Group 7-day waking average?

Of course, I had forgotten about that. 19th of March, St Joseph.
To be honest I found out yesterday. I knew Mother's Day was in a different date than in the UK but was convinced Father's Day had been in February. I think I got mixed with my dad's birthday :confused::D
That makes sense, having the feast of St. Joseph as Father's Day. But that will only occasionally coincide with the 4th Sunday in Lent ie. Mothering Sunday.
iPhone all fixed up with a brand new battery and I can’t believe the difference it’s made.

Whilst waiting for it to be done I went to the Courtald Gallery specifically to see the Peter Doig exhibition. Two rooms. About a dozen paintings. None spoke to me at all.
One mid 30’s bloke wandering around with his mum constantly culture shaming her by telling her “Stop reading the blurb for each piece. A painting has to work without knowing what it’s about.” He also uttered this gem, “Mum by reading everything you’re saying that only literate people can appreciate Art.”
I had to move away from them as I was feeling the urge to engage with the mum and make sure she was ok.

In the evening I watched a remake which didn’t improve on the original movie one iota and only proved how good the original was/is. What film?

The Omen

Yup it seems that in 2006 Hollywood producers decided to remake this Gregory Peck and Lee Remick classic. It’s barely ok. A couple of jump scares but no sense of menace or impending doom.

Ooh 8.6 this morning and off to the Ideal Home Show later. Not been in 30 years and not really sure what to expect but hopefully it’ll be fun.

Have a good day folks!
Good morning everyone

Pouring rain and dark this morning. It might mess up my walk later on. Hope not.

BG 5.5 fine
BP 114/71 fine
Pulse 61 fine

Today, fettling a third keyboard, possibly taking one apart to fix an annoying crackle, and then looking at the dreaded sound modules.

Ate a whole Easter egg yesterday evening. Shame on me :( but I enjoyed it 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.5
Morning all. 6.7 on this rather damp day. But don’t worry, the sunshine will arrive at 8,30. Yes, it’s our Zara Monday. Didn’t see her yesterday, saw the others, as she was at other grandparents where she’d had a sleepover as Mummy and Daddy went out for a meal on Saturday and then were going for a spa session yesterday. What a great Mothers Day weekend for daughter, except it was all a coincidence, when she booked the spa months ago she hadn’t realised it was Mothers Day and they had vouchers for the restaurant that needed using!

Don’t know what today’s plans are, forecast not good at all. I know it will include reading books, her favourite thing to do, “drawing”, some TV, throwing teddies from the top bunk bed into the “ sea” and saying SPLASH! It’s non stop looking after a toddler. 🙂

Have a good day.
Well done @Elenka_HM on yesterday’s House Special.
Morning folks. 🙂 4.7 here.

Very grey out there. Neighbour left his workshop light on again last night - it’s SO bright, it lights up the neighbourhood. He must’ve won the lottery and decided to spend it on something really expensive - his electricity bill! 😉
6.2 for me this morning. Can't remember how busy my work day is but suppose if I get dressed and going I'll find out when I check my diary.... I know I still have some paperwork to finish up from last week
@MrPixels and @Robin You can both fit in here I think. And there's plenty of room for the horsesimagereader.jpg
Good morning. Weather absolutely foul. Grey, raining, visibility about 100 yards. No comfort to be had at Met Office or BBC - agreed (for once) it is an all day situation.

BG 5.9 BP185/99. Hope they sort out the 24 hour monitor soon and get me back to my normal healthy numbers.

Spent a few hours yesterday house hunting on the web. Daughter could use me being somewhere near but between Wallingford and Oxford looks an impossibility. 99.9% of property is modern housing estates which would cause Wolf and I a nervous breakdown - he barks if a sparrow breaks wind so probably would have a similar effect on neighbours. No way can I afford even an acre or two for the GGs.

Taras got off home yesterday morning. Quite a relief - never had so many hugs in my life! Not sure how long a bus from London to Ternopil takes but I suspect he is still trundling tiredly along. His accommodation would pass a sadistic sergeant's inspection for which I am very grateful since house work is not my favourite pass time.

Hope everyone has a good day, particularly the wage slaves amongst us. Diabetes plus Mondays is too grim to contemplate.
Mum by reading everything you’re saying that only literate people can appreciate Art.”
This guy sounds like he is chronically online and spends too much of his time getting offended on Twitter. Poor mum, going thought pregnancy for this...
The roller coaster saga continues. Huge excursion to 16 yesterday afternoon for no apparent reason, Brought under control, but then creeped up overnight to 10.3 this morning. Looks like my Levemir needs upping.

Happy vernal equinox and Happy Norooz everyone. Norooz, the Persian New Year, is celebrated at the time of the spring equinox, so that the first day of the year is the first full day of spring. We'll be making sabzi polo ba mahi, rice with herbs and fish, for dinner, which is the traditional new year's dish.
@Barfly Guilty as charged.
MacBook, iPhone, Apple Watch, HomePod, Apple TV.
I think my first iPhone was a 3 so I’ve been with them a fair few years. The other things are relatively recent additions but I’ve had iPads before.
Absolutely no hope for you then son.......