Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Sensor change day and the old one decided to end early in the small hours. Luckily it was still being read by diabox on my phone.

Quite bright out there. Will the garden get some attention?

Have a good day everyone.
Unexpected cultural event today too.

I’ve got to take my aging iPhone to the Apple shop to have the battery replaced so I’ll be hanging around for a little while with nowt much to do apart from pop to the Courtauld Gallery and the Peter Doig exhibition. I won’t have my phone with me so no photos :(
@Gwynn I’ve been looking for a house suitable for you and your organ and I’ve found this.
It’s for sale only for the second time since being built and winning many architectural awards. Current owners regularly host live classical music events in the home and it has a whacking great music room. There’s a triple height space which would easily accommodate even the largest of home organs I’m sure!
And as it overlooks Highgate Cemetery you wouldn’t wake the neighbours. View attachment 24834
Most of us probably couldn't afford to heat even the toilet with all that glass, let alone buy the place!
7.6 today. Lovely day yesterday with the gdaughter, rain in the morning so car ride through the New Forest, Ibsley to Bolderwood and back to Poole Park so she could play on the swings there.
Morning all - bright and sunny with a few clouds. Unfortunately not forecast to last over the next day or two.

5.5 this morning and a unicorn day - YAY!

Nothing on today except cooking belly pork with hasselback potatoes for dinner. Might go for a walk on the coast path.

@ColinUK I just loved CCC today! Virginia Woolf spent a lot of time in Cornwall in a house near Zennor, shocking the natives with her unconventional household and friends. I've only read her "To the Lighthouse" for a book club that I used to belong to. I found it rather tedious IIRC. By the way, your neighbour's boyfriend sounds like a real sh*t and she sounds no better! They deserve each other LOL! What fun eavesdropping though!

@Gwynn I hear you regarding loneliness. Congrats on your HS though.

Much happiness in your new home @goodybags - hope the builder can start very soon!

@TinaD hope Taras has a good journey and that he keeps in touch with you.

Have a lovely Mothers day everyone.
Unexpected cultural event today too.

I’ve got to take my aging iPhone to the Apple shop to have the battery replaced so I’ll be hanging around for a little while with nowt much to do apart from pop to the Courtauld Gallery and the Peter Doig exhibition. I won’t have my phone with me so no photos :(
OOh, Colin, had no idea you're a subscriber to the evil Apple empire.
6.3 for me this morning 🙂

Happy Mothers Day to all you Mums out there and super hugs to those who feel a bit sad today too. Always stirs up mixed emotions for me on Mothers Day.

The kids have got me a coffee cake for later and are doing all the cooking today and have a lovely new Mug (which for me is probs the best prezzie to get me ever lol).

Right I'm off to demand more coffee since I am not allowed to make one today at all :rofl:
A late morning to you all a 5.9 when I finally decided I should get up and a 6.3 on waking.

Hope you all have a nice afternoon. F1 later
Good afternoon! A shiny 5'2 this morning, after one JB a few hours earlier for a low alarm. Had a couple drinks last night.

The church Spring market was mostly crafts and second hand items. There was also a stand with tea/coffee and homemade baked goods. Of course I had to try 😉 I went for a cheese scone and a tiny sausage roll. The scone was really tasty and went back to the stand lady to let her know I really enjoyed it. Other than that I bought a travel size iron for £1, doesn't sound very exciting but I haven't had an iron since I moved here and it would be useful for a few specific clothes. I didn't expect to find one in that market!

Then a guy in a WA group of Spanish in my area casually mentioned he was playing live music with his group in my town. As I didn't have plans for the evening I went and had a good time, I told a friend who arrived later with another 2 girls and we even went to a club to dance after the music was over. More party than I anticipated 😎

Today just plan to stay home, prepare for my express trip and read a bit. It is really sunny tho, would like to go outside but don't feel like walking a lot due to possible hypos...and laziness, nor gonna lie.
Congratulations on your HS @Elenka_HM. It’s a shame you didn’t go for a walk due to fear of hypos - just take some JBs or glucose tablets with you. But I can understand how you feel, sometimes it is easy to worry and then avoid doing something. I just go with it now, but always make sure I carry anti-hypo snacks with me - all my coat pockets have something in them :rofl:
@Barfly Guilty as charged.
MacBook, iPhone, Apple Watch, HomePod, Apple TV.
I think my first iPhone was a 3 so I’ve been with them a fair few years. The other things are relatively recent additions but I’ve had iPads before.
ooooh checked online for blood results and my A1c is 56 🙂 Libre estimated 53.
I would do a guess the a1c thread but I didn't know it was getting done :rofl:
Can't see the ones I really want to see which is blood count and breakdown, foliate and iron etc. I only see D related one on mydiabetesmyway.

Anyway happy with that.
Congratulations on your HS @Elenka_HM. It’s a shame you didn’t go for a walk due to fear of hypos - just take some JBs or glucose tablets with you. But I can understand how you feel, sometimes it is easy to worry and then avoid doing something. I just go with it now, but always make sure I carry anti-hypo snacks with me - all my coat pockets have something in them :rofl:
Thank you! In this case I was not so much worried or scared but more like "bah, I don't want to deal with that today". I did go for a short one at the end 🙂

Oh, and I too carry hypo treatment everywhere, both in a pocket and in the bag if I have one. And some extras in the glucose meter pouch, to me makes sense to keep them together. My coat has a pocket in the sleeve which fits a cereal bar and a pack of glucose tablets and that's its only purpose now. The "hypocket" (sorry that was terrible) :rofl:
I got given a lovely flowering plant at church today (newish vicar clearly changing things up! Always used to be a small bunch of daffs).

Collected the younger teen from their friend's house and was offered apple pie and pancakes, well I couldn't refuse... And it saved me debating with myself whether to buy something from a takeaway place for lunch.

No cards even from my kids 🙄 but my mum did send me one. (Along with an Easter card and money for us to buy our own Easter eggs to save on the postage of sending them)
A bit late but it is still the day. Happy mother's Day to the mums in the forum! 🙂

Fun fact, in Spain we actually celebrate Father's Day today, and Mother's Day will be in May.