Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 5.4
Good morning 5.5 today
Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning. 6.8 and throat even worse today now accompanied by a splitting headache. Urggg! :( It won’t stop me eating though, I’m starving, feed a cold and all that!😉

Zara day today. Could be fun, I feel rubbish and Mr Eggy has a bad back, never been know. It started last weekend, I forced him to rest and have some paracetamol. Started easing off so he decided to dig his tattie bed and plant his Arran Pilots! What’s he like eh? It is easing again but he has been told in no uncertain terms he is not to carry Zara about and get down on the floor with her. I will explain, as best as I can to a just turned two year old, that she is to entertain herself today and she can look after us, make our lunch etc. she’s a bright little thing I’m sure she’ll be able to make us a sandwich and a cuppa! 😉

Have a fab Friday all. 🙂
Morning all, 5.8 here. I feel your pain, @eggy, my cold is still at the sandpaper throat, dripping tap stage, it’s getting very tedious.
My nose isn’t running yet, but my goodness I’m sneezing for England! I’ve never had a throat as bad as this for a long time. Sugar free Strepsils are the devil’s work. Yuk!
Morning all, it’s a 4.9 for me this grey morning here on the east coast.
Good morning everyone, 5.8 this morning for me on my birthday morning. 🙂

Bit of a strange start to the day today - I have my aunt’s funeral this morning, then a drive to London thanks to the train strikes (grrr) and Turandot tonight at the ROH. So I’m hoping the day will end up to be a good day.

Congratulations @MrPixels on yet another HS!

Hope everyone has a good day.
I swear this British seagulls don't know fear. You would expect them to eat the chips you accidentally drop in the floor, but I've seen them taking the whole chippy box from someone's hand!
It’s true, they’re really aggressive! It doesn’t help that some people feed them - there’s a row of holiday lets at the back of my house and one morning I saw a woman out on the terrace feeding her breakfast to a couple of seagulls. <face slap emoji> Not helpful. 😱

Morning all. 🙂 7.2 here.

A busy day today. Then the weekend, yay!
Good morning. BG 5.8 which is quite acceptable. BP, however, at 188/100 is a bit unhealthy. I had hoped it was raised by rage after useless consultant's appointment but I don't generally stay angry for 2 days. I tend to have a good rant and then stoically think "OK, shit happens, calm down and carry on."

No response from GP surgery yesterday from 09.00 call by 1530 hrs so gave them another ring to see if I had dropped off the list. No, Dr X (on duty but pretty near the bottom on my competence list) was very busy and had triaged me for later. I have a sneaky suspicion that I am on on his list as "difficult patient - wants reasoned answers". So I was pleased and surprised that by 1600 to get a call from Dr A, as sound a bloke as you could wish to encounter: a communicator with a sense of humour. Told me to provide more data so I am religiously sticking arm into machine every couple of hours and expecting a call at lunch time.

On the happy side pain levels are low, breathing pretty good, there is a big patch of blue sky to the NW, and I slept like a log. No great plans for today except to chuck the ponies out. Mucking out young Briallen after day in is a tad too exciting..."airs above the ground" or more accurately over the shavings fork and on occasions over my ears.

Hope everyone has a good day.
8.9 for me after dawn came for a visit 🙄
I was chilling in the 6s after a correction finished working overnight and drifted up from about 3am.

Don't worry I didn't send her packing in any of your direction, I took one for the team 😉
Good morning everyone, 5.8 this morning for me on my birthday morning. 🙂

Bit of a strange start to the day today - I have my aunt’s funeral this morning, then a drive to London thanks to the train strikes (grrr) and Turandot tonight at the ROH. So I’m hoping the day will end up to be a good day.

Congratulations @MrPixels on yet another HS!

Hope everyone has a good day.
Congratulations on your birthday - I hope the opera makes your memories of today happy ones.
A very Happy Birthday to @Eternal422 & congratulations to @MrPixels on those remarkable HS stats. 🙂

5.6 for me today.

Congratulations @MrPixels and happy birthday @Eternal422 - I hope it does end up a good day overall.

5.4 for me this morning. I didn't get that wet at the zoo yesterday so didn't need my spare jumper and socks/shoes in the end! Just a little drizzle towards the end of the day. (Bet I would have got soaked if I hadn't taken them....) Some slight frustration during the day as both charger packs that I had taken with me decided they were dead when I wanted to recharge my phone! I thought one was about half full, and the other one is slightly dodgy but had seemed to be behaving better since it had several months time out - it should have been full! I went back to my car to eat my lunch (and use up some of the car battery charging my phone and listening to the radio) then used the older (slower charging) battery pack that was in my car for emergency use to maintain sufficient charge the rest of the day for the phone battery to not actually die again. Despite missing some of the steps back to the car at lunchtime (because it decided to go from 6% to 0%...) my phone still says I did over 16k steps yesterday which is way above what I manage on a normal day.

Usual day off today so going to do some of the boring housework.
6.9 for me today and a washing line overnight graph which looked to dip down nicely into the 4s, where I always get my best sleep. This was a real victory in my D management because it came after a shared fish and chip supper that I gave 4 units up front and then another 3 units an hour later and then another 2 units as I went to bed because I went back and nibbled on a few leftover chips 🙄.... Still plenty left for the chickens today though, so it's not like either of us had loads to eat, but feel like I managed it really well and only just tipped into the low 10s very briefly.

Congrats to @Mr Pixels an two HSs in a row. Looks like you are on the road to becoming a property developed or an estate agent?

@eggyg Have sent you and B "Love" rather than "Care" but I wish you both, especially the latter if you have a 2 yr old looking after you! I do enjoy reading your posts. Can't believe B has put his Arran Pilots in already!!

Similarly @TinaD I really enjoy your dry sense of humour too and witty turn of phrase. Those "airs above the ground" can be painful especially in a confined area when you are doing other things. I have caught a good few flying hooves myself over the years. Lovely to watch the exuberance of youth though!

@Eternal422 Happy birthday! I hope you have a fabulous time tonight and you are able to share some happy memories of your aunt with other family at the funeral earlier. Fingers crossed your shoulder holds up. Sending (((HUGS))) for your special day.

@gll Lou you are a hero!
7.6 Today. Grey miserable rainy day in normally sunny Poole. At least it's not too cold, about 12deg, blowing a bit up the channel gusting to 17mph makes it feel colder and damp.
Friday fish and chip day, I wonder if I'll suffer consequences...but it's sooo good. We have reputedly the oldest longest running chippie here serving continuously since 1832 in Moordown, Bournemouth. Not the most impressive place in the middle of a row of houses.

Good moaning! A 10.2 for me which is a pleasant surprise for me after last night. Although the before supper figure was up, later on it carried on climbing. Had a bad night with phantom pain and again left thinking did the pain raise the BG or did the BG trigger the pain. However, it then started coming down. It could so have been the cheese from the "cheese and wine" slowing initial absorption? The wine didn't really play a part as it was de-alcholised!
Good moaning! A 10.2 for me which is a pleasant surprise for me after last night. Although the before supper figure was up, later on it carried on climbing. Had a bad night with phantom pain and again left thinking did the pain raise the BG or did the BG trigger the pain. However, it then started coming down. It could so have been the cheese from the "cheese and wine" slowing initial absorption? The wine didn't really play a part as it was de-alcholised!
As a professional barfly, why oh why? De-alcoholised? Is that even a thing? There is no hope for you...sad.