Group 7-day waking average?

Well done @MrPixels on another HS. 5.4 for me this morning. 🙂

Good morning folks! 5'7 today.

Off to Cornwall soon. Unlike my London trip, this time I got a decent night's sleep so won't need to nap in the train and can look at the views instead. Weather is not very promising but I have a raincoat and a positive attitude! :D

Yesterday the man I'm seeing text me with "did you know that swallow can mean a bird or eating big pieces?". We have different native languages and none of them is English, so there's times where we teach each other words (or we find none of us knows one particular word and we have to Google haha). I checked which bird is a swallow in Spanish and that made me remember a very famous poem about them. I found it online and got a bit emotional, in a good way. That's the power of culture...not shaming your mum for reading in an exhibition 🙄😉
iPhone all fixed up with a brand new battery and I can’t believe the difference it’s made.

Whilst waiting for it to be done I went to the Courtald Gallery specifically to see the Peter Doig exhibition. Two rooms. About a dozen paintings. None spoke to me at all.
One mid 30’s bloke wandering around with his mum constantly culture shaming her by telling her “Stop reading the blurb for each piece. A painting has to work without knowing what it’s about.” He also uttered this gem, “Mum by reading everything you’re saying that only literate people can appreciate Art.”
I had to move away from them as I was feeling the urge to engage with the mum and make sure she was ok.

In the evening I watched a remake which didn’t improve on the original movie one iota and only proved how good the original was/is. What film?

The Omen

Yup it seems that in 2006 Hollywood producers decided to remake this Gregory Peck and Lee Remick classic. It’s barely ok. A couple of jump scares but no sense of menace or impending doom.

Ooh 8.6 this morning and off to the Ideal Home Show later. Not been in 30 years and not really sure what to expect but hopefully it’ll be fun.

Have a good day folks!
@ColinUK life really is one long round of licentious pleasure for you!
Good morning folks! 5'7 today.

Off to Cornwall soon. Unlike my London trip, this time I got a decent night's sleep so won't need to nap in the train and can look at the views instead. Weather is not very promising but I have a raincoat and a positive attitude! :D

Yesterday the man I'm seeing text me with "did you know that swallow can mean a bird or eating big pieces?". We have different native languages and none of them is English, so there's times where we teach each other words (or we find none of us knows one particular word and we have to Google haha). I checked which bird is a swallow in Spanish and that made me remember a very famous poem about them. I found it online and got a bit emotional, in a good way. That's the power of culture...not shaming your mum for reading in an exhibition 🙄😉
Was it the one by Becquer?

Volverán las Oscuras Golondrinas (The dark swallows will return)

7.5 today. Grey day in Poole, hopefully get out on the bike and do the Hengistbury Head ride into Christchurch market this am. Lets hope it's actually on today. Bit grey out there but no actual rain at the moment. Got to make a token effort at keeping a bit fit........
It appears to have rained for most of the night here, and all because I washed and polished the car yesterday.
Anyway it’s a 5.9 for me again this grey morning.
The roller coaster saga continues. Huge excursion to 16 yesterday afternoon for no apparent reason, Brought under control, but then creeped up overnight to 10.3 this morning. Looks like my Levemir needs upping.

Happy vernal equinox and Happy Norooz everyone. Norooz, the Persian New Year, is celebrated at the time of the spring equinox, so that the first day of the year is the first full day of spring. We'll be making sabzi polo ba mahi, rice with herbs and fish, for dinner, which is the traditional new year's dish.
That dish sounds amazing. I love fish with rice. One of our favourite dishes, which is on the menu on Thursday, is spicy rice with grilled salmon. I use Indian spices and add whatever veg I have lurking about. Bendy carrots, half a courgette, green beans ( from the garden and frozen) and always cubes of sweet potatoes.
I’ll have to try that herby rice, not sure I can find all the herbs but I can improvise.
No reading today. I got in a rage because I couldn't get any blood out. So childish. 🙄 Yesterday was 7.5 @ 6.35 but I didn't input as had a crook day. I stood on a thin tack and wasn't very happy. I'd just taken slippers off as well. Agh. I think it bled a bit, but I don't want to look. Got to stop walking about in bare feet. It's feeling a tad better now. Still a bit hawky duck. What a weekend! 😳
That dish sounds amazing. I love fish with rice. One of our favourite dishes, which is on the menu on Thursday, is spicy rice with grilled salmon. I use Indian spices and add whatever veg I have lurking about. Bendy carrots, half a courgette, green beans ( from the garden and frozen) and always cubes of sweet potatoes.
I’ll have to try that herby rice, not sure I can find all the herbs but I can improvise.
My wife commented that that recipe sounds a bit extravagant, her family use only dill and saffron. If you did want to try with all the herbs, Tesco have fenugreek in their herb shelves, and scallions will do for the other one.
Good morning, 6.2 today (Most likely due to continuing with some snacks yesterday evening to round off the lovely weekend).

Feel very flat this morning, after such a lovely weekend with Turandot on Friday and Saturday going around the West End, now back to earth. :(

Still got this week off sick to continue resting my shoulder before spending hours in front of computer screens again. Really starting to think seriously about retiring now, especially as the company are trying to get everyone back into the office at least 2 days a week. For me, now that we have only the one car, this would be very hard and mean very long days if my wife has to drop me off and pick me up (she does a compressed week, although it doesn’t always work out that way, but her days are long anyway). I did look at buses, but from here it would mean two buses and a journey time of around 2 hours each way. Taxi would be too expensive. Not been told or asked yet but just waiting for that to happen and will then have to decide how I respond to them.

Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.
Well, despite the constant drizzle I did get out for 84 minutes walk on the beach this morning. It was lovely. Not too wet. Reasonably not too cold.
Morning all... another grey one, was bucketing down but it's stopped now.

9.6 this morning. The last few days I thought I had it sorted but diabetes is a fickle beast.

@TinaD hope they can get that BP sorted for you soon, but beware of the side effects of BP meds. Both hubby and I are suffering really bad indigestion from the BP meds. The Pork never got cooked yesterday as my indigestion was so bad. We settled for a bowl of soup each.

@Elenka_HM the scenery from the train is fab from Exmouth to this side of Plymouth. Enjoy it!

Congratulations @Robin and @MrPixels on your HS and @Elenka_HM on yesterday's.

I loved the Swallow poem - bit confused though. He's saying she won't have his love any more at the end? Is she dead?
Morning all... another grey one, was bucketing down but it's stopped now.

9.6 this morning. The last few days I thought I had it sorted but diabetes is a fickle beast.

@TinaD hope they can get that BP sorted for you soon, but beware of the side effects of BP meds. Both hubby and I are suffering really bad indigestion from the BP meds. The Pork never got cooked yesterday as my indigestion was so bad. We settled for a bowl of soup each.

@Elenka_HM the scenery from the train is fab from Exmouth to this side of Plymouth. Enjoy it!

Congratulations @Robin and @MrPixels on your HS and @Elenka_HM on yesterday's.

I loved the Swallow poem - bit confused though. He's saying she won't have his love any more at the end? Is she dead?
Bécquer was a romantic poet, so all "Sturm und Drang". The way I read the poem is that she didn't correspond to his love, and that while the swallows will come back, she will not find anyone to love her like he did.
I loved the Swallow poem - bit confused though. He's saying she won't have his love any more at the end? Is she dead?
I understand it as him saying "you might find love again, but they won't love you the way I did".
Morning all... another grey one, was bucketing down but it's stopped now.

9.6 this morning. The last few days I thought I had it sorted but diabetes is a fickle beast.

@TinaD hope they can get that BP sorted for you soon, but beware of the side effects of BP meds. Both hubby and I are suffering really bad indigestion from the BP meds. The Pork never got cooked yesterday as my indigestion was so bad. We settled for a bowl of soup each.

@Elenka_HM the scenery from the train is fab from Exmouth to this side of Plymouth. Enjoy it!

Congratulations @Robin and @MrPixels on your HS and @Elenka_HM on yesterday's.

I loved the Swallow poem - bit confused though. He's saying she won't have his love any more at the end? Is she dead?
Thank you for your thoughts. I am already on BP meds - GP wants to establish why levels gone labile and then to consider dosage/type etc. We had reduced the dose of my loop diuretic as it has side effect of raising BG as well as the difficulty of finding loos if I go out in the mornings. Going back to the old dose hasn't, at least as yet, ameliorated the BP. Neither Losartan nor furosemide have caused me any digestive problems.