Group 7-day waking average?

Evening all. 6.4 @ 7.40am snowing today but didn't lie. Bitterly cold brr.
Good evening everyone. 5'8 many hours ago, and a straight line overnight. Better than the previous night.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit low (in mood, not sugar) and didn't post. I wanted to mention the day before, the last on my London mini break, I had a lovely start of the day. Went to a sort of hipster cafe in Neal's Yard for breakfast. Had seen in the menu something that I would define as "tiramisú toast", sounded delicious and it didn't disappoint. But the best part was a lovely tourist couple invited me to join their table, as the place was tiny and there was not much space, and we had a really nice chat.

Today I've finally met a friend I've been chatting to via WhatsApp for almost 10 months. We initially matched on Tinder, but there are no naughty intentions left on my side :D we live hours apart and he knows I'm seeing someone at the moment, but we became quite close in the sense we can speak about pretty much everything. We agree we are the best people we have met in that app!
I lied, i did go out for some exercise...cold. cold, cold.

Not sure that I enjoyed ir
Just routine woman’s ( or person with a cervix, to be woke) screening. All being well it’ll be my last one ever.
I had my first one last year in Spain and another last month in here, as the NHS requested for their own records. Was more relaxed this second time as I knew what to expect...but did not expect the speculum to be metal. Seemed a bit old fashioned to me!
I had my first one last year in Spain and another last month in here, as the NHS requested for their own records. Was more relaxed this second time as I knew what to expect...but did not expect the speculum to be metal. Seemed a bit old fashioned to me!
More eco-friendly I guess. My GP surgery usually uses plastic disposable ones
6.6 for me on waking and rising fast.
Feeling utterly rotten with a raging sore throat and aching all over. Been tearing my hair out at terrible time in range and vanishing boluses and corrections for days. Suppose now I know why.
Not got much on today thankfully so there's options for naps :D

Hope you all have a great day x
Good morning - 5.8

Libre reading 3.7. I know that’s now to far out but it makes my time in range in accurate
Good morning everyone.

It's very cold out there this morning and I have to go out to get a birthday card for my wife. I tried yesterday but couldn't find a nice one.

Yesterday I did go out for 81 minutes walk on the beach but it was a bit cold. Not much fun. No walk today as I have to prepare the food for tonight.

BG 4.6 (Hmmm it seens to be getting lower and lower. Should I be concerned?)
Pulse 67 but that was after I had been rushing about a bit
Today will probably be a mess of things to do, all fun though.

Sadly, not a peep from my daughter, hopefully, maybe, later on.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I had my first one last year in Spain and another last month in here, as the NHS requested for their own records. Was more relaxed this second time as I knew what to expect...but did not expect the speculum to be metal. Seemed a bit old fashioned to me!
Oooh that’s cruel, the last few times it’s been plastic. Which I was glad about yesterday as it was very cold at 9am!
10 at 5:02 but I’m not counting that so I’m go with 7.4 at 7:02 as my fotf number.

And I hope you’re all ready for a double CCC today!
Morning folks. 6.3 after a restless night. Farmer daughter messaged last night about 10.30, some scumbag had set fire to all their hay. They’d just had it delivered last week. Fire brigade and police came out very quickly but it’s heartbreaking, they work so hard, and definitely aren’t rich. They work outside of the farm too to raise much needed funds. But what was even more heartbreaking is our five year old granddaughter was absolutely petrified that they were going to come and burn the house down. She cried herself back to sleep. Who would do such a thing, and why? Of course it’s very cold and the ground is frozen, the sheep need to be fed as can’t eat the grass. Most of them are in lamb too. All very inconvenient and costly. It took six firefighters to put the blaze out and it’s still smouldering this morning. Unfortunately, there’s nothing the police can do, but at least it’s logged. We feel so helpless. :(

Have a good day all.
That's horrendous @eggyg .

5.9 for me this morning. Snowing big flakes but not sticking
@eggyg that is horrible. So sorry to hear your news. Life is tough enough without such things. I hope the police can catch the thugs
Morning all, 6.3 here. Looks cold and miserable outside, and a mixture of snow and heavy rain forecast all day. I’ve got to go to a funeral this afternoon (someone OH worked with on a charity committee for years). The old wives tale says someone always catches their death at the graveside, hope it’s not the case here.
Sorry to hear about your farmers daughter's problems @eggyg. Rural crime is a real problem round here and one thing for sure is that nobody is ever prosecuted for any of it.

Was raised in parliament recently but all it got was the usual... we are spending record amounts of money...figures massaged to suggest there are more policemen...etc...etc.

Only one thing for sure is that wherever that money is going, it isn't going into catching thieves.