Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 11.0.
Woke up at 3.30am as I was in bed by 9 last night. Hit the wall of tired early last night despite having a long lie in yesterday.

Was daughters birthday yesterday which meant macaroni cheese was dinner followed by cake and ice cream so a very wiggly graph while snoozing.
She makes me laugh, she has all the choices of dinner from going out or take away but she still wants home made macaroni cheese every time <3
Good morning. 5.0 and a very wiggly line in the low 4s overnight, kept out of the red with JBs. Very tired this morning. Being this low with 3 hypos yesterday is draining. Reduced basal again last night but it will take a few days to see any difference. The thing i found hard yesterday was the fact that i managed to get levels into 6s and low 7s but then minutes later they dropped to low 4s again. I think the D fairy is hanging around here. The kids at work are so used to my alarm now, they hear it and tell me i need my 'medicine'.
Good morning - 4.8
Apologies for absence the last 3 days. 8.8 this morning despite a 1.5u correction at 2.50am for a 9.3 but had been higher most of the night. The night before my overnight graph looked like a choppy red sea 😱 and took 5 JBs to get me through the night, despite zero evening Levemir both nights. The night before that I was high all night on 3.5 units of evening Levemir, so I think I probably have the DF here too although to be fair I worked really hard on Sunday and my body was physically shattered when I crawled into bed at 8.30pm. Couldn't even be bothered to have something to eat and all I had for lunch was a chunk of cheese and a small conference pear, so I think my liver stores were depleted and no real protein to top them up. Need to get some batch cooking done so that I have something I can just bung in the microwave and eat when I come in before I crash.

Loving the spring weather we are having here. I have a broody hen just started sitting on eggs so may even have some real Easter chicks! Lavender bantam pekins are so cute!
Good mornibg everyone. Seems quite bright outside.

Up late at 6am ! I hate getting up late as then I feel rushed to sort things out before breakfast. To add to it all my right eye was completely out of focus. Thakfully after a hour it seems to have mostly recovered. I felt quite frightened by it though.

BG 5.5
BP 132/80 not surprised after the shock of not being able to see well
Pulse 56

Today, not much planned. A walk. Maybe a rest is what I need but I always see a rest as a waste of precious time and giving in to laziness.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Apologies for absence the last 3 days. 8.8 this morning despite a 1.5u correction at 2.50am for a 9.3 but had been higher most of the night. The night before my overnight graph looked like a choppy red sea 😱 and took 5 JBs to get me through the night, despite zero evening Levemir both nights. The night before that I was high all night on 3.5 units of evening Levemir, so I think I probably have the DF here too although to be fair I worked really hard on Sunday and my body was physically shattered when I crawled into bed at 8.30pm. Couldn't even be bothered to have something to eat and all I had for lunch was a chunk of cheese and a small conference pear, so I think my liver stores were depleted and no real protein to top them up. Need to get some batch cooking done so that I have something I can just bung in the microwave and eat when I come in before I crash.

Loving the spring weather we are having here. I have a broody hen just started sitting on eggs so may even have some real Easter chicks! Lavender bantam pekins are so cute!
We will be needing pics of the aforementioned chicks when they arrive.
I have a broody hen just started sitting on eggs so may even have some real Easter chicks! Lavender bantam pekins are so cute!
Oooo - you must share a picture when they hatch!
@Michael12421 Congrats on the HS!

I hope this gives you enough room to roam without being too far from neighbours when you need them.

It comes with barely 800 acres.

4.6 on getting up this morning for an early start, taking my wife to work for 7am so that I can have the car today for a dentist appointment at midday followed by my first physio for the shoulder at 2pm. Just driving the half hour back home this morning made my shoulder ache, so who knows what I’ll be like later!

Congratulations @Michael12421 on your HS and the rather splendid house that @ColinUK supplied. Not sure who is going to cut the lawns though - maybe some sheep could be in order?

Hope everyone has a good day today.
4.6 on getting up this morning for an early start, taking my wife to work for 7am so that I can have the car today for a dentist appointment at midday followed by my first physio for the shoulder at 2pm. Just driving the half hour back home this morning made my shoulder ache, so who knows what I’ll be like later!

Congratulations @Michael12421 on your HS and the rather splendid house that @ColinUK supplied. Not sure who is going to cut the lawns though - maybe some sheep could be in order?

Hope everyone has a good day today.
Already on site. Along with deer and a trout stream.

I should have known! You always think of everything!
It’s one of my If-I-win-a-huge-euromillions-jackpot fantasy wish homes so I’ve done my research!
Morning all. Happy Spring. 7.7 @ 7.19am have a good day. 🙂
@Bloden I’ve just had a look and there’s a fair few vineyards producing good quality wine not far from that house so it could be an ideal project for say 20 acres or so!
Morning all. A nice round 6. I love a round number. It pleases my OCD. Why can’t I have the type of OCD where you want to clean everything to within an inch of its life? I have spent the last two days wishing I had four children not three. Photo below. Maybe some of you will understand my twitchiness. :rofl:

No exciting plans today, we may venture into town as have two birthdays in the next two weeks. Eldest daughter and her husband have birthdays only five days apart. It’s good in a way as we sometimes buy them a big joint present. This year we’re paying for them to go out for a meal as they usual don’t get the chance to celebrate as they’re usually lambing. This year lambing doesn’t start until middle of April for them. But of course I still have to get them “something to open”.

Have a great day. @Michael12421 big congratulations on the House Special. 🙂


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