Group 7-day waking average?


7.1 today. Had a lovely trip to a Howletts Wild Animal Park with the granddaughters yesterday, mostly sunny and pleasantly warm until about 20 mins before we were going to leave when the wind got up and the skies clouded over. Today will be mostly spent doing nothing, just a quick visit to my mum’s with the girls (they have been allowed an extra day off of school), before meeting our daughter, her husband and his parents for an early dinner tonight.

7.1 today. Had a lovely trip to a Howletts Wild Animal Park with the granddaughters yesterday, mostly sunny and pleasantly warm until about 20 mins before we were going to leave when the wind got up and the skies clouded over. Today will be mostly spent doing nothing, just a quick visit to my mum’s with the girls (they have been allowed an extra day off of school), before meeting our daughter, her husband and his parents for an early dinner tonight.

Lord Lucan was apparently fed to the lions there after he died suddenly!
What a storm last night! Wind howling round the house and rain teeming. Unfortunately the rain hasn't removed the salt on the back windows... if anything it has deposited more on. I thought it might be coming, huge flocks of seagulls had come ashore and were circling round in a very agitated way.

6.2 this morning, it did rise a touch in the night, but still remained 98% TIR.

Just a word re: St Michael's Mount. In summer (May - October) they now charge visitors just to go across onto the harbour part of the Mount! IMHO the ticket prices are scandalous! Locals can have a pass.... I don't think I will bother. We used to enjoy just sitting on the Terrace of the Godolphin pub opposite the Mount and watching people crossing the causeway (especially when the tide was coming in fast), but the Godolphin is now owned by the St Levan family who own the Mount and the prices there have become scandalous too!

@ColinUK did you hear from the GP?

Have a good Monday everyone... mine will be spent catching up on the ironing!
Good afternoon everyone. 5'8 this morning.

Yesterday I had the evening free and just let it go watching YouTube. My idea was going to bed early, instead I started eating dinner at 10pm o_O Today I have the same time and intend to use it better. Have to do the cleaning I've been avoiding for days, book a room for a night, check my recent expenses... I better start with the cleaning or I know it's not getting done today either. I can relax with a movie or book later.

In my Lidl trip last week I picked a few bits from the Iberian week, and a veg I never heard of before: kalettes. Apparently it's a cross between kale and sprouts. Will try it today, my idea is stir fry some of it as a side, and bake the rest to make "crisps" which I found as a suggestion online. Wish me luck not burning them! :D
Evening all. Had to have a duvet day as went crook reading my old diary 1995, the excitement was too much for me. 🙂

7.5 @ 7.30 am and went for diabetic review with nice nurse Deborah who advised I come on here, said yeah I go there. She said my cholesterol is a worry, I've gone up since September, 3.3 to 4.4 I think she said. I don't think that's bad or is it because it's not staying level? Dunno. She says make appointment next week to see the doc about it, but not this week as they're shortstaffed. Lost half a stone since September, was avid for praise but she didn't comment. Good grief I suffered for that half a stone off! :rofl: She said my score is 42 which means I am "only just diabetic." Okay then till next time.
Evening all. Had to have a duvet day as went crook reading my old diary 1995, the excitement was too much for me. 🙂

7.5 @ 7.30 am and went for diabetic review with nice nurse Deborah who advised I come on here, said yeah I go there. She said my cholesterol is a worry, I've gone up since September, 3.3 to 4.4 I think she said. I don't think that's bad or is it because it's not staying level? Dunno. She says make appointment next week to see the doc about it, but not this week as they're shortstaffed. Lost half a stone since September, was avid for praise but she didn't comment. Good grief I suffered for that half a stone off! :rofl: She said my score is 42 which means I am "only just diabetic." Okay then till next time.
42 is excellent Jan. WooHoo! Congratulations!
Well done on that HbA1c @Ditto ! It may be that they are concerned about cholesterol just because it's a rise, or because it's now over 4 (and you are diabetic). Do check with the GP when you have that appointment how it divides up though, if most of the increase is an increase in HDL that would generally be less worrying.
Good very early morning. Been awake since 2am. No idea why.

BG 5.6
Pulse 56
BP 127/78 elevated

Another good day yesterday. Got some more paint stripping done too. I may do a bit more today. It's hard work.

I may start rearranging the 'music' room. It needs sorting out.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Evening all. Had to have a duvet day as went crook reading my old diary 1995, the excitement was too much for me. 🙂

7.5 @ 7.30 am and went for diabetic review with nice nurse Deborah who advised I come on here, said yeah I go there. She said my cholesterol is a worry, I've gone up since September, 3.3 to 4.4 I think she said. I don't think that's bad or is it because it's not staying level? Dunno. She says make appointment next week to see the doc about it, but not this week as they're shortstaffed. Lost half a stone since September, was avid for praise but she didn't comment. Good grief I suffered for that half a stone off! :rofl: She said my score is 42 which means I am "only just diabetic." Okay then till next time.
That's excellent all round @Ditto ! 🙂 Well done! Nowt wrong with that cholesterol score as far as I can see and 42 is superb! 🙂
Good morning - 6.4
Morning all and thanks guys. 🙂 7.0 @ 6.54am today and very brrr out. Me and the Kat are on the laptop under the duvet and I've put the blow air heater on for the parrot. We're sorted. Have a good day all.
Morning all. 6.2 on this sub zero day ( just) after yesterday morning’s 10 degrees. Crazy weather.

Just the Aldi shop to do this morning and a pan of soup to make for tomorrow’s lunch time visitors. Middle daughter yesterday and youngest daughter, and Zara tomorrow. I’m always feeding someone!

@Ditto excellent results. Well done.

Have a good ‘un folks.🙂