Group 7-day waking average?

Not quite as good as United offering lifetime first class flights anywhere in the world to anyone who clocked up enough air miles.
One guy did. They reneged on the contract. He sued.

And there’s the Pepsi deal where they offered a fighter jet in exchange for 10m points but forgot to notice you could buy enough points to claim the jet by spending $600k and the jet was worth $12m or something.
There's a documentary about the Pepsi thing in Netflix. An interesting watch, you can sort of see Pepsi's point, until the last twenty minutes or so of the documentary, but when you hear the last bit you can see why Bill Hicks said what he said about marketing people.
Morning all, and it was a 6.3 for me earlier this morning. Still a tad on the windy side here
and the sun is just putting in an appearance at last.
Morning all and 6.4 for me.

Not sure what the day will bring but could do with getting some lip balm. Nivea if possible as it's also good for greasing the cork on clarinet joints for considerably less than official cork grease.

Have a good day everyone.
There's a documentary about the Pepsi thing in Netflix. An interesting watch, you can sort of see Pepsi's point, until the last twenty minutes or so of the documentary, but when you hear the last bit you can see why Bill Hicks said what he said about marketing people.
Couldn't remember where the documentary was streaming! It was interesting viewing. And I'd have loved to have a fighter jet in my front drive!
I'm wondering how long it will take the meerkat to catch up on the loophole.
I would imagine Compare the Market make their money from the insurance companies, either a small percentage or maybe something for each “visit”. The insurance are making a quid for doing nowt, they now have my email address, as do Compare the Market, and will inundate me with offers and I may take them up on one some day. The cinemas and (restaurants) will get extra customers on their quieter days and will no doubt buy popcorn and hotdogs for extortionate prices. Win win all round. Unlike Hoover! :rofl:
Late on parade today, but it was a 6.9 for me this morning at 6.01am with just what I was hoping for ..... a nice straight horizontal line overnight....
Somehow I doubt very much that I will manage to duplicate that tonight as I have been sat on my bot either in the car travelling or at the vets most of the day with my sister and her horse. Left home at 7.30am after seeing to my animals and got back at 6.30pm and only had a cup of tea in between and no food plus a 1.5u correction to deal with the stress induced high from rush hour traffic and then 2 intermittent JBs through the day to keep me above 5 to drive home. I increased my morning basal by 2 units to take into account the time spent on my backside as I knew it would be a long day and that looks to have worked out pretty well. Must get out to swing my legs tomorrow to make up for being so sedentary today.
Poor Jack has had a whole series of steroid injections into his joints to hopefully reduce inflammation and enable him to work more comfortably. We are all getting older I guess!
Oooh I have a 2 night holiday soon, maybe I'll check out the Meerkats for that 😎:rofl:
Good morning - 5.6
Good morning everyone. I am aching all over this morning....muscles. some very protracted hard work all day yesterday...

Yesterday I decided to sort out our 'music room', so called cos that's where I compose stuff. Anyway the game of sorting it all out was quite daunting as the room was quite full to start with but everything was in the wrong place. So the game of 'move things to move things to move things' went on all day. Most of the stuff was heavy too, all of it was awkward. By the time I had finished phase 1, I could hardly move.

Today I ache but may start phase 2, the computer & recording side of things. Should be straight forward but it never is. Got a few older 'sound modules' to try to get working and integrated too.

Some not so good news. I had waited the 2 weeks advised to receive some response from my first job application but heard nothing ftom them. Emailed them for an update and got a response... not short listed. Sigh :(

Oh yes, I expected my BG to be raised considering the pain I am in this morning but it is 4.6 excellent

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 5.7 here.

It’s whiteboard training this morning - pick up the pen, write on the, no, no, digital whiteboard training. I’m looking forward to it - the head of all things tech-y at work is lovely and it’ll mean less paper in the classroom. Woohoo.
Good morning. A very bad night but BG could be worse - 5.9.

Off to Llanelli to see Consultant rheumatologist. Not looking forward to it - so far I have only had telephone consultations with the man but he manifested quite clearly as a fool. I do not suffer such people gladly. May have to bite my tongue...

Hope everyone has a more enjoyable day than I anticipate.
Morning. 6.4 and brrr!! Frost is back. -2.

Talking of weather, what a weird day yesterday was. Cold but sunny with a biting wind. About 3 o’clock I was bemoaning the fact that I could have had my washing hung out as the forecasted hail hadn’t materialised. Just as I spoke the sky went quite moodily dark, Mr Eggy grabbed his camera and trotted up to the back of the garden. He was out about five minutes and there was an almighty rumbling of thunder. As he walked back to the house it stated to hail. Within five minutes the garden was white as the hail turned to snow. It was incredible. He went out again to take more photos. 😱See below. The temperature dropped from 6 degrees to 1! It stopped after 30 or so minutes and the sun came out again, but never warmed up and the snow is still lying on the lawn. Barmy!

Anyhoo, todays another day goodness knows what it’ll bring.

Have a great day. 🙂


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It was 8.3 for me this morning after a 2 unit correction for a 9.7 2 hours earlier. I have hit it with another 7 units for breakfast and FOTF because I am not in the mood for pussy footing with it today. If I get to eat a couple of dates after my breakfast because I over egged it, I will not be complaining considering how little I ate yesterday and as they are out of date Christmas dates, they need using up, so I am thinking I may get a little treat! :D
Morning all, 5.6 here. My generous husband has given me his cold, which would explain why my glucose levels stayed stubbornly at 11 all day Sunday. I eventually twigged and put my basal up. It’s not a bad one, just mildly annoying.
5.4 this morning after a roller coaster night and a 4U correction at 2am when I woke and scanned a 11.6 😱

Had a hypo yesterday evening that for the first time scared me. My wife wasn’t back from work so I was alone, spent too long from prebolus to eating and Libre was showing 2.8 with downward sloping arrow. I didn’t need to double check with a fingerstick test as by then I was getting flashing in my vision and starting to feel really rough, I could imagine myself almost passing out. Grabbed some dextrose tablets quick and followed up with an Oykos yogurt (16g of fairly fast acting carbs). Luckily it all did the trick but took about an hour to get up to around 6. For the first time I can understand how people can get into trouble and the importance of always having something like dextrose tablets, JBs, etc. handy because you may not even be able to get to them if they are in a cupboard or somewhere. Lesson definitely learned!

Phew! Hoping for a more stable day today! Still nursing this shoulder and being careful so not much planned.

Have a good day everyone!