Group 7-day waking average?

@Grannylorraine Mazeltov on the wedding and hope it all goes well!

And if you don’t at least try to bore us with photos I’ll be very disappointed!
5.8 for me and over an inch of snow on the ground, will have to be very careful driving!
@Robin hows this. Not quite an igloo but the views are stunning


Or if you prefer a real city igloo

I’ll take the first one, I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights. I missed them a couple of weeks ago when they were visible over Oxfordshire if you were up at 3am and don't have large trees on your Northern boundary.
Large trees on your northern boundary?! Ooh Matron!!
5.6 and a few inches of snow for me this morning. 🙂

First time here since I went off in a hissy fit over woke over-sensitivities by some on this thread. I have been creeping up with my morning test for several months now. I have never ever had a reading less than 6.2, but this morning was 8.4.
Up to now it's been high 6's and low 7's every morning. Anyone know what the cause may be? Doing slightly less on the bicycle this weather, but careful to do exercises daily. Diet has not changed.

A lot more stress as the lovely Jane and I are slated to be homeless when my son and his wife take our granddaughter back to Aussie. Our granny flat is attached to their house, and we don't want to evict our tenant from our buy to let as they have been brilliant tenants long term. We won't have enough money to buy another place in Bournemouth but are looking at maybe mobile homes now. Neither I nor the lovely Jane want to return to oz, but the pull of the granddaughter and our son may yet get us to return to oz.
We are all up in the air, don't have a clue as to where we'll be in a year's time.
Morning all. 6.5 @ 6.20am agh got to go for bloods... didn't know it was that time. Got carried away on goodreads, have a good day all. 🙂
Morning all. 6.2 today. Work closed due to snow though we were open yesterday. Keep warm today, it looks freezing out there!

@Grannylorraine have a lovely day and i hope all goes well.
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5.0 for me this morning.
I got in from doing the horses on 4.7 last night and had a cup of decaf with cream and half an apple with a chunk of red Leicester cheese. I didn't bolus for the apple because it was towards bedtime and I had had some exercise but half an hour later my Libre alarm went off at 9.1 with a vertical upward arrow. That was just after 9pm. I hit it with 3 units intending to have a square of dark choc and some peanut butter before bed. It continued up so an hour later I hit it with another 2.5 units and had my chocolate.... big mistake eating above 8! An hour later 11.7 and hit it with another 2 units. An hour later after a hot shower and washing my hair, I felt sure it would have come down but no... 12.1 hit it with another 2 units....I had also injected 2 units of Levemir earlier so it wasn't like I had forgotten my basal. Went to bed at 1am on a Libre reading of 11 with a total of 9.5 units of 4 stacked Fiasp doses in my system since 9pm for half an apple and a square of dark 70% chocolate and 2 tspns of peanut butter (hadn't had any evening meal as I had a decent lunch) and it took all night to come down to 5. If I hadn't broken the rules and stacked all those corrections I would have been mid teens all night. Fiasp is just so pathetic once my levels hit 10 and I really should know better than to eat when my levels are that high! So frustrating though and all for one square of chocolate! Grrr! 😡

@Grannylorraine. Wishing you a lovely day and hope you are able to relax and enjoy it and that your daughter and her husband ... or wife...(suddenly realised I was potentially being politically incorrect).... have a long and happy life together. Look forward to seeing the photos!

@eggyg I am pleased to hear that your granddaughter has moved on from the fear caused by that horrible incident but can totally understand the frustration and anxiety to your daughter and her husband to say nothing of the financial loss and feeling of vulnerability it causes. Good that the community has rallied round them with support. Must confess that it is a relief to me that my hay shed now stands empty and I just get a bale of haylage delivered once every 10 days from my local farmer.... and it works out significantly cheaper than buying small bales of hay and horses prefer haylage so it is a win all round. Only down side is all the plastic waste, but when you think of a whole shed of hay going up in smoke, that is not environmentally friendly either. Did it damage a shed or did they have it stacked outside? Hope the latter as a new shed will not be cheap.
6.7 for me this morning. Still feeling utterly rotten. Given up with soldiering on and taken lemsip and feel about half human again.
My son, for all that he drives me up the wall, was sweet last night after work and went into town to come back with soothers, paracetamol and ice cream for me to try and numb my throat.
Hurrah for industrial strength insulin jabs :D Having to be very heavy handed with it 😉
The snow stopped at about 8, and it was sunny by the time I was cycling back to the garage. Hardly any snow on the ground here, but the Malverns have some.

Eyesore warehouses courtesy of Worcester City and Wychavon planning departments.
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And it’s a 4.7 for me this morning and it’s snowing again this morning, just a light dusting at the moment though.