Group 7-day waking average?


It’s cold and wet and apparently I have to get up for work. I’d rather stay in my nice warm bed !

Have a good day.
Good morning- 4.6
Good morning everyone. A great day yeasterday. Everyone enjoyed it, especially my wife. Great food. A few presents. Even a walk with my friend later on too.

My wife had made a chocolate cake using flax seeds instead of eggs and cooked in a microwave rather than the oven, as an experiment. Incredibly, not only did it work but it tasted great (and I am very fussy when it comes to cake taste and texture).

I gave their daughter a unicorn cuddly toy and she was over the moon. She just adores unicorns. Quite a large thing, a bit like a large teddy for size. Pink, very pink, and soft and light. I think i want one now but it might clash with my pet dragons!!! :D

BG 5.1 tease

Today, Hmmm, a bit of paint stripping. One of our 200 unheated rooms has got a bit of damp that has wrecked some paint. Grrrr!!! At least the ballroom and orchestral rooms are ok and the solid gold pillars are doing well!

Thinking about molybdenum today. (Such a romantic). An intesresting essential mineral but I am not sure it has any place in my app as it is pretty much impossible to suffer a deficiency as it is in pretty much all foods.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

A picture of my pet dragons. I am keeping my daughters daughter safe as they (the dragons) can get a bit over excited... but they are little cuties when you get to know them !!!

_DSC0325 H.jpg

Its a creative image I did from a couple of years ago, all models photographed in- situ then a lot of photoshop. I used our dining room table as a base, covered in tons of sand for the surface and a large metal wall sculpture as a backdrop. Incredibly my wife didn't complain or kill me.
Love this rollercoaster that’s diabetes! 10.0
Morning all. 6.5 on the old fashioned meter. Sensor fell off last night with 12 hours to go. Think it was the excitement of David Attenborough’s new programme. Wasn’t it marvellous? It’s got me all fired up for our Highland break next month. Hope we see a white tailed eagle again, saw two last year.

Wet and very windy today. But incredibly mild, 10 degrees already. Was going to do an Aldi shop but middle daughter is coming for lunch after visiting her grandma, and Mr Eggy is meeting her there and bringing her back to ours, and we only have one car. I’ll do it tomorrow, no biggy, I’m retired.😉

Have a grand day, if you’re up north, put some stones in your pockets, it’s blowing a hoolie. 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 7.6 here.

I hope everyone had a fab weekend cos I certainly did! The highlights were the Hispanic art exhibition at the Royal Academy (you know I love everything Hispanish) and the immersive David Hockney experience (my mum reckons she knew his grandmother when she was growing up). AND trains in both directions were ON TIME. Wow.

It’s filthy out there. Don’t forget your pac-a-macs folks. 🙂
6.0 for me this morning and the temperature's soared to a staggering 9C. 🙂

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6.2 for me. I was out later than anticipated for my walk yesterday so did get a bit wet....
Hi all, finally got it down below 8; it was 7.2 today yay! Sooo careful with whatever I stuck in my mouth yesterday and it
paid off. Feeling hungry all the time though.


St Michael's mount on a cold, wet and windy 22nd March 2018 day. The lovely Jane at the top of the steps.
Today braving the wind and cycling up Hengistbury Head today, then into Christchurch for a burger at the market stall....

Some good and some bad news today. Bad news : 7.5 on waking. Good news : actual BG was 7.8, so this new sensor has bedded in nicely overnight! Managed to hang on for breakfast for BG to start dropping with the Novorapid but caved in at 6.9 as I was hungry! Let’s see what today brings.

Going to have as much rest for my shoulder as possible this week, already told work (even though I’m officially off sick) that I won’t be doing much at all. Had tablets and sat with a heated wheat bag wrapped over my shoulder typing this on the iPad!

@Gwynn - love the photoshopped dragons! Excellent !

Have a good day everyone, hope the winds aren’t too strong today!
5.8 now. The 10 was just my usual first thing ridiculously high number.
6.7 for me but only because I injected my breakfast bolus with a hefty correction added and morning Levemir an hour earlier for an 11.9 with an upward sloping arrow, then went back to sleep to give it a chance to work. Had to throw breakfast together pretty smartly as soon as I got up as levels were dropping but just prevented a dip into the red.
I am down to 20 units of Levemir just once a day in the morning now and that is holding me steady during the day but there is obviously no insulin in my system to cover DP. I also had quite a few roasted peanuts before bed which reversed the downward slope of the last 2 nights to an upward slope. Hopefully I will get a just right "Goldilocks" graph tonight. 🙄
Morning all, After a very wild windy night it’s another 5.8 for me this very windy morning.
8.8. Feeling much better again overall but my chest is pretty trashed still. Par for the course for me.
Waiting for bloods to settle as on 25% increased basal dose and corrections vanishing into thin air.

Anyway going to plod on today and try and do a bit of housework, nothing much has been done for days. Will see how far I get before I need naps 🙄