Group 7-day waking average?

7.0 for me this morning and a washing line graph overnight which involved no Levemir but a couple of correction units at bedtime for a 9.3 and rising. That seems to have worked out reasonably nicely. @Robin I can sympathize with that issue but you almost always seem to have such nice consistent results on a morning.

More trailer loading training with my friend's pony this morning and some manure delivery this afternoon. Pony is now going into the trailer without resistance on a loose lead rope with the partition in and the breast bar up but front and back doors open and no bum bar which I suspect may be an issue for her, but we have been working on that in the stable by backing her up to the wall, so she gets used to feeling a solid object behind her without panicking. Today's target is getting her to go in and stand calmly with the front ramp up and perhaps stoke her rump and hind legs whilst she stands in there if she is calm enough. We have made lots of progress from her totally refusing to go into an open trailer with no partition or even put more than one foot on the ramp without rearing and I am told that the only time they got her in, she was lashing out wildly with her hind feet and got herself wedged partially under the bum bar. I have to say that having travelled in a trailer with my sister's horse for a very short journey when he was struggling to balance, so that I could see for myself what the problem was, it is a very scary experience and a huge test of trust for any horse to go into such a small space and be fastened in tightly and then accept being towed around.
@eggyg 's post about mr Eggy putting tatties in made me realise that I need to get manure delivered as I have a list of gardeners waiting for it. The last few weekends, I have either been thwarted by the weather or had other plans but time is ticking!
A round 5 for me today and congrats @Gwynn on that HS. 🙂


And feeling a bit down in the mouth today after therapy yesterday. It happens and it’s all about processing stuff and joining the dots etc but it still takes a temporary toll.

Went to flicks after the session to see Shazam! Fury of the Gods (or whatever it’s called) for a bit of brain off time. Suffice to say it’s fun. Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu are clearly thinking about what to eat for dinner that night rather than fully committing themselves to their Art, and it’s become a trope filled franchise movie but it’s ok. It’s lacking something but was reasonably entertaining nevertheless.

Spoke to the folks afterwards to be given the news of a couple of deaths and funeral details which is always a great mood lifter.

I’m in bed listening to the rain pouring down outside and feeling wistful a bit and I guess a bit lonely too. That’s one of the reasons I keep coming back in here. I know we don’t know each other IRL but we know so much about each other and everything offered is received with compassion.
Certainly the care and compassion I feel for the regular posters on here is genuine and I sense that it’s the same the other way. Oddly it doesn’t really matter if it is or not as it’s our own perceptions of that compassion which are most important rather than the actuality I guess.

Ooh the very late planted daff bulbs are all coming up and none appear to be blind!

And off to the ballet this afternoon. I think I’ll maybe get a bite to eat at the Opera House too as they have some awesome looking salads in their café.

I might force myself to go out this evening in an attempt to change my energy but I’m in two minds about that and won’t decide until later.

Whatever you do today do it from the heart. Hug those you love if you can.
Morning all, on a very dark and windless day here in Bedfordshire it’s a happy 6.1 for me this morning. Hopefully get a ten mile bike ride in today weather permitting.
7.6 this morning after a visit to the chippie yesterday, so not too bad.
Entertaining the little gdaughter today, always a fun day, looking forward to seeing her.
Chin up @ColinUK, life is better than the alternative.....
Good moaning! Other extreme today. Woke with a 3.2 and Red Alert on Libre! I tried the finger prick but was too shake and my vision too blurry! 4 JBs and two squares of darl chocolate later it's a steady 5.7. Brain not engaging for Quordle though as struggling with constanants! :(
Morning all. 6.2 after a rubbish day yesterday. Full of highs and lows. 59% in range, don’t think I’ve ever been that low. Usually being under the weather doesn’t affect my BGs but it certainly did yesterday. 😱
Felt rotten most of the day and ended up having one of my “turns”.I just came over all sickly and nauseous like I was going to pass out, didn’t know whether I needed the loo or was going to be sick. I ended up lying down on the bed for about an hour. Couldn’t face lunch at all. Did have something later as BGs were starting to enter the low fours. Started to feel better, even my throat felt less scratchy, but BGs went sky high. Went for a little walk with Zara to see the donkey, and his friend Bruce the sheep, at the farm down the road, he’s been indoors since October, Zara was happy to him, Mr Eggy not so much, as he tried to take a bite out of his jacket! It was so mild yesterday. 15 degrees, it was lovely not to be cluttered up in hat, scarf and gloves.

Feeling a bit better this morning, restless night again though so I’m tired, but throat no where near as bad as it’s been, and I haven’t woken with a headache. Onwards and upwards. Here’s to a better TIR tomorrow, I’ve a reputation to uphold! 😉

Have a super Saturday and congrats @Gwynn on your HS.🙂


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@Gwynn I’ve been looking for a house suitable for you and your organ and I’ve found this.
It’s for sale only for the second time since being built and winning many architectural awards. Current owners regularly host live classical music events in the home and it has a whacking great music room. There’s a triple height space which would easily accommodate even the largest of home organs I’m sure!
And as it overlooks Highgate Cemetery you wouldn’t wake the neighbours. IMG_4942.jpeg
Good morning - 3.7

Libre alarm went off during the night but I did a finger prick and was 6.3 so I didn’t have anything. Woke up this morning feeling hypo and scanned Libre and was 3.7 and had been there since about 3am…oops
Good morning! 5'1 in meter before getting up, 6'2 half an hour later. Was curious about FOTF, I'm seeing some days I rise by 1 mmol or so and other days there is no significant change. Nothing to be concerned about.

As I was typing I realised I forgot my morning Levemir. Oops! Thank goodness I'm still at home, waiting for my new sensor to start in a few minutes.

Yesterday I had a nice walk after picking up my prescriptions. One big local garden was full of daffodils. I walked up a road I don't think I've ever been to before, and discovered a charity shop with café. I've seen a van from the same charity placed in the town centre selling coffee and food, but I didn't know they had a proper coffee place. They had a good lunch menu and everything I saw served to other tables looked very nice, I went for a tea and a slice of black forest cake 😉 definitely consider coming back.

Up in the same road there's a church and I saw a poster announcing "spring market Saturday 18th". So I'm coming back there today. No idea what are they selling, but I'm off so...why not?
6.3 this morning.

Really enjoyed Turandot yesterday- great experience and the ROH is a smashing place. Somehow my shoulder made it through but I was grateful for the two intervals to get up and stretch a bit!

The production was really good, Liu got a “brava” after her first aria and a standing ovation at the end. Following the plot was fairly straightforward, the surtitles made it easy and I found I could just glance at them and take in the words without missing what was going on.

I must say though that Calaf wasn’t that nice - letting Liu die and ignoring her love for him in favour of Turandot who, I must say, made some pretty bad life choices, executing suitors who failed her 3 riddle test. Ping, Pang and Pong provided some light relief - although juggling skulls of dead suitors, singing “do you remember Prince so-and-so?”, etc. could be seen as being a bit dubious behaviour.

Anyway, all in all a great birthday, albeit with a sad start as we went to my aunt’s funeral before setting off for London.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all. 3.1 been high a few days and now finally crashed the other way.

Thank goodness (for the wage slaves ! ) it’s the weekend 🙂

Have a good day all
@ColinUK I really appreciate this forum for the sense of community and connection, apart from the health advice. You get to "know" the regulars in a way, get a glimpse of so many different lifes, you notice when someone is not posting in a while...

When we met for the Opera I was thinking about that, you were technically an internet stranger but we've read pretty personal stuff about each other...:D
@ColinUK I really appreciate this forum for the sense of community and connection, apart from the health advice. You get to "know" the regulars in a way, get a glimpse of so many different lifes, you notice when someone is not posting in a while...

When we met for the Opera I was thinking about that, you were technically an internet stranger but we've read pretty personal stuff about each other...:D
And you don’t find much stranger than me!
Morning all - glorious blue sky and sun at 8:30 but now it's the G word again and misty.

6.7 this morning. Slow gentle come down from 11.0 at bedtime with the aid of a 1u bolus.

The "birthday celebration" we attended last night was in fact the 8th anniversary of the day the current landlords got the keys for the local pub, but every year they call it the pub birthday. They've made it into a real community hub for the village and put on lots of things to benefit locals. We've certainly made friends there who have welcomed us into the village community. People look after each other, taking care of pets and watering gardens for people when they go away and getting groceries for anyone who needs it etc. So we usually meet a group there a couple of times a week. Last night there were tapas on offer at reduced prices and a live group. We enjoyed a selection of tapas between us, absolutely delicious - though my BG suffered a bit as guessing the carbs was er... well a wild guess!

We usually love the live music, but the group last night was not to our taste, they played punk and ska very loud in a confined space. People were getting up and jigging about but it didn't tempt me to get up. We knew the majority of the people attending but there were a few strangers. In particular one woman throwing herself around with a pint in hand and sporting a lethal weapon in the form of a backpack. Blissfully unaware she swept drinks from tables and clobbered sundry folk. Most of our group were up and then suddenly backpack woman was sitting next to me staring at my phone as I'd just swiped.... she was trying to drag me physically onto the floor to dance. I was resisting politely but she got more and more physical. Then she twigged my phone and the number displayed (11.4) and I suddenly found myself in an Alice in Wonderland conversation as "my auntie is diabetic and she dances". Arghhhh I'm afraid she got to me. We left! Glad to say it's unlikely we'll ever see her again!

@Gwynn congratulations on your HS. I really wouldn't feel comfy in that cliff house! It's definitely not for those with vertigo.

@ColinUK so sad to see you so downcast... you are such a support here and always quick with warm humour to cheer everyone else up. Wish we lived nearer and could meet IRL. Does this forum ever have meets? Anyway, big HUGS and know we all love you.

Not much on today for which I am grateful, it's been a very busy week for someone who actually isn't a wage slave.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Does this forum ever have meets? Anyway, big HUGS and know we all love you.
We did have regular meets before the dreaded pandemic. I’ve met lots of our members through those in Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow and Carlisle, and others during our trips away. @SB2015 and @rebrascora for example. I’ve met @Northerner quite a few times, @mikeyB too, @AceFace ( formerly @ingressus) and @C&E Guy along with a few who no longer post on a regular basis or who have sadly passed on. A Glasgow meet was mooted a few weeks ago ( a bit far for you maybe) and I need get my finger out and sort something. The first one was quite scary I remember but it was lovely putting faces to the posts.