Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.7. Metre 6.8, last couple of days for sensor, it just likes to annoy me!

Forecast was for -5 this morning, it’s only 0. Frosty the snowman is still upright, just, he’s lost his nose and his head is a bit deformed but he’s hanging on!

Today’s plan is a big, fat nowt! We’ve had a hectic week with childcare, appointments, elderly parent care ( Mr Eggy) plus unexpected medical news and hay fires. We are absolutely cream crackered. A lazy morning, then a hot, bubbly bath, with candles, this afternoon. Tea is already made, curry from the freezer, I might manage to put a pan of rice on.😉

Have a super Saturday. 🙂


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Morning all, 6.3 here. Thermal vest unearthed for riding this morning, I think. I had naively packed it away for the year. It is actually just above freezing, though it did hit -3.5 in our neighbour's garden (he has a weather station with an online feed. Very useful for checking the weather without looking out of the window).
A 5.1 near miss for me. Yesterday's snow is nearly all gone, but it's very icy out there, so exercising at home today. Don't want to risk breaking these old bones. 🙂

Stay safe and well everyone.

Morning all, and it’s a 5.3 for me this bright sunny morning, so close and yet so far.
Good morning. No snow and no ice in Wolf's bucket. BG 5.7.

Taras brought his translating phone over yesterday evening so I now know what is happening. He is off back to Ukraine on 20th and will leave his car with a friend in London. If he can get a job in Ukraine he will stay - if not will be back. Doesn't know how long to decide...Hmm. Not too sure about that. Meanwhile his son Danyslav has just won the Ukraine National Junior Slalom - which is brilliant but does suggest that Western Ukraine is getting back to some sort of normal even if awful in the east. Not sure my humanitarian duty has to extend to economic, rather than bombed out, refugees.

No real plans for today except ignoring house work and going down to seaside to visit old friend for a laugh and to get rid of some eggs - the hens are laying like machine guns despite the weather.

Have great weekend everyone.
Good morning - 5.5

Libre has been telling me I’ve been hypo all night so ringing Abbott today. I was hovering around 6 all night. Rather ironically it’s the one they sent me to replace the last faulty one
Morning all. 4.2 and bright sunshine here though its still freezing. I enjoyed my unexpected day off work yesterday, pottering around the house, cleaning, reading, crafting etc. I could get used to a 4 day week i think.
7.7 but been all over the place all night as been up and down every hour coughing and sneezing and clearing a ton of gross mucus. FOTF doesn't know what it should be doing - libre like a mini rollercoaster all night
A late morning all. 6.7.

I’ve had my trial of Dexcom one - 3 days left on it. Also had a libre on at the same time and have done a fair few finger pricks to compare.

In summary and for anyone else ……..I feel the libre is more accurate (to my finger pricks) but I like the way you just look at phone with Dexcom one - no need to scan but then on the downside is it doesn’t share data with anyone so not good if someone needs to check your levels and if you have phone on silent - as you usually do at work - the alarms can’t over ride the silent setting so you don’t get sound but you do get a message pop up. So I think I’ll stick to libre for now.

Hope everyone has a good day.
It was 4.3 this morning for me but only because I had a JB at 6am for a 3.0 (Libre reading.... didn't double check as knew I was a bit low) and I had been in the red for 3 hours!! I woke up when the Libre alarm went off at 2.57am on 4.1 and I thought I had eaten a JB then but hypo treatment packs were all undisturbed at 6am and the graph just showed a steady descent into the red from the 4.1 so I clearly didn't and I hadn't logged it which I normally do. There was no active insulin in my system as I had no evening Levemir and no evening bolus or corrections or alcohol. Went to bed on a very stable 7.7 but it was a steady descent as soon as I went to sleep. I have 3 hours of red on my graph from about 3am to 6am which has ruined my TIR, particularly my below range TIR which I am really trying to improve. Galling that I woke up but didn't take action! I think my first thought was to have a JB but then my sleepy reasoning was that there was no insulin in my system and therefore I would likely come up with DP and didn't need carbs.... but instead my muscles sucked more glucose out and left me low 🙄.
Must do better!
5.6 for me this morning. Went for a short walk and got cold hands cos I didn't take gloves. Oops. Rest of the day huddling at home I think!
Good afternoon! My BG was 5'1 this morning, way too early for my taste.

Had to set all the buffet on my own today. Lucky for me, had some extra time as we open later on weekends. When the supervisor arrived and asked if everything was okay, I said yes, I wouldn't have time in one hour but one and a half was good. She exclaimed she can do in one hour with time to spare. Had to bite my tongue to avoid saying she is very welcome to take this silly hour shift from me!

Had a little funny moment before that. The sockets where we plug the toaster are in an inconvenient location and to access them we have to either crawl under a table or jump a waist height fence. I chose the fence, not the best option for ladies because we wear skirts and well, with this movement you can show more than you intend to. But there was no one around and I thought, I'm lucky no one is going to see me. Fast forward 5 minutes, went to see the duty manager and he goes "I'm very disappointed with you, darling". Why? "I saw you jumping over the fence. Don't do it again please".

He caught me on one of the security cameras 😳:rofl:
Morning all - I could almost wish for your snow. At least it's pretty which this gloom and murk certainly isn't. Not to mention the mist shrouding everything and a thick coating of salt on the back windows exaggerating the effect!

I'm on the 4.3 step with @rebrascora but the flattest line I've seen in a long time! So flat that I thought the Libre had given up, so tested bloods, which were spot on at 4.3. So no pattern to be discerned and I'm leaving basals alone.

New PDM for the Omnipod arrived yesterday - along with 5 pages of instructions on how to set it up. You never get the instructions when you get a loaner to take on holiday - I suppose you have to use the internet, but that pre-supposes you can get decent wifi wherever you are!

Hubby watching rugby all afternoon so that leaves me free to play Jewels of Rome, which is great as there's a union challenge on.

Wonder how @Grannylorraine got on at the wedding?

Have a super Saturday everyone. Hugs to all those suffering.Screenshot_20230311-091126.png
Good afternoon! My BG was 5'1 this morning, way too early for my taste.

Had to set all the buffet on my own today. Lucky for me, had some extra time as we open later on weekends. When the supervisor arrived and asked if everything was okay, I said yes, I wouldn't have time in one hour but one and a half was good. She exclaimed she can do in one hour with time to spare. Had to bite my tongue to avoid saying she is very welcome to take this silly hour shift from me!

Had a little funny moment before that. The sockets where we plug the toaster are in an inconvenient location and to access them we have to either crawl under a table or jump a waist height fence. I chose the fence, not the best option for ladies because we wear skirts and well, with this movement you can show more than you intend to. But there was no one around and I thought, I'm lucky no one is going to see me. Fast forward 5 minutes, went to see the duty manager and he goes "I'm very disappointed with you, darling". Why? "I saw you jumping over the fence. Don't do it again please".

He caught me on one of the security cameras 😳:rofl:
Tell him that unless he also tells the men not to jump the fence, that's sexual discrimination which is illegal 😉
G'day all. Stayed at daughters so no reading. 🙂 Turned off the central heating which I usually leave on. Came back to 14degrees, agh, perished. Gonna take an age to warm up and the cat was in a bad mood.