Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 5.9.
Still air, grey skies, no frost. A bit too cold for gardening but do need to get out there and start cutting down the long brown bits of perennials. Afraid the desire to tidy up meets an implacable desire to stay warm...
@MikeyBikey Hope the wretched phantom pain abates soon.
Wishing everyone a good day.

9.1 but that is what forgetting to take your meds 2 days running and eating too many sweet thing for 2 days.

Wedding was fabulous, it did snow but it didn’t settle and wasn’t all the time although was coming down heavy on our way there, and during the ceremony. There are a few photos, when I get some more, I’ll do a post in the off subject area.


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All the talk about GP surgeries and booking appointments etc has made me minded to share this so you can all follow.

I’ve just sent an E consult message to my gp practice. Obviously they’re closed today but I’d expect a response tomorrow with an appointment (either phone or face to face) probably Tuesday or Wednesday latest.

Reason why is I had another dizzy spell yesterday morning. I have had them before but they seemingly stopped until coming back with a vengeance Saturday morning.

It was quite scary as my legs just went out from underneath me and I couldn’t stand. Only a moment or two later I was on the floor after having fallen through a small glass table by the side of the sofa, broken a huge terracotta plant pot (destroying the plant in the process) and knocking the TV stand but thankfully not knocking over the TV.

I felt fine the rest of the day.

BP and pulse is fine
BG is generally ok

I’ve asked for an appointment and also said that I’d appreciate a referral for a scan just to rule out anything untoward going on in my brain.

I also have come to the decision that I’m going to get an Apple Watch. I live alone and they have a “Fall Detector” mode which automatically calls 999 of the wearer collapses and doesn’t respond in a timely fashion to onscreen prompts.

I appreciate that it only works if I’m wearing it but I’ve also got a couple of Alexa/HomePod speakers dotted around the place and I can use them to call 999 if I’m conscious.

I’m honestly not sure if I did lose consciousness or not when this happened on Saturday. If I did then that’s a new development.

And yes it’s upsetting.

I’ll keep you all informed. I’ve not mentioned it to family as they’ll just fret and it won’t achieve anything.
@ColinUK Until you get to see your GP (better luck there than most of us) try to plan your movements before making them, after a while it becomes second nature. Even getting up from the couch and walking to make a cup of tea, think about your route before you do it. I had a similar episode 20 years ago and the therapist instructed me on what to do.

Mine today was another 8.2. I'm a bit concerned about it, that's four days in a row at 8.2. Previously in the low 7's high 6's.
Has anyone here tried any of the naturopathy socks? Do they work at all or just a gimmick/con job?
Morning all, it’s a 5.8 for me today which makes a change from being in the low 5’s most of the time.
Good morning- 6.4
@Grannylorraine - love the pictures of your daughter’s wedding, the dance floor smoke looks great, I bet that was quite magical!

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your fall, that must have been pretty scary! Hope you get a doctor’s appointment early next week and get some answers.
@Grannylorraine - love the pictures of your daughter’s wedding, the dance floor smoke looks great, I bet that was quite magical!

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your fall, that must have been pretty scary! Hope you get a doctor’s appointment early next week and get some answers.
I’m resolutely not calling a “fall” as they only happen to old people!
Morning all. 9.7.
Slept a bit better last night. Ended up with the spare double duvet and 3 pillows keeping me propped up. was only up and down a few times. Temp has settled back down and not aching all over, just think I have pulled muscles coughing.

PC decided to blue screen right before tea last night so after much poking and searching and trying I ended up formatting it, getting far enough to get the windows creation tool and finally made the jump to windows 11 from 10.
One of those things where it was very bad timing - temp was still over 100 and was exhausted.
Anyway got up and running enough to have the basics and all the correct drivers setup. Got a lot of work to do today to get some other essential things sorted on it and the rest can come in time.

fab pics @Grannylorraine
@ColinUK lets hope you get to some answers fast.
I’m resolutely not calling a “fall” as they only happen to old people!
I went through a patch of being ridiculously dizzy all the time. I had to hang on to everything, it was truly awful. Doctor was very thorough when I went, got an appointment the same day. He had me walking about the surgery, clenching my hands, closing my eyes and trying to stay still. I then had a hearing test, found hearing loss. Then had MRI on head to check for nasty things. All was well, haven’t had it as bad since but do still hang on to bannisters, worktops etc. Hopefully it’s just a temporary thing, are your ears fine? Mine were stuffed up but no infection, lots of whooshing, diagnosed with tinnitus. Use your new gorgeous stick around the house until you feel a bit more stable. X
Good morning all. 5.3 for me, so reduced Novorapid dose, and big breakfast before going out for my bicycle ride. Frequent refuelling kept the lows at bay, and completed 46.8 miles without any alarms.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 7.7 @ 7.19am 🙂

@Grannylorraine Wedding pix fabulous, luv the frock and the kiddies made me smile especially the footwear. 🙂 Who made the gorgeous cake?

@ColinUK hope you get sorted asap. I'm very old then, been falling over since my 50s! 🙂 Luckily I've never fallen on top of something which is good. I did fall over the dog once but he shifted out of the way pdq. Take a deep breath and see how you feel 'in yourself' 🙂 before getting up. That's what I do.
Think that’s a Lake District mountain! Think you mean Heligan and they’re lost, not hanging! 😛 Poor @Elenka_HM is on a train to Penrith as we speak!
Or maybe she's trying to get to Babylon for the Hanging Gardens!

Children fall over but old people 'have a fall'.