Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, bit brighter today, which I am pleased about for the sake of @Elenka_HM on her trip down here.

9.6 again this morning, gone up to 11.4 now despite corrections, either there's something brewing or there was a problem with the pod. Just changed that as it was due anyway.

Congratulations @Michael12421 on your HS.
Yes, I've been lucky! No rain so far tho quite windy. I've dropped you a private message by the way 😉
We do too. We produce Chateau Neuf de Crap wine! But it keeps Mr Eggy out of mischief, it never gets drank though. 🙄
Us too! But I must admit to leaving the grapes on the vine and the Beaky Blinders aka Starlings love to pinch them!
Oh no! That’s just weird. :rofl:
Why not just stand one of the cards in front of the vase. The pink of the largest card matches the pink of the flowers by the look of it although I thing the carb might swamp the vase but you don't really want to see the stems of the flowers in the vase anyway, so a card in front might balance it all up a bit better.
You would think your daughters would know you well enough to buy similar sized cards and even numbers to help with the symmetry and alleviate your OCD a bit.
6.5 today but that was taken later than usual - after I got to work and had breakfast ready. Shortly after eating I got a call from youngest's school that their legs were hurting 🙄 so then spent most of the rest of the day in the walk in centre. Now I have 6 or so hours or work to catch up on 🙄

I succumbed to the temptation of a slice of cake at the cafe near school after dropping child back off for the last hour and half, and now eldest has begged to order food in so I may end up eating more carbs for tea than I should with what I have already eaten!
Us too! But I must admit to leaving the grapes on the vine and the Beaky Blinders aka Starlings love to pinch them!
We did that last year due to being away on holiday for most of Sept. Came home to find the garden alive with rats (presumably from the stream across the road) eating the windfalls. Stripped the rest tout suite and ditched them.
Good evening! My waking reading was 6'7 at 7am, posting now as I have plenty of time in the train back home. It feels like I only arrived to Cornwall yesterday...oh wait, I did! :rofl:


It has been a very short trip but I used my time well. Yesterday I visited St Ives with its beaches and cobbled streets. Took the bus from there to my accomodation in Penzance, sitting in the front row of the top so I could enjoy the scenery. Had dinner in a cozy local pub and went to bed early, hoping to get a good sleep and be full of energy today.

I didn't have a good sleep to be honest, which made me a bit grumpy in the morning. I still enjoyed a full Cornish breakfast (no difference to English breakfast to my eyes 😛) and went off to St Michael's Mount. I was nervous at the thought of trying to pronounce "Marazion" to the local bus driver but he understood me at the second attempt. The Mount was probably the part of my travel plan I was more excited about. Luckily the weather was dry, even sunny for most of my visit. I was annoyed to discover I had to pay, not just to go into the castle (which I didn't need to), but just to walk up to the top side of the Mount. I also was annoyed at my phone that wasn't working properly, and the poor sleep and the wind didn't help. I did pay because I felt would be quite disappointing to not walk to the top once I was here and would miss the best part of the island. Eventually my mood improved and the views are spectacular.

Walked back to Marazion to find half of the eating places were closed today. Grabbed a pasty to go, at least something typical of the area, and went back to Penzance to see a bit of it in daylight and to meet @Pattidevans . Had to say, this largely improved my day. Not only we had a lovely chat over a hot drink, her husband Julian kindly drove us around the coast for a few hours and both of them explained me about local places and stories. I'm very grateful to them for this tour and their company. They even drove me to Tesco in the way back so I could get some dinner for the train! <3 🙂
And there is some graphic evidence of the second stop in my DiabetesUK meeting tour 😉

Good morning - 7.0
good morning 5.8 today

been a busy couple of days for me so far this week
I haven’t read through posts hope everybody’s ok
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8.6 after a high overnight. I'm either one way or the other since Saturdsy, never just right 🙄. Tired of it all now.
Morning all. And another nice round 6 and a unicorn day. Haven’t had one of those for ages.

Very blustery this morning, unfortunately it’s recycling day and there’s a lot of debris lying around as my over the road neighbours’ bags have been blown over. Oops! Now, if I was a good citizen and neighbour, I’d get dressed, go to the shed for our litter picker and sort it. But I’m obviously not as I’m still in my PJs. 🙄 The collection wagon should be here within the hour, I wonder if the operatives will pick it up? Any bets?:confused:

No plans today other than the usual domestic humdrum. Woohoo! :D

Have a good day.

Forgot to mention that I went to the Ideal Home Show on Monday. Tickets were free. It was awful. A friend described it as a tacky Debenhams. I stayed about an hour.

The highlights were beautifully designed garden furniture and some small ornaments…


Then, as it was within walking distance and was somewhere I’ve been meaning to vibist for yonks but hadn’t gotten ‘round to I popped to the Design Museum.

It’s a beautiful building but honestly there’s nothing really of note in it other than space. I preferred the feel of the former location down in Shad Thames but it’s won architectural and museum design awards so I clearly know nothing.


Good morning. BG 7.00

BP 162/85, down a bit, so going back up on the Furosemide dosage seems to be helping. Small dwarf blacksmith has stopped using my head an anvil and the sun has replaced yesterday's rain and gales. The forecast says it won't last but even a brief respite is welcome. Getting the 24hr monitor on 24th so hopefully the Nibelung won't return once GP has the data and sorts out my scrip,

Decided to look for a house cleaner as I had rather save energy for garden and animals. Got a service starting on 27th. £15 an hour seems a tad dear to me given the amount paid to junior Drs. Still I am not paying travel and I do live in the sticks. If it works out and the sun emerges maybe Wolf and I can go for a few walks. Better fit in a visit to the dog groomer first - he looks like a walking haycock.

Hope everyone doing well.
@Elenka_HM Enjoyed the travelogue and picture of you and @Pattidevans - sounds as though she and her husband "put the cherry on the cake" .