sooooooo itchy! Must’ve been when I was digging over one of the flower beds on Sunday. I hope the little blighters are still stuffed full of my blood, cos I want to do a bit more digging today. 🙂

Lovely pic @Elenka_HM and @Pattidevans. 🙂
Good morning everyone. It's a bit blustery out there this morning.

BG 5.5 at 5am

BP 118/72 but it was 132/75 2 hours later! Strangely when I do some thinking (my App) my blood pressure always rises and I am doing a bit of a tricky/involved change this morning.

Pulse 53

Today a collection of an item and the delivery of a similar (but better) item

Then...nothing planned.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning.
Like @freesia I am one way or the other overnight at the moment, with no consistency.
4.7 for me this morning but needed 3 JBs overnight with no evening Levemir. The last 4 nights I have been high with 3.5u Levemir, low with 0 Levemir, high with 0 Levemir, low with 0 Levemir. And no alcohol at all as I have given it up for the time being, perhaps permanently. o_O
Change of routine with the horses and delivering manure by wheelbarrow and doing hoof trimming is playing havoc with my body since Sunday. It will give in and accept it eventually but seriously complaining at the moment. Even my hands are stiff and sore.... Trying to turn 4 woolly monsters caked head to tail in mud that has set like concrete, into something approaching horses takes a stiff brush, a very firm grip and strong shoulders/arms. My grip is clearly the weak link these days even with magigloves, although shoulders and arms are complaining too. No manure delivery today, but more hoof trimming needed. I have a horrible feeling MeMe is developing a hoof abscess again! So frustrating as she has really hard feet in the summer and happily works barefoot over any terrain but in the winter she is horribly prone to gravelling.
Morning all, 7.6 here. Was verging on a hypo last night having miscalculated evening meal, so had a biscuit and reduced night time basal. So I had a beautiful flat line in the 5s all night, unprecedented for me, then shot up into the 7s as dawn approached.
OH and I went to the design museum a few years ago, @ColinUK and loved it, it was like a trip down memory lane with all the things that have appeared over the years, some good, some bad. We went for a walk round Holland Park afterwards and discovered the Japanese garden, which we also thought was lovely.
A 5.3 for me today. 🙂
Off for an eye screening appointment shortly.

Mr Eggy just saw a hi vis clad guy with a litter picker and bin bag picking up the blown about recycling. I take it all back what I was thinking, ie they’d just leave it. That means I can sit in my PJs for a wee while more. 🙄
14.somethign this morning. High alarms went off twice overnight but I rolled over and went back to sleep. I do remember scanning and seeing it drop but I think it was compression as it bounced back up sharply 🙄
Correction in and dropping fast and back in the green.

Off to pickup blood results as they cant tell me numbers on the phone (yet can print out everything - go figure). I know theres a flag to repeat foliate (which is what I suspected is off) but will know more with the printouts in front of me.
Morning all. I have the heebiegeebies now from that shiny green gnome agh. 7.5 @ 7.55 and I'm grr at myself this morning. Nearly into the 12s and in less than a fortnight I'm back in the 14s. Time to get real. 🙄

I would have to have the flowers and vase pushed further back with the largest card in front and other two either side and would have given some serious thinking time to this beforehand. :rofl:
6.3 this morning for me.

Saw the physio yesterday who is convinced it is my neck and not my shoulder that is the problem. Got some exercises to do to keep it free and improve it and need a follow up visit in about 3 to 4 weeks. Still waiting for ultrasound. In the meanwhile the shoulder is actually a. It better, although even driving half and hour yesterday it started aching, so obviously I need to be treat it tenderly for a while.

@Elenka_HM - lovely to see the picture of you meeting up with @Pattidevans - you really are having a tour of all of us! Glad you enjoyed Cornwall!

Making the most of resting plus now some physio exercises today in preparation for getting back to work next week. From the odd Teams message I’ve read it looks like there is more pressure for people to go into the office at least 2 days a week, so it looks like I will be having a conversation soon with my manager. It will be interesting to see the reaction when I say I’m not going back in and will retire instead.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are doing.
Another grey morning here just for a change, but a happy 5.6 for me today, I seem to wake in the 5’s most mornings which is good I guess.
Have a safe day everyone.
Morning all. I have the heebiegeebies now from that shiny green gnome agh. 7.5 @ 7.55 and I'm grr at myself this morning. Nearly into the 12s and in less than a fortnight I'm back in the 14s. Time to get real. 🙄

I would have to have the flowers and vase pushed further back with the largest card in front and other two either side and would have given some serious thinking time to this beforehand. :rofl:
I’ve done this. Feel much better.


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Maybe the elephants? 😉
They don’t have any at London Zoo any more I think. I recall them being moved to their other site where they had far more space to roam.
Morning all. 6.3 for me this morning. The winds died down . Bad during the night . Well get dog out call in to care home this afternoon. Visit me old mother if she's still suffering with delierium be a short visit . Then a walk down to the chemist call in Costas for a coffee see if I can pick some winning numbers out for tonight's Irish and New York lottery. It's all rock and roll