Group 7-day waking average?

Not forgetting our relatively new member @Carlos in the Flamenco line up!
Also, if I am bringing Rascal, he will be happy to just eat the same as everyone else. He is very much of the mentality, if it goes in my mouth, it is quite suitable to go in his mouth, but he will put up with hay if that is all that is on offer.... The other GGs are a little more conventional in their food tastes, so will have to bring haylage for them.
Not much flamenco here, I'm afraid. I'm from Galicia, we play bagpipes and dance muiñeiras

I can bring some empanadas if anyone is interested.

I love the sound of a meet up. Like @Elenka_HM, i would feel quite shy even though i feel like i know you all. It would be so lovely to see everyone. I know there have been ones on zoom but its not the same as seeing people in person.

Well, after last night's mega high, i had a 1u correction with breakfast (should have been 2u but i didn't want to over do it because i knew we would be walking a bit). Half hour later, before i'd even left the house it crashed to 3.4!!! My friend had come so i quickly had juice and off we went. Since then i've had 2 hypos, one lasting an hour and have eaten half a bag of JBs, half a pack of dextrose and a sliver of cake to try and keep levels up. I had 3u less at lunch as well. What a day!
Late posting as I have been busy playing all my AR games today but I too got a 5.2! (Despite too many carbs but also a bit of alcohol last night..) Congrats to @Gwynn on yours!

I'm going to be drinking tonight also, youngest is out at a sleepover so will be going out for a few cocktails - so far not managed to get anyone to come with me, but I'm sure l will be fine on my own! (And only just occurred to me that I should have messaged @Wirrallass to see if she wanted to come for cocktails in Liverpool! Probably a bit late to ask now...). Would have preferred to have someone out with me, but since youngest doesn't usually like me being out in the evening unless another adult is in the house, I am making the most of my night of freedom :rofl:
@42istheanswer Enjoy your freedom! And have a house! An especially wobbly one in honour of your upcoming cocktail consumption!

@eggyg I love how you organised everyone! I'm not a Flamenco dancer I'm afraid, but if that saves me from cooking I can watch some dancing tutorials! 😛
I think I will volunteer to help with the cooking, that's my usual role! Happy to also help with cuddling any babies that may be brought along (before whatever time I start drinking obviously, not safe to cuddle them after)
I like all this talk of connections between us, @Elenka_HM and @ColinUK, I too echo your views. Even though I don’t actually know any of you other than on here, just the daily check ins and bits of chit chat, shared problems, joys and victories all go to make this a very warm, friendly and caring community.

So thank you to all who join in on this thread especially, it is lovely to know you are all there, ready to lend an ear, voice some thoughts, offer suggestions or make us laugh. And in return I am here too wherever I can reciprocate.
I think I will volunteer to help with the cooking, that's my usual role! Happy to also help with cuddling any babies that may be brought along (before whatever time I start drinking obviously, not safe to cuddle them after)
There was always plenty of hooch at DSF meets! Specially at the evening dinners.
Vegadeo is nice. A friend of mine married a lady from Navia and I visited a few times.

I grew up in a tiny place called Oca, about 25km from Santiago.

Do you still live in Spain?
No, I’m back in Wales now. I had an attack of hiraeth (which I was told is the same as saudade - longing for the homeland). I go back to Asturias every summer to see my mates and eat some fabada. 🙂 Dyou manage to get home much?
Saudade, morriña, know it well.

We go back every other year or so. I went with two of our monkeys between Christmas and New Year. One of my sisters is expecting a baby, due at the beginning of August, so we'll be going at some point after that.
Good morning Sunday
5.5 today, yesterday 5.8

a busy day yesterday having FINALLY completed on bungalow purchase (on Friday)
now the scary part we started doing renovations and maintenance yesterday.
It needs quite a bit of attention (prior to being able to move in)
we met our builder at the property yesterday and he’s told us what to start doing ready for him,
first job was opening up a wall in the dormer bedroom, it needs attention in there.
currently waiting on confirmation of when he will be starting.
it could be very soon.

Have a Great Day Everybody 😎


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Good morning everyone. Feeling very lonely and stressed this morning. There is no peace or rest for me with my wife being ill. 24 hrs a day. 365 days a year. 35 years!!!

BG 5.2 again yesss at least that is good

Church this morning and that is good also

Set up rearranged keyboards yesterday and fired up the PC. Screen resolution is all wrong at the moment but mostly it all works so that is good.

Tired today.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.