Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 12.1
Good morning everyone. It's a bit colder this morning. Glad I have the electric throw to sit under...nice and warm.

BG 4.8
BP 126/76
Pulse as always, low, 50

Today I have to make a meat and potato pie for my wifes birthday meal for tomorrow. I know, so lavish... 🙂 Anyway, she wants me to cook it today and reheat it and eat it tomorrow as reheated the next day always seems to have more flavour !

I don't think I will be going out for a walk in the cold today but you never know I might get brave.

Two deliveries today too. One from Amazon and one from Holland and Barrett. I got a really good deal with H&B too. Just some replacement supplements nothing too exciting.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. 6.2 on the Libre, -6.8 degrees on my weather monitor. Brrrr!

Up early as got a nurse’s appointment at 9am. Just routine woman’s ( or person with a cervix, to be woke) screening. All being well it’ll be my last one ever. There are some advantages to being over 60!

We had a lovely, but cold walk yesterday afternoon. A very peaceful 5 miles through our local woods. Just what I needed, cleared my head. I was going to walk to the surgery today, about 45 minutes, but I’ve decided to drive, don’t want to slip and jar my ankle, it’s just stating to heal. Then I’ll come home and sit by the fire. 🙂

Have a good day. 🙂
@Gwynn Evri was Hermes not Yodel. I must stay I’ve never had bother with any courier, I know Hermes/Evri have a bad reputation but we’ve had the same guy for years, he comes between 8.30 and 9.30 without fail. He doesn’t smile much but hey, he gets the parcels here on time.
Whoops, it's old age, forgot. I will amend my post.

4.9 today, much better. Did too much yesterday though and my shoulder is so painful, again:(

There’s loads of work to be done leading up to year end, but I now realise I just can’t do it with this bad shoulder so I’m going to have to get others in the team to pick up the slack and do some work for once. Really fed up of carrying everyone.

Dusting of snow here and some light snow in the air, nothing much to worry about though.

Stay warm everyone and have a good day!
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7.8 Lack of sleep related more than anything else I’d wager.

Because I’m awake from 3 or 4am most often my body’s obviously preparing for movement. It really ought to know by now that it doesn’t get any until around 7am.

If I wait until after I’m showered and dressed etc and then test it’ll usually be below 7.

Call yesterday from DWP health assessment bod was horrendously confrontational.

“Do you drive?”
I can drive yes.
“How many times a week do you drive?”
Less often than once every couple of months.
“So you don’t drive?”
I can drive.
“What car do you own?”
I don’t own a car.
“So you don’t drive”

“Do you go to the gym or go swimming?”
“Are you a member of a gym or leisure centre?”
“Can you walk there?”
It’s within walking distance for most people I’d say
“So how often do you go?”
I don’t go
“But you’re a member?”
“And it’s close?”
“But you don’t go?”
“If you went it might help you feel better. Now have you ever thought about killing yourself?”

“When did you last work?”
I became unemployed last Thursday
“Why did they fire you?”
I don’t know
“You don’t know?”
No not really
“Was there any misconduct or stealing from work?”
No of course not
“So you don’t know why they fired you?”
I have my suspicions but it’s not relevant to this conversation
“Have you worked since?”
Since the last day I’ve already told you I was employed? No

….and so on. For an hour.
It didn’t help that I struggled to hear what she was saying and had to repeatedly ask her to slow down.
I also had to ask her to let me finish answering her questions rather than have her constantly interrupt.

Anyway, today’s another day etc…
@ColinUK - What an awful time on the phone with DWP you had! Really feel for you, there’s an hour of your life you’ll never get back!
@ColinUK - What an awful time on the phone with DWP you had! Really feel for you, there’s an hour of your life you’ll never get back!
Indeed. And the whole thing seemed utterly utterly pointless.
Morning all, 7.8 here. Cheated and had a Cook moussaka last night, I normally find the carb count on their stuff quite accurate, but I think I got more potato in my portion than I remember from last time we had one. Found I was 12. something at bedtime and did a conservative correction, which wasn’t quite enough, but close enough.
Morning all. 🙂 2.7 here. I’m furious with my Libre (I know, furious with a small plastic disc!) - not a peep out of it, grrrr.

Anyhoo, it’s snowing! It never snows on the coast in South West Wales. Gwen (dog) thought there was ice-cream all over the garden and ran around eating it. I can’t wait to see what the beach looks like with a light dusting of snow. Wrap up warm! 🙂

7.1 for me this morning woke up to snow, but not settling too much.
7.1 here. Was snowing when I got up at seven, and a little dusting on the ground. It has stopped snowing now, and it is supposed to start raining, so no Arctic Snow Armaggedon, at least in tropical Worcestershire.

Have a great day everyone.
5.5 and bloomin' cold here this morning. 🙂
Stay warm folks!

Good morning or moaning! It was quite bizarre this morning. The graph suggests it was around 8 at 6:00sm but when I scanned 30 minutes later it was 12.1 with an upward arrow although meter was 11.3. Went a bit higher then started coming down before insulin. Previous sensor was a lot closer at that level! (puzzled emoji)

Snowing here! (snowman emoji)