Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 5.4 for me this sunny morning here in Suffolk, looking at the trees outside it looks like the wind has dropped to a breeze overnight I’m pleased to say.
It's been a while since I had one of these. 🙂

Woke up full of sniffles etc and an even 10.

Sore throat, pounding head, slight temperature etc.

Otherwise I feel fine.

Appointments booked for bloods to be drawn and also for ECG.
I really ought to get up and move before doing my FOTF reading. It’s now 8.6.
Good morning! Happy with a 5.7 after a nasty spike late yesterday afternoon/early evening. I was bumbling along between 6 and 7 all afternoon but stupidly accepted the offer of a chocolate biscuit proffered by another resident. An hour later 12.3 (shock-horror emoji) :(
Morning all - grey again after yesterday which was utterly lovely with wall to wall sunshine!

Yesterday didn't wake until 9:15 after a poor night laying awake and only falling asleep as dawn broke. 6.2 with a flat line but didn't post as we decided to have a day out on the spur of the moment.

6.2 this morning after another flat line and yesterday's adventure. We went off to St Ives on the bus (this is really easy for us as the bus virtually passes the front door and it saves all the hassle of parking etc.)

St Ives was just gorgeous in the sunshine. When you got out of the stiff breeze the sun was actually hot! We had a lovely tapas lunch at the Porthmeor beach cafe (we shared tiny salt and pepper squid, a really tasty, huge fishcake, padron peppers and falafel in an asian broth). Whilst we ate we watched a class of 5/6 year olds clad in yellow reflective jackets creating havoc on the beach. They were so cute! We then walked all through the quaint streets and round the harbour, where a stranger offered to take a pic of us together. Why does Julian always think the people who volunteer are going to nick his phone. I told him not to be so silly - the man looked perfectly respectable and anyway the pier was a dead end! Finally we staggered back up the hill to get a coffee at the Pedn Olva hotel and enjoy the view of the harbour from above before catching the bus home. I'd forgotten how steep the main street is and I was nearly dead when we got to the top. Spent 45 minutes with a coffee and then waited 35 minutes in the cold breeze for a bus which was 25 minutes late! This culminated in me fending off hypos until nearly 10pm, though I was mostly in the 4.1/4.2 range. Still 93% in range with only 1% hypo for the last 7 days.

Well done @MeeTooTeeTwo on your HS.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all....


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@Pattidevans you know I'm taking notes from this post 😉

I sort of understand the worry of someone stealing your phone. One minor inconvenience of traveling alone is you don't have someone to take pics of you and I'm not great at selfies. Hope I find a trustworthy looking stranger...if I see a family with kids that would be my bet.
Why does Julian always think the people who volunteer are going to nick his phone. I told him not to be so silly - the man looked perfectly respectable and anyway the pier was a dead end!
Ah, but the man may have had an accomplice in a boat ready to catch the phone :rofl:

I would be the same I’m afraid, sad to not trust people, but as the phone has become so important with financial stuff on it as well as Librelink, I guard it very closely now!
Good afternoon everyone! 5'6 this morning.

Second time this week where someone screams in the street, I instinctively look in their direction and then they scream at me for looking 😳:( sorry but if you are being so loud you may get attention you don't want.

On my way to buy a few bits from the Polish shop.
What a good thing I had to spend my professional life being polite to people. Practice, they say, makes perfect.

Arrived, with 2 minutes to spare, having allowed 1hr 30 for a google projected journey time of 1 hr 05mins. The local highways department had, after sending me down an unknown road with nice red H signs, silently abandoned me at a roundabout with only a plethora of brown tourist signs ...satnav could be heard scratching its head...3 village idiots later I spotted a post lass, who turned out to be Ukrainian, and gave splendid instructions to the right place where, sadly, there was neither signage nor spaces... 2 more idiots provided me with a scenic tour of the hospital environs.

Went back to the "main entrance", on the advice of an elderly and charming West Indian who said he didn't know, as new to the area, but thought there might be somebody to ask near that. Spotted somebody leaving the car park and earned violent glares from other waiting drivers as I whipped in to his vacated space quicker than a fox going to earth when the hounds are out. Outside what appeared to be the main entrance, mostly blocked by wheel chairs, and and bearing the sign "staff only" I found a despairing Scotsman who wished to know if I "kenned the way in?" "No" I responded "but this will do for me if it opens" It did and we barged in, eventually finding, from passing staff, that we had long walks but clear (ish) routes to our destinations.

Barely had time for a pee, which had become an urgent necessity, before my name was called. A very tired nurse desired to take my blood pressure:190/105. Looking a little shaken she escorted me to a chair and urged me to recover for a while before she took it again and seemed much relieved to find it had fallen to 150/65. What is it usually? 120 (or 130)/ 65 (or 75).

And then to the Consultant. I shook him courteously by the hand and made a firm resolution to treat him with the manners appropriate to short tempered Judge when representing a pretty dubious client with a weak case. So I emerged 20 minutes later rather proud of myself. I had answered all his irrelevant questions, without losing my cool, as well as those to which he had the answers in front of him had he bothered to read the notes. The nearest he came to a relevant question was to enquire who lived with me - maybe "widow" + "next of kin 4 hours away" isn't something the NHS usually writes down - only they did last time I was in with a chest infection...I don't know why I bothered really since he clearly didn't listen to the answers. I had confirmed my original view: the man was and is an idiot.

I quite enjoyed his suggestion that the day I began my next flare that I should immediately have my bloods taken to check my ESR and last blood tests took 6 weeks to arrange and then they lost the results...but I didn't tell him. After all it was in the notes!

The nice nurse, who had damned near choked over his weird assumption that anything was immediate in NHS 2023, kindly identified the new main entrance for me, nobody had rammed the car, and I made my escape....Back to self managing the palindromic arthritis (and all the other ills that flesh is heir to) with the help of my good old GP...
@TinaD i don't know whether to give you a "wow" or "care" emoji but i must say you were polite. I'm not sure i would have been having to answer pointless questions when answers are already in the notes. Well done.
@TinaD there’s nothing more infuriating when they keep asking you the same blooming things when you know fine well it’s clearly in your notes. Like the GP who I spoke to last week re my bowels! 😡
Well done on biting your lip, I’m pretty good at that after working with the public for over 40 years. Towards the end of my working days I did start to roll my eyes out loud! :rofl:
My nephew had his phone snatched out of his hand by a guy on a bike recently. Before he could shout "Hey you thieving *******!" the guy had thrown it back - not the right phone, apparently. o_O😛😳
My nephew had his phone snatched out of his hand by a guy on a bike recently. Before he could shout "Hey you thieving *******!" the guy had thrown it back - not the right phone, apparently. o_O😛😳
My uncle had a car stolen once.
They kindly left all of his Max Bygraves cassettes by the roadside though.