Group 7-day waking average?

What a good thing I had to spend my professional life being polite to people. Practice, they say, makes perfect.

Arrived, with 2 minutes to spare, having allowed 1hr 30 for a google projected journey time of 1 hr 05mins. The local highways department had, after sending me down an unknown road with nice red H signs, silently abandoned me at a roundabout with only a plethora of brown tourist signs ...satnav could be heard scratching its head...3 village idiots later I spotted a post lass, who turned out to be Ukrainian, and gave splendid instructions to the right place where, sadly, there was neither signage nor spaces... 2 more idiots provided me with a scenic tour of the hospital environs.

Went back to the "main entrance", on the advice of an elderly and charming West Indian who said he didn't know, as new to the area, but thought there might be somebody to ask near that. Spotted somebody leaving the car park and earned violent glares from other waiting drivers as I whipped in to his vacated space quicker than a fox going to earth when the hounds are out. Outside what appeared to be the main entrance, mostly blocked by wheel chairs, and and bearing the sign "staff only" I found a despairing Scotsman who wished to know if I "kenned the way in?" "No" I responded "but this will do for me if it opens" It did and we barged in, eventually finding, from passing staff, that we had long walks but clear (ish) routes to our destinations.

Barely had time for a pee, which had become an urgent necessity, before my name was called. A very tired nurse desired to take my blood pressure:190/105. Looking a little shaken she escorted me to a chair and urged me to recover for a while before she took it again and seemed much relieved to find it had fallen to 150/65. What is it usually? 120 (or 130)/ 65 (or 75).

And then to the Consultant. I shook him courteously by the hand and made a firm resolution to treat him with the manners appropriate to short tempered Judge when representing a pretty dubious client with a weak case. So I emerged 20 minutes later rather proud of myself. I had answered all his irrelevant questions, without losing my cool, as well as those to which he had the answers in front of him had he bothered to read the notes. The nearest he came to a relevant question was to enquire who lived with me - maybe "widow" + "next of kin 4 hours away" isn't something the NHS usually writes down - only they did last time I was in with a chest infection...I don't know why I bothered really since he clearly didn't listen to the answers. I had confirmed my original view: the man was and is an idiot.

I quite enjoyed his suggestion that the day I began my next flare that I should immediately have my bloods taken to check my ESR and last blood tests took 6 weeks to arrange and then they lost the results...but I didn't tell him. After all it was in the notes!

The nice nurse, who had damned near choked over his weird assumption that anything was immediate in NHS 2023, kindly identified the new main entrance for me, nobody had rammed the car, and I made my escape....Back to self managing the palindromic arthritis (and all the other ills that flesh is heir to) with the help of my good old GP...
I've been ringing my diabetes outpatients for past two days . Had bloods done January. Never heard a thing . Year gone February since last call from a so called specialist.. 3 years since a face to face assessment. Over a year since had my feet looked at.. They cancelled appointment in January due to sickness. Got one for next week but not holding my breath . Diabetes care has never been so bad . It's a joke or it would be if it was funny. Anyone else use Sunderland royal unit ,?
We had fish & chips today for someone's leaving at work. From a lovely chippy near our base which does "fishfinger" aka small fish. So I had that and small chips and a bit of lemon juice and mayo, and happy with my results - 5.8 before lunch and 8.4 2 hours after.

Supposedly I took a couple of hours annual leave this afternoon, but although I have had an early break I will be putting the computer back on for a bit of overtime as there is more paperwork that I still need to do and I'm definitely using my full day of annual leave tomorrow to have a day out by myself!
Good morning- 5.9

I had an appointment on Tuesday and I’ve been approved for funding for Dexcom G6!

I honestly can’t trust Libre 2, too many inaccurate sensors
Morning a 10.1 today.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning 6.5 today

Have a great day everybody 😎
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Morning all. A good laugh is the best way to start the day. :rofl: Y'all are so funny. 7.7 @ 6.13am and yesterday 7.3 @ 7.01am because I never even opened up the laptop apparently. I'm reading a lot. Elizabeth Strout, she's good. Also all my Stephen Kings so I can downsize them to my granddaughter. Also all my diaries, but that's not so fun reading them, a dire little life and I wouldn't do any of it again but I'd like to give it another go knowing what I know now. I can't wait to get them in the fire tin come the better weather, save the fambly hiring a skip. 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here.

Well, I had a very interesting chat yesterday with one of our lovely Welsh teachers. She told me they’re recruiting at the moment and gave me the email address to send my CV to. I’m not fluent in Welsh yet, but could definitely teach a beginner class. She said “Go for it!” There’d be an interview in Welsh and a 15-minute class to teach...what’ve I got to lose?

Love Elizabeth Strout too @Ditto - she churns out fantastic stories. 🙂
A very nice 5.3 for me this morning. Delighted with that! Jabbed myself 2 units of Levemir last night as I have been out of action with an unhappy knee for a few days and unable to walk, so basal needed to get increased. Feels fully recovered now so have no excuse not to go out there and swing my legs and get damp and muddy.... not that I don't get muddy pretty much every day of course, bad knee or not. It is the nature of having animals at this time of year. 🙄 but I need to cover some distance today and get a bit of a sweat on and dig into the bottom of my lungs to stop them getting gunked up. Use it or lose it as they say! It really would be nice if it dried up underfoot a bit though!

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 close

Nothing much planned for today

@Ditto I know what you mean to some extent. I feel that I could have done a bit better if only I had known then....... BUT, considering all things, I've not been a complete failure and even done well in a few places along my life journey. The secret to feeling good is to remember the successes, the good times. Someone once told me that at every stage of life 'it is only a season'. So, good or bad, the season will end and a new season will start. Thinking that can give hope for the future and remembering past successes and good times can bring thankfulness and joy.
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5.9 and Unicorn day for me as well.
Nailed my "I'm sick" insulin doses at last so totally expecting that to change now I have got there 😉

Have bloods done today because of ongoing tiredness, I did phone yesterday to ask if it was still worth getting them done. I know its going to be a full set of bloods and most results will be thrown with being unwell but they said still to come in and put a note on my records saying I was unwell at time of blood draw.
Since I am having to go out, I'm heading in early to check to see if scripts are ready that went in over the weekend and a quick trip around Aldi. If I'm going to be exhausted by the time I get home anyway, might as well get everything done at once 😉

Right off to get organised 🙂
6.0 for me this morning. I'm off to the zoo, all by myself! Looking forward to it. Rain predicted though so going to take dry shoes and socks and a dry jumper in the car boot!
Good morning. 6.7. Feeling rather better then I hoped after all the "diagnostic" joint twisting which I generally avoid. Just hot, stiff and achy in about 90% of me. BP 188/90 however so probably need to see GP pronto.

Wishing you all a good day.