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Colin’s Cultural Corner

Turandot (Rehearsal)

8th March 2023 - Royal Opera House

Yup this was a rehearsal. The final dress before opening. They’re open to Friends to book and have very limited availability as it’s just the one performance. So tickets are like gold dust. I managed to bag one yesterday morning by rocking up at the box office and asking if they had any left.

Centre seat, towards the back of the amphitheatre/gods but nothing wrong with the view at all.

Never having seen Turandot, or having heard the music before I didn’t know what to expect apart from a tales of love and death as this was Opera after all.

I say I haven’t heard the music before but of course I’ve heard one song, Nessum Dorma. More on that later.

Plot time! Are you ready for the most compassionate and kindhearted of opera plots around? You are! Well I hate to disappoint but this is one relentlessly cruel plot.

Chinese Emperor has a daughter, Princess Turandot, and he’s trying to get her married off. She’s not keen because she’s the self-declared living embodiment of her ancestor aunt, who was a fierce and independent woman until she was raped.

Turandot is cold to all men, but especially cruel to suitors. She sets them three riddles and when they fail to solve them they’re beheaded.

Anyway…as we open in the Imperial Court in Peking the very young Prince of Persia has just failed to solve the riddles. He’s being paraded around a bit before his execution but the crowd are wiped by his handsomeness and youth and are calling for mercy.

Turandot indicates with one very dismissive gesture that he is not to be spared and the crowd grow restless.

There’s some jostling.

An old man is pushed to the floor. Nobody seems to notice. Prince is executed. Crowd disperse.

Left on stage are Boy, Old Man and Girl who turns out to be servant of the Old Man. They sing and it’s revealed he is in fact the King of a land long since captured by the Chinese. Boy recognises Old Man as his father and is thus revealed as being a Prince.

Girl is clearly in love with Boy but Boy declares his love for Turandot who he’s only seen the once and that was when she was giving the signal to execute the Prince of Persia.

At this point I’m sensing that maybe this isn’t going to end well.

So Prince goes on a bit about wanting to marry Turandot and sets off to sort of register to take on the riddles I guess. Many try to dissuade him as failure is Death but he’s insistent.

Turandot sets him three riddles. He solves all three and wins her hand in marriage. She’s not having any of it though and refuses to wed.

He sets her one riddle, to find out his name before dawn. If she does then the wedding is off and he can be executed. If she doesn’t then the wedding is on and the gift list is updated to include years of couples therapy.

Turandot, really comfortable accessing her compassionate heart by now, issues a diktat that nobody in Peking shall sleep until she knows his name. She also adds that if anyone does sleep they’ll be executed and that if nobody gives her his name by dawn they’ll all be executed.

This is where Nessum Dorma comes in. The Prince sings and it’s basically saying that nobody will sleep and that Turandot is a cold hearted woman who he will thaw by one kiss after she confirms she doesn’t know his name.

Turandot is desperate and so orders the capture and torture of Old Man and Girl.

Girl refuses to divulge name and kill’s herself. Prince then mistakenly reveals his name a tad before dawn and gives Turandot the opportunity to have him killed.

Except she does no such thing because by now she’s in love with him so declares that she’ll marry him!

They marry and live happily ever after apart from being tormented by memories of Turandot being a cold and evil woman responsible for many being murdered.

The production was stunning. 100 strong choir is on stage most of the time. Music was passionate and the sets were beautiful. I loved it!

Never having seen Turandot, or having heard the music before I didn’t know what to expect apart from a tales of love and death as this was Opera after all
I hate the plot of Turandot with a passion. I feel so sorry for poor Liu, who loves Calaf so much that she dies for him. But she’s a slave girl, so she doesn’t count.
@eggyg I recall seeing hay bales being set alight by mindless folk on Clarkson’s Farm.
It pisses him off big time and he’s an adult with his substantial resources behind him. I can’t begin to imagine how devastating and scary it is when it happens to ordinary farmers.

7.4 tody, strangely getting stressed about daughter’s wedding tomorrow.

@eggyg sorry to hear about your daughter’s hay and not only the financial impact it will have to buy more, but the emotional impact on your granddaughter.

loved CCC again.
I hate the plot of Turandot with a passion. I feel so sorry for poor Liu, who loves Calaf so much that she dies for him. But she’s a slave girl, so she doesn’t count.
It is an awful, awful plot. Zero redemption from anyone. And as for Calaf being noble well he’s remarkable quick to plant on one Turandot whilst Liu is basically still bleeding out a couple of places away.
He’s an arsehole basically.
Oddly I find I have sympathy for Turandot. She’s clearly suffering from ptsd and is carrying generational trauma. I wonder if in fact she hasn’t been sexually assaulted in the past herself and is using the “I’m the embodiment of Auntie….” as a coping mechanism.
Morning all. 🙂 9.3 here. Some crazy overnight activity on my Libre graph. A proper roller coaster!

Off on a little jolly with my mum today and over the weekend. Should be fun!

You’re tougher than me @Gwynn - I lasted for about 10 minutes on the beach yesterday. The sideways rain was poking at my eyeballs and giving me an ice-cream headache. Brrrrr....

Shocking @eggyg - can they claim for the lost hay on insurance? Who’d do such a thing where there’s children living? :(
4.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all. 6.1 here. Snowed all night, but only about two cm laid on the ground. Traffic not flowing very well, though.

It is amazing how many people just flick their wipers and drive off without removing the snow accumulated on their cars which then flies in big lumps all over the place 😡 .

Sorry to hear about your daughters trouble @eggyg. Farming takes a lot of effort and dedication, and to have some arsshole ruin what is probably two or three months worth of work just for kicks really boils my piss. Sorry for the language.
Morning all. 6.1 here. Snowed all night, but only about two cm laid on the ground. Traffic not flowing very well, though.

It is amazing how many people just flick their wipers and drive off without removing the snow accumulated on their cars which then flies in big lumps all over the place 😡 .

Sorry to hear about your daughters trouble @eggyg. Farming takes a lot of effort and dedication, and to have some arsshole ruin what is probably two or three months worth of work just for kicks really boils my piss. Sorry for the language.
We were saying more than that last night! It’s just so senseless, there’s some evil people in this world.

7.4 tody, strangely getting stressed about daughter’s wedding tomorrow.

@eggyg sorry to hear about your daughter’s hay and not only the financial impact it will have to buy more, but the emotional impact on your granddaughter.

loved CCC again.
Good luck for tomorrow. Might it be a white wedding? I’ve three daughters who have had four weddings between them. Stressed is an understatement! Funnily enough by tomorrow you will feel calmer, I think the lead up is very stressful wondering if everything will go well, but on the day it’s too late if things aren’t right or there’s a problem. If it’s any help, and to give you a laugh, youngest daughter’s wedding day, I didn’t shave my legs properly and when I sat down I realised I had hairy knees! I forgot to put my good glasses on so still had my old, scratched, filthy ones on. Youngest bridesmaid, not quite two, was full of snot all day. No one noticed my hairy knees or my old specs as all eyes were on the bride. Eldest daughter’s wedding, her three year old daughter ran headfirst into the bunk bed steps and gave herself a black eye just an hour before leaving for the church. Middle daughter got married during the pandemic,12 hours before the wedding we went into tier something or other and we couldn’t have a reception! It turned out to be the best day, just 12 of us, parading up and down in Blackpool as we had no where to go! It made all the national papers. You will have an amazing day and yes, things won’t go swimmingly but that makes memories.
Just to lighten the mood here’s another CCC as yesterday was a double header!

Colin’s Cultural Corner

Das Rheingold
ENO - London Coliseum

8th March 2023

I think this was the first thing I booked at the ENO when I decided to go and see more opera. I also think it was just after seeing Lohengrin at Covent Garden and loving that so much that I booked this Wagner epic.

I was expecting 4 hours with intervals but was slightly haunted by notices in the foyer that this production ran for 2hrs 45 with no interval.

We’re greeted by an open stage as we take our seats. Nothing on the stage other than a felled tree.

As the lights dim a naked man appears and drags the tree off stage left. He reappears a moment later in a loin cloth and the tree has been carved into some form of proto-boat or very elaborate coat stand maybe. He drags it off stage right.

I’m not sure what this represented but it struck me an Ascent of Man type thing maybe. Curtain falls. Curtain rises on the same dark stage now with a hole in it and three fluorescent aerobics outfit clad women running around.

They are the Rheinmaiden and they’re tormenting the resident of the aforementioned hole, the dwarf Alberich who is just really horny and is trying it on with each of the maidens in turn. They rebuff his advances whilst revealing that they guard the Rheingold a magical bit of gold which, if a ring is formed from it, basically gives the wearer the power to rule over everything and everyone.

But to own the Rheingold someone must renounce Love.

As he’s had it up to here with the teasing etc the dwarf does exactly that and promptly steals the gold.

Meanwhile… in the land of the gods is Wotan. He’s had some building work done by Giant Building Ltd but he’s now trying to wriggle out of paying the agreed price. The Giants insist they had a contract. Wotan admits they did but says he’s not going to pay.

There’s a bit of back and forth about the nature of contracts and whether or not anyone knows a decent lawyer and what they could claim for in small claims etc before they all decide that the contract payment terms can be revised.

Now the giants want the Rheingold and the magic ring that I’d forgotten to say the dwarf has now forged and is wielding to control the population in his town/city/kingdom/cave.

Wotan tricks the dwarf into shrinking himself down so he can be easily captured (this involves a magic helmet and puppets and was quite amusing to watch) and seizes the ring and the hold for himself.

The ring is cursed by the dwarf to basically rain down seven shades of misery on whoever wears it so Wotan gives it, along with the gold, to the giants as payment for building him a house.

The giants fight and one batters the other to death.

Wotan and the other gods open up a very glittery rainbow bridge that leads to the gates of his fortress, which he announces is called Valhalla, and most of them cross the bridge.

Musically it’s challenging to say the least. Physically it’s challenging to sit in any theatre seat for almost three hours without an interval. Stylistically it’s challenging as it’s all modern dress and even that’s mainly casual dress (shorts and T-shirts abound).

The singing was sublime and it was good catching up afterwards for a few minutes with an old neighbour of mine John Relaya but I have to say this one was not for me.

I found the plot dull and the staging remarkably off putting. That said I’m aware that this is the prelude to the rest of the Ring Cycle and I’m determined to see it all, perhaps I’ll just prefer more traditional productions. Only time will tell I guess.

7.4 tody, strangely getting stressed about daughter’s wedding tomorrow.

@eggyg sorry to hear about your daughter’s hay and not only the financial impact it will have to buy more, but the emotional impact on your granddaughter.

loved CCC again.
Understandably you’re stressed!

I hope you all have a lovely day and don’t worry at all about my invitation getting lost in the post!
The old wives tale says someone always catches their death at the graveside, hope it’s not the case here.
I never heard that before! Good grief. Can't be true can it or we'd all be going down like nine pins?! 😳

Morning all. Brrr snowing. Gonna go library later, hope the buses are okay. 6.9 @ 8.45am 🙂
We have a smattering of snow on the ground this morning.

7.9 on the Libre for me but I hit the dizzy heights of 12.8 with an upward sloping arrow at 3.15am when I woke up feeling very hot and restless and had to go to the loo and get a drink and jab myself 3.5 units which still obviously wasn't quite enough judging by my waking levels. That will each me to ignore my Libre high alarm at 12.30am when I was 9.1, but I really couldn't be bothered to inject some insulin at that time and was reasonably sure it would come down a bit as I got out for a walk yesterday and I had injected 2 units of Levemir. I had however eaten more protein than usual with my evening meal, so I am guessing that was responsible.
Pleased to report one of the sores on my arm has healed over, one has just lost the dead skin that was covering it, so is raw and open and one is still hanging onto the dead but yellow skin. Many thanks for all your suggestions. I didn't get to Hexham yesterday in the end but may head up to Consett today with a list of your suggestions to see what I can find. I have changed my dressing today to just a piece of cling film over the actual site, thanks to @ColinUK (my arm was getting a bit sweaty with a complete covering) and then taped kitchen paper over the top and cut the end off an old sock and pulled that over the lot so it is pretty well protected but better able to breath now without sticking.

@ColinUK I feel quite emotionally exhausted by both CCCs this morning, but particularly Turandot. It is rather bleak! Can you find some Gilbert and Sullivan to intersperse into your diary for a bit of light relief please? Not saying I didn't enjoy CCC but I do prefer stories with happy endings!
Update: just been out. Found a good birthday card in M&S !! Very very cold. Snowing (lightly). No way am I going out on the beach for an exercise walk!!


Here are two images from the beach the last time it snowed here and a bit of a slight, minimal adjustment... the boat came from a picture that I captured in Scotland, possibly Mull.

St Annes Snow 1.jpg

St Annes Snow 2.jpg

St Annes Snow 3.jpg
Morning all it’s a 4.7 for me this chilly morning and we now have a light dusting of snow here in Bedfordshire.
Good morning! Totally shattered! Awake till about 2:30 with phantom pain then wake a 6:00 with hypo symptoms and Libre alarming at 3.0. To butter er fingered to rest so treated 15gm CHO. Half-an-hour later Libre 6.3 and meter 5.7. At 6:00 snow falling and laying but turned to sleet about 8:00, and now virtually all gone.
Are you ready for the most compassionate and kindhearted of opera plots around? You are! Well I hate to disappoint but this is one relentlessly cruel plot.
Why are you playing with us like this...? :(