Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning Sunday
5.5 today, yesterday 5.8

a busy day yesterday having FINALLY completed on bungalow purchase (on Friday)
now the scary part we started doing renovations and maintenance yesterday.
It needs quite a bit of attention (prior to being able to move in)
we met our builder at the property yesterday and he’s told us what to start doing ready for him,
first job was opening up a wall in the dormer bedroom, it needs attention in there.
currently waiting on confirmation of when he will be starting.
it could be very soon.

Have a Great Day Everybody 😎
Good luck with the renovations and congratulations on getting title at last.
Good morning. 6.2.

Today is the day Taras departs for Ukraine. Was supposed to leave between 5 and 6 a.m. but no sign of movement as yet! He has cleaned down everything beautifully - even washing the ceilings. I hope he has a safe journey and that his home town stays peaceful.

Like the idea of meeting up but doubt Wolf will dare approach anyone - let alone riff raff. He suffers from terminal cowardice. We shall, however, need high tables as he is quite sure that any food within reach is intended for him.

Hope the weekend is goin well for everyone.
That sounds like a plan, but I propose @Pattidevans helps me with the catering and @Grannylorraine can make a giant cake. 😛
@Robin and @rebrascora can bring the hay, @TinaD can bring Wolf to keep the riff raff out. Although I’m sure he’s a big softie and probably lick them to death! @Gwynn and @khskel can provide the music. @ColinUK you can bring your thespian side and entertain us with your witty repartee. @freesia can organise the fancy dress party and @Michael12421 @Bloden and @Elenka_HM can do the Flamenco! Everyone welcome. I think maybe we’ll need a week on a big campsite, yurts/glamping pods with facilities, no tents thank you very much.
Right Colin, get on with the organising and let me know the date! 😉:rofl:🙂

It’s been too long since we’ve had a big forum meetup!

I think there have been small ad-hoc ones since Covid, but perhaps it is about time we aimed for some kind of get together?

They are always such fun!
Morning all. 🙂 4.6 here.

It’s nippy out there. I hope the sun comes out soon cos there’s a couple of garden jobs I want to do this morning. Well, the whole garden needs an overhaul, but that’ll have to wait for the Easter break.

Great news @goodybags - I hope the builder can start asap. 🙂
Morning all, 4.8 here and a Time in Range busting red line all night. Was I hypo? No. Did I have a new sensor on? Yes. It always happens the first night and I really meant not to activate it til this morning, but I cracked and fired it up yesterday evening.

10.1 today, feeling slight better, but not well enough to run.

@goodybags pleased you have finally completed. Hope the builder can start soon.

loving the idea of a meet up, happy to travel to see people.
Good morning - 6.3
Morning all. 6.1 today and I’m feeling 100% better and the score on the doors today is 99% TIR, that’s more like it. Hallelujah. I don’t do being ill.

As I felt so much better yesterday I broke eggs with a stick and never stopped, laundry ( washing and ironing) , baking, ( carrot cake) and a delicious tea ( ginger and coriander chicken). Today, as it’s Mothering Sunday, I’m doing nothing except lift my book whilst lounging on the sofa. The hordes are descending at 11am! Obviously they’re all mothers too and youngest is going for a spa afternoon with hubby, eldest is “ doing” sheep, middle one is tagging along as her husband is working and teenage daughter will no doubt be lingering in bed until tea time. They all have such busy lives and I’m blessed that they still want to visit their old mother. I must have done something right. Or are they just coming for the carrot cake? 😉
Hope all you mothers/ stepmothers/ foster mothers/ mother figures have a great day, doing nowt! ( Chance would be a fine thing!) 😛

Congrats to @42istheanswer for your HS yesterday and once again congrats to @Gwynn. And a huge congratulations to @goodybags for at last completing on your new home. I wish you many years of happiness in it.

Have a super, sunny, spectacular Sunday all whatever you’re up to. 🙂
Morning all. 4.9 after waking earlier to a 3!! Not much planned for today so hopefully levels settle more again after Friday night's high and yesterday's lows.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn.
@goodybags i hope your builder can start soon.
Another grey day here, BG this morning comes in at a 5.9 for me.
5.1 this morning, and the chart shows that I wasn’t too far off guessing carbs yesterday!

Back home now after a lovely time in London on Friday and yesterday. We had a nice wander around the shops yesterday which for me was revisiting places I used to go to when I lived down there, so a sort of trip down memory lane.

Congratulations to @Gwynn on your HS today and @42istheanswer for yesterday’s HS!

@goodybags - great news on your bungalow completion! I hope the renovations go well for you and you can soon get into your new residence.

@eggyg - glad you are feeling better.

Have a great day everyone, whatever you are doing.
Well done @Gwynn on your HS. My reading was 4.9. 🙂

9. Ridiculously high given what I ate yesterday. I suppose it goes along with my sore throat though.

@Gwynn I know it feels like you’re alone and I hope this doesn’t come across as huggy hippy nonsense but you’re not. We’re here with you.
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Woolf Works - Royal Ballet - 18/3/23

Another example of really not knowing what to expect, but the desire to fill an otherwise empty afternoon with culture being too strong to ignore, so I bought a ticket and got my bum on that padded seat wondering what would follow.

This is a triptych of short ballets based on the writings of Virginia Woolf. I’ve never read any of her stuff. It’s all set to music by Max Richter. I’m not aware of having previously heard anything he’s composed. Choreography is by Wayne McGregor. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything he’s choreographed before either.

When debuted on the Covent Garden stage in 2015 this production won an Olivier for Best New Dance Production and a Critic’s Circle National Dance Award. I’ve not won any awards for my dancing.

Curtain up and we’re off in to the world of Woolf. As I said I’m not familiar really with any of Virginia Woolf’s writing so I’m going in blind and hope I can fathom the story to each piece.

First up we have a stage containing only three immense wooden frames which are reminiscent of sash window surrounds. They rotate slowly and constantly throughout and provide dancers with doorways to step through, vistas to gaze into, ledges to leap from etc.

Other than that and the use of video projections the stage is really open and really empty. There’s a stark beauty to the staging.

Cue dancers… cue plot… woman dances. Joined by man. They’ve got a thing going on.
Two other women enter and dance with both man and woman individually. Man clearly likes this. Woman clearly has thing going on with other woman.

Enter Man dressed as soldier. Dances with man. Clearly they’re brothers in arms. I think there’s a bit of a thing going on there too.
Soldier or Man is dancing his battle wounds and is broken. Is supported by man 1. Soldier dies.

Man and woman dance some more. She’s also dancing with other woman and watching her when she isn’t.

Back projections and sound shift the locations from London to The Country. All dancers drift away and leave original woman alone clearly trapped in a relationship with Man when she wants to be in one with Woman.

As a whole it’s strangely powerful. I didn’t follow all the plot and struggled to tell some of the characters apart but it was beautiful. And poignant.

Interval! I sit in my seat and just listen to the couple next to me chatting away. Turns out one of them hates her boyfriend. She says he’s having an affair and that he’s said he needs to be around younger people as he needs to feed of their “life force”. He sounds like a real catch for sure. Then it becomes apparent that he’s having an affair with her! This could so become an opera plot as she’s saying that she hates him and his wife but loves what he buys her and that she’ll nudge the wife out of the picture soon enough.

Interval ends and now it’s time for the second off the three ballets. Lasers!! In the Royal Opera House! Lots of lasers! And dancers!

One is in Elizabethan dress. Joined by two others. Separated by lasers. Costumes change to more modern ones and there’s men dancing in tutus and women in dance belts mixing up the whole gender thing.

It feels that all the dancers are the same person but in different times and places. Clearly all connected but individual somehow.

Staging is magnificent. Totally empty stage and incredibly effective use of lasers and harsh spotlights on an otherwise black stage clearly demarcating different zones/times/lives.

Not entirely sure what’s going on but loved it!

Wish the ROH would be this bold with lasers and lighting design in more productions because it’s electric.

Piece ends. Interval 2.

Quick glance at Google reveals that the second piece was inspired by an excerpt from Orlando. In my mind I’ve an association with Tilda Swinton and Orlando.
Turns out Orlando is a being that’s lived for hundreds of years without aging but sometimes changing sex.

That means my understanding of what was going on wasn’t far off the mark which pleases me. I’m also pleased to be able to hear more scintillating interval discussion from my neighbours. They’re now talking about holidays.

“Last week we were in Tenerife. I know it’s not really abroad like China or Bora Bora but it was ideal because he was in one villa with his family and I was in one almost next door. When his wife was playing tennis or something we could have time together.”

House lights down and it’s the final one of the three pieces. Curtain up. Empty stage. Huge screen at the back of the stage and running the whole width of the stage area and off into the wings. Very slow motion black and white film of waves breaking on a beach but this is of the waves close up rather than of the beach itself.

Solo woman and a voice over talking about love and “this awful disease”. Music suggestive of the rhythm of the seas. I’m almost certain the voice over was by Gillian Anderson.

Woman is joined by Man. They dance. Beautifully. Lyrically. Emotionally.
They’re joined by children who play in the surf.
They are joined by more men and women who are playing the waves.

Children leave. Men and women seas leave. Man leaves. Honestly can’t recall if Woman commits suicide by drowning at the end or was just left alone but it’s clearly about her wrestling with memories of her childhood, trying to find a way of dealing with trauma and a marriage she feels she’s trapped Man in and who she’s holding back.

Again it’s beautifully stark in regards to staging but again that huge dark stage occupied by just a handful of dancers was incredibly emotive. There’s a real sense of isolation between the characters at times and it’s representative of Life. Our days are not filled with interaction and other people 24/7 as we all have time when we’re alone with our thoughts, our hopes, our fears and our torments.

This was only the second time I’ve seen contemporary ballet and if this is what it is then hook me up to an IV of it and get it in my veins because I’m hooked.

Clearly I’m not alone in this as the standing ovation from the audience went on for 10 minutes!

Here’s an old trailer for a cinema screening of the ballet and it gives you a feel for the production. There are plenty more clips on YouTube and it also seems that it’s possibly on BBC iPlayer.

Wow @ColinUK - sounds a very entertaining afternoon! Not only what was staged but also the “Interval Sessions” - are you sure they weren’t actors and part of the production? Glad you enjoyed it all!