Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 this morning. And negative on the COVID test done because a colleague tested positive yesterday
Morning 8.0

I’m surprised it’s not bright sunshine today as I’m at the eye clinic for check up and probably another injection.

Have a good day
Morning folks. 6.1 on this cold but beautiful morning. -4 and more than a sprinkling of snow on Skiddaw.

Today, unlike me, I’m going to rant. Sorry in advance for long post. Some of you may remember I had a colonoscopy on 28th December. I was given a form with their findings, which included multiple large diverticula ( pouches in lining of colon), they took various biopsies and removed some polyps. They told me the results from biopsies would be ready in 2/3 weeks. We’re here 10 weeks later and numerous phone calls to both hospital ( surgery receptionist told me to phone them), and GP surgery. Results were in but couldn’t tell me over the phone, call at 8 o’clock to get triaged for a call back or send an econsult. This is duly did, asking for the results and a phone call to explain them. I got an impersonal text the next day from a nurse. Results were in but no letter from hospital regarding an update to see what the next steps were. Of course I started to get worried, next steps? I waited a week, called again last Tuesday. We have the letter from hospital but it needs read by your named GP ( who I’ve never seen for years) and she’s not in until Thursday! Why can’t someone else read them, I asked. It has to be your named GP! No call on Thursday, Friday or yesterday but I received a letter from the hospital. Basically they’ve found I have tubular adenoma with low grade dysplasia. Not a major concern apparently, but I’m being referred to a colorectal surgeon! Well it’s a major concern to me after consulting Dr Google. It’s abnormal cells and puts me in the higher risk of getting colon cancer in the future. What’s more annoying is that this was discovered by accident and is nothing at all to do with the symptoms I first went to docs with 10 months ago. Nothing mentioned about the diverticula they found on the day. So two minutes I’m going to call the GP surgery and try and get an appointment with a real live doctor!

Rant over. Have a nice day all, and thanks for reading if you got this far!
Aargh. Rant away, I think it’s fully justified! I mean, it’s your body and you’ve only got one, so it does tend to be quite important to you. I think Health professionals forget this sometimes.
Thanks. Just got through. The letter still hadn’t been read! Grrr! But the receptionist promised me a phone call from a GP, the head honcho no less, this morning. Fingers crossed.
Morning folks. 6.1 on this cold but beautiful morning. -4 and more than a sprinkling of snow on Skiddaw.

Today, unlike me, I’m going to rant. Sorry in advance for long post. Some of you may remember I had a colonoscopy on 28th December. I was given a form with their findings, which included multiple large diverticula ( pouches in lining of colon), they took various biopsies and removed some polyps. They told me the results from biopsies would be ready in 2/3 weeks. We’re here 10 weeks later and numerous phone calls to both hospital ( surgery receptionist told me to phone them), and GP surgery. Results were in but couldn’t tell me over the phone, call at 8 o’clock to get triaged for a call back or send an econsult. This is duly did, asking for the results and a phone call to explain them. I got an impersonal text the next day from a nurse. Results were in but no letter from hospital regarding an update to see what the next steps were. Of course I started to get worried, next steps? I waited a week, called again last Tuesday. We have the letter from hospital but it needs read by your named GP ( who I’ve never seen for years) and she’s not in until Thursday! Why can’t someone else read them, I asked. It has to be your named GP! No call on Thursday, Friday or yesterday but I received a letter from the hospital. Basically they’ve found I have tubular adenoma with low grade dysplasia. Not a major concern apparently, but I’m being referred to a colorectal surgeon! Well it’s a major concern to me after consulting Dr Google. It’s abnormal cells and puts me in the higher risk of getting colon cancer in the future. What’s more annoying is that this was discovered by accident and is nothing at all to do with the symptoms I first went to docs with 10 months ago. Nothing mentioned about the diverticula they found on the day. So two minutes I’m going to call the GP surgery and try and get an appointment with a real live doctor!

Rant over. Have a nice day all, and thanks for reading if you got this far!
Sympathy from us all I suspect. Hope you get a groveling apology, a very rapid appointment with the surgeon, and a full treatment/recovery asap.
5.1 for me on this icy cold morning. 🙂

8.6 Stressed.

Given my newly unemployed status I’ve got a hoop jumping phone call today with the DWP. It’s scheduled between 10-16:00

I’m hoping they’re going to be lenient with me due to the MH stuff going on and not force me into some ridiculous work search.

12.9 following BakeClub last night. Slightly headachy, this morning getting hair done ready for wedding, it will be styles again on the day, this is the cut and colour. Nails this evening as that is the closed she could fit me in.

@eggyg - hope you get some answers quickly following your long wait for the results. But my thought are with you.

No snow here yet, but very grey day.
6.5 for me this morning and only 1 JB required overnight 🙄 , well actually just before 6am, after a half a unit reduction in Levemir and then a 1 unit correction with Fiasp at bedtime. It is a right old wiggly overnight graph but all within range so not complaining.
Frosty here but sky is blue and will be gloriously sunny when the sun gets high enough in the sky to appear over the hill top and comes and shines on my apricot blossoms which are just bursting into bloom. Looking forward to seeing my bees pollinating them once it is warm enough for them to come out and fly... probably near midday I would imagine. It does feel like the gardening year has begun! Must get some sweet peas sown and probably some normal peas too.

@eggyg So sorry you are having such a run around with this. Surely they must realize how much anxiety such situations generate and that isn't good for anyone's health. Hope they can give you some useful information today and put your mind at rest a bit or at least get your head around a treatment plan. Sending (((HUGS))) The GP access situation in the UK is becoming really shocking for so many people. It is a real worry.
6.5 for me this morning and only 1 JB required overnight 🙄 , well actually just before 6am, after a half a unit reduction in Levemir and then a 1 unit correction with Fiasp at bedtime. It is a right old wiggly overnight graph but all within range so not complaining.
Frosty here but sky is blue and will be gloriously sunny when the sun gets high enough in the sky to appear over the hill top and comes and shines on my apricot blossoms which are just bursting into bloom. Looking forward to seeing my bees pollinating them once it is warm enough for them to come out and fly... probably near midday I would imagine. It does feel like the gardening year has begun! Must get some sweet peas sown and probably some normal peas too.

@eggyg So sorry you are having such a run around with this. Surely they must realize how much anxiety such situations generate and that isn't good for anyone's health. Hope they can give you some useful information today and put your mind at rest a bit or at least get your head around a treatment plan. Sending (((HUGS))) The GP access situation in the UK is becoming really shocking for so many people. It is a real worry.

Sounds idyllic. You must come and pick me up in the horse box! 🙂
1st prize to Carlos! For others - Manzanilla is a type of sherry produced in Sanlucar de Barrameda where the river meets the sea. It is very dry and is said to have a salty character from the sea breezes. manzanilla also means chamomile. It took me a day or two to realise that they had actually served me with what I had asked for!
5.6 this morning after starting the night higher than I would have liked. I should have done a correction at bedtime but to be honest couldn’t be bothered (you know those times?). Oh well, today is a new day!

Shoulder was ok for the day, but aching by the evening despite taking loads of breaks from the computer screens during the day. I guess this is something that I’ll have to be careful about and live with for a while. Still no sight of my ultrasound appointment.

No snow here, but pretty cold last night.

@eggyg - really feel for you! I do hope things get sorted quickly for you.

@ColinUK - good luck with your phone call today!

Have a good day everyone!