Group 7-day waking average?

@rebrascora I’m glad the NHS advice page helped.

I’m not sure about G&S really but I guess I’ll give it a go when it pops up in a season.

Coming up I have a ballet, Woolf Works, based on the writings of Virginia Woolf so that’s going to be a bundle of laughs I’m sure. Following that there’s Insurrection which is a new opera based on an insurrection. This is interesting as it’s actually a work in progress and the composer and librettist will be in attendance seeking feedback.
After that I’ve the sumptuous Cinderella at Covent Garden to lighten things a bit before Akhenaten at the Coliseum once more.

I’ve just switched my seat for Akhenaten from balcony to stalls in a bid to be considerably more comfortable. I couldn’t do it without being an access scheme member as the cost without would be prohibitive.
I was 6.6 which is alor lowe them expected given the fact I'm having a very stressful situation at the moment.
5.4 on waking this morning to snow and roads white over. Now almost all gone with rain in the air (You know, the fine stuff that wets you! :rofl: ).

Had an awful night with shoulder pains and now sat here with a heated wheat bag on my shoulder like a parrot. It does seem to be helping though. Had a chat with my manager to say that I just cannot spend all day on the computer whilst this shoulder is bad but I will be available for consults as needed. He seemed fine with it and is getting someone else to help manage the plan for the various year end tasks, so that’s good. I hate going off sick, so this is a sort of compromise that will hopefully allow my shoulder to really get better. Still no sign of an ultrasound appointment.

@eggyg - sorry to hear about the hay fire - how terrible! Unfortunately there never seems to be much effort put into stopping rural crime, although saying that I saw a post on FB yesterday about police recovering several trailers and farm equipment close to us, but this is quite a rare thing.

@ColinUK - thank you so much for the CCC on Turandot which we are coming down to see on March 17th. Really looking forward to it!
Girl is clearly in love with Boy but Boy declares his love for Turandot who he’s only seen the once and that was when she was giving the signal to execute the Prince of Persia.

At this point I’m sensing that maybe this isn’t going to end well.
You think it isn’t going to end well? :rofl:

@rebrascora - I want to thank you for your strategy with breakfast bolus, to inject on waking, then shower, dress and get ready before having breakfast. I have been following this approach and find I can easily do a 30 or 45 minute prebolus which has prevented the high spikes to 10 or more that I was getting. Of course as with all things D, it doesn’t always work, but on most days now I get spikes just out of range or less. Here’s today’s

Have a good day everyone!
5.4 on waking this morning to snow and roads white over. Now almost all gone with rain in the air (You know, the fine stuff that wets you! :rofl: ).

Had an awful night with shoulder pains and now sat here with a heated wheat bag on my shoulder like a parrot. It does seem to be helping though. Had a chat with my manager to say that I just cannot spend all day on the computer whilst this shoulder is bad but I will be available for consults as needed. He seemed fine with it and is getting someone else to help manage the plan for the various year end tasks, so that’s good. I hate going off sick, so this is a sort of compromise that will hopefully allow my shoulder to really get better. Still no sign of an ultrasound appointment.

@eggyg - sorry to hear about the hay fire - how terrible! Unfortunately there never seems to be much effort put into stopping rural crime, although saying that I saw a post on FB yesterday about police recovering several trailers and farm equipment close to us, but this is quite a rare thing.

@ColinUK - thank you so much for the CCC on Turandot which we are coming down to see on March 17th. Really looking forward to it!

You think it isn’t going to end well? :rofl:

@rebrascora - I want to thank you for your strategy with breakfast bolus, to inject on waking, then shower, dress and get ready before having breakfast. I have been following this approach and find I can easily do a 30 or 45 minute prebolus which has prevented the high spikes to 10 or more that I was getting. Of course as with all things D, it doesn’t always work, but on most days now I get spikes just out of range or less. Here’s today’s

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Have a good day everyone!
It’s a beautiful production and the singist playing Liu is astoundingly good. (I understand she’s won a number of competitions for singists but don’t ask me which ones!) And it’s conducted by the remarkable Antonio Pappano who just seems to find new energy and complexity in the pieces he performs.

Dunno if you’re familiar with the opera house but I’d strongly suggest using the cloakrooms and checking in coats and bags etc. It makes for a much more comfortable experience in the auditorium itself if you’re not encumbered with stuff like that and it’s free!

Are you eating there too?
It’s a beautiful production and the singist playing Liu is astoundingly good. (I understand she’s won a number of competitions for singists but don’t ask me which ones!) And it’s conducted by the remarkable Antonio Pappano who just seems to find new energy and complexity in the pieces he performs.

Dunno if you’re familiar with the opera house but I’d strongly suggest using the cloakrooms and checking in coats and bags etc. It makes for a much more comfortable experience in the auditorium itself if you’re not encumbered with stuff like that and it’s free!

Are you eating there too?
My wife has never been to an opera before (this is a birthday treat for me) I’m hoping she will enjoy the spectacle and music of it all.

Never been to the ROH before so a good tip on the cloakrooms, thank you! Do people dress up any more or is it now casual or mixed in what people wear (you can tell we have become quite provincial now :rofl: )

We looked at the dining there but didn’t really want to have anything that fancy so are hoping to find something around Covent Garden to eat something a bit simpler.
@eggyg so sorry to hear what has happened. There are some awful people in this world.
My wife has never been to an opera before (this is a birthday treat for me) I’m hoping she will enjoy the spectacle and music of it all.

Never been to the ROH before so a good tip on the cloakrooms, thank you! Do people dress up any more or is it now casual or mixed in what people wear (you can tell we have become quite provincial now :rofl: )

We looked at the dining there but didn’t really want to have anything that fancy so are hoping to find something around Covent Garden to eat something a bit simpler.
Happy to suggest things so drop me a DM with the sort of things you like and I’ll suggest a few.

Some people dress up but most don’t unless it’s a gala or First Night. I live in jeans and T-shirts so making sure it’s all clean is dressing up for me!
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Good afternoon! 6 this morning.

Undecided about changing my job or not. There are things I don't like here but the whole process of searching, going to interviews, etc is really daunting. I am in this cycle where I get really convinced that I'm going to quit, then the motivation wears off, I get comfortable... A colleague from a different department told me they are using me and I should look for a different job quick. Is a bit harsh to say but she is not completely wrong.
It's continued snowing most of the day for me but not settling apart from the occasional small drift on the car. Hoping that it doesn't freeze overnight
Afternoon all. Just rain.... and more and more of it.

7.1 at 8am which quickly went down to 5.7 - huh... reverse FOTF!

Hubby had a phone appointment first thing with one of the GPs at our surgery who is a regular locum. His views on cholesterol were very refreshing and he doesn't push statins, in fact he doesn't believe in them. His views align with mine, which I have held for some years now, but wouldn't push in the forum. I also had a face to face appointment and am being sent to have an endoscopy to see why I'm having difficulty swallowing. So, progress is being made on that front.

@eggyg so very sorry to hear what has happened to your daughter. I wonder why these people do things like this, it's senseless and nasty. Like people in towns who go around causing malicious damage to property. Hopefully it's not someone with a grudge for any reason and is an isolated incident. It leaves the victims with a horrible sense of being defiled though, along with the cost and other considerations.

@ColinUK loved your CCCs again. Don't stop.

@Eternal422 sorry to hear your shoulder is still so painful! Re: What to wear on the 17th... When we attended the Opera in Budapest I read on their site that jeans were verboten and that they expected people to dress up. We went in full evening dress.... the chap next to me was wearing jeans. Nonetheless it made it feel like a very special evening to us.

@Elenka_HM good luck with a job search. You spend a lot of hours working and really it's not worth being unhappy in your job. Sometimes breaking out of our comfortable niche is a revelation and we find ourselves wishing we'd done it sooner.
Quite relieved following a visit to eye casualty earlier today,
to find out the reason my left eve yesterday and today has multiple floaters,
rather than the one solitary one that usually lives in my left eye (following laser treatment)

It all started late on Tuesday when whilst driving home, I started seeing flashes of light, (in the far corner of the vision in my left eye)
then Wednesday woke up to hal a dozen floaters including one cloudy one, and a headache.

it was quite concerning, but following seeing a DR at the eye clinic today, I kind of know what’s going on,band she wasn’t as concerned as I was. I’ve not been to work for two days, but back to work tomorrow.

one good thing is they did a retinal scan and it was good to see, since November the swelling behind my retina has gone down a bit, so maybe the treatment I’m currently getting is working.
Good morning everyone.

Snow everywhere. Pretty rare in these parts. I will try to go out in a short while and get a few photos. I will have to be very careful getting over the hill into town and onto the beach.

BG 5.4 nice
BP slightly elevated
Pulse yes, as always, low 53

Yesterdays birthday meal was a great success. The meat and tatty pie was the best I have ever made. The victoria sponge cake was the best I have ever bought from M &S. AND my daughter rang in the evening to wish my wife a happy birthday and to say that she is coming to visit on Sunday. Hmm the snow may not make that possible but it was great to hear from her.

Today, photos, if I can get out safely. And write down the recipe for the meat and potato pie. I might take a photo of the pie too.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning- 3.1
As usual I wake to a relatively high number. Today it’s 7.8. I expect it to fall as rapidly as is does almost every other day to low 6s or high 5s and stay there until the night.

I’ve upped testing and that appears to be my pattern although I’m tempted to do a two week trial of a CGM and see if there’s an obvious cause of the high morning numbers.

Not worth a CCC but find myself with time free yesterday and very near a cinema so popped in and saw Scream VI.

It’s as clever, knowing and witty as all of the others with some good twists. I didn’t suss who the killer was!
Good morning bit of a high wake up reading 8.0 today

Its just started snowing here again, although when I woke up at 6 it wasn’t and looked like it had all gone away, back to work today for me, but as ever looking forward to the weekend.

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 7.1 and the snow has arrived overnight. Very pretty. Don’t think it’ll last long though.

Zara day today, we’ll just be staying in keeping warm. No doubt there’ll be lots of play, drawing, reading, making a mess with water etc. Is it bedtime yet? 😉

Farmer daughter and family are fine, granddaughter was ok yesterday when she got up, excited to go to school as they were going on a trip. Had lots of offers of help from fellow farmers and friends yesterday which was nice.

Hope everyone has a fab Friday. My goodness this week has flown in! 🙂

6.7 today, and I can finally say my daughter gets married today. Hoping the snow stays away from Essex so all her quests can attend. it’s very frost here but no overnight snow.

I will be boring you all with photos. I am so excited though a little nervous for her.