Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.4 @ 7.40am 🙂
Good moaning! After a good day yesterday I awoke from a dream with cramp in my right leg and phantom pain in the left. The cramp quickly went but I needed additional pain killers for the phantom plain. My BG was 9.1 rising. Now before breakfast 12.2! :( Will probably have a nap later as food delivery this morning. All fruit this time but salad shortage again. I blame Brexit and now Rees-Mogg wants to take away EU laws that protect workers! Grr!

But moving on to the important stuff…

Colin’s Cultural Corner!

Coppélia - Scottish Ballet
5/3/23 Sadlers Wells

I was expecting a contemporary costumed version of this classic ballet written by Delibes. What I got was a completely rewritten piece of contemporary dance with a mash up of the original score twisted into a new work by Mikael Karlsson and Michael P Atkinson.
What I also got was a very pacy 1hr 20m of challenging, engaging and very enjoyable ballet.

First the plot. Dr Coppélius is a black polo neck sweater wearing Silicon Valley tech guru and founder of NuLife.

He’s being interviewed by Swanhilda, a journalist who’s brought her incredibly dumb fiancé Franz along for some reason.
Dr C reveals his new tech, a genius AI which malfunctions at the press launch because its tech and tech always malfunctions. Franz is drawn to the malfunctioning AI.


Swanhlida breaks into the lab and has a mosey around decides to give the AI her own body to inhabit.


Franz is captured by Dr C and plugged into the machine.
Dr C knows someone’s interferes with his tech and discovers Swanhilda inside the machine and it inside her. He goes inside.
Swanhilda is released by Franz (I think) and Dr C is consumed by his own AI.

It sounds very thin and I guess it is but it’s clearly about hubris in the same way that Frankenstein is.
The set is ingenious. The script, and there is a script, it’s tight and punchy. The dancing is electric and the use of a handheld camera to capture extraordinary close up detail and project it on a massive screen/backdrop works here better than I’ve seen in anything else recently.

I can see why some are baffled by this retelling of Coppélia though as it’s very contemporary, however for this novice ballet goer it was clearly an experience to rank with some of the best and most interesting and thought provoking things I’ve ever seen on stage.
4.8 for me today. 🙂
And congrats to @freesia and @MrPixels on those magic numbers. 🙂

And it’s a 5.4 for me this wet morning.
okay now n again my doctors impress me and make me facepalm at the same time.
Called at 8.30 on the dot. Had appointment for 9.30ish via phone (asked for phone as no point going in). They called at 8.50. (that's the impressed bit)
As expected have to go for bloods and asked if kidney kidney function test is overdue (because on water tablets) and told it should have been getting done every 4 weeks but no one told me that or has flagged it for not being done 🙄.
I swear if I didn't take any control over my health and ask questions they would miss so much.
okay now n again my doctors impress me and make me facepalm at the same time.
Called at 8.30 on the dot. Had appointment for 9.30ish via phone (asked for phone as no point going in). They called at 8.50. (that's the impressed bit)
As expected have to go for bloods and asked if kidney kidney function test is overdue (because on water tablets) and told it should have been getting done every 4 weeks but no one told me that or has flagged it for not being done 🙄.
I swear if I didn't take any control over my health and ask questions they would miss so much.

Arghh! The consultant at the Foot Clinic prescribed water tablets (Furosemide) and said nothing about kidney function. I must flag this up after I have had another pee as after six decades my eGfr is not what is was decades ago! :(
Good morning everyone! 5'3 today.

Started the day making a cup of tea in my luxurious accommodation. First I had to unplug the TV to plug the kettle, which I had previously unplugged to be able to plug the minifridge and keep my spare insulin :D it is a very small, very basic room. Still beats the backpackers hostel: no common showers, no tripping over someone's luggage at night... I'm getting fussy with age, you see 😛

I'll do the checkout soon but can leave the bag with them until I get the train, which is convenient. Plan for today is visit a bookshop and then just walk around, wherever I feel like going. Looks rainy so maybe have to find something more indoorsy.

Yesterday I enjoyed the museum, but I could only manage one of the floors. There is so much to see... Later went to Harrods, where I learned that you have to provide ID to be able to buy Chanel: it was written near the till, I was not in the situation where I needed to show ID :rofl:. I only spent a silly amount in chocolates, and it was not a big quantity of them.
Another thing that caught my attention is they didn't have any visible prices in the luxury section, they do in the gift shop and food area where us common people go :D but thinking about it now, they probably won't risk damaging a crazy expensive bag to put a price tag in it.
8.6 and rising for me this morning, but I got last night totally wrong and see-sawed. Gave it 1.5 units of Levemir because I didn't get out for a walk yesterday and still needed a small correction at bedtime but then low alarm (4.1 and sloping downward arrow) went off at 2.20am. Gave it 2 JBs and went back to sleep, then high alarm went off at 4.09am on 9.2 with an upward sloping arrow. For some reason I injected a 2.5 unit correction which was a bit heavy handed. I think I was factoring in some DP, but it was definitely a bit of overkill with hindsight. 2 hours later I was 4.0 and downward sloping arrow again, so 1 more JB and next thing I know I am 8.6 and rising again. Maybe I need to work in half JBs units. Anyway, despite the interruptions I had a decent sleep and I had no problems getting back to sleep in minutes after each action. I do find it amazing that I can make decisions like this when I am still half asleep, decide how many JBs or units of insulin I need and administer it without putting the light on, log it all on my Libre reader and be asleep again in probably under 5 mins. Do other people manage to deal with their diabetes so efficiently during the night?

I should really have done 15min checks with a finger prick and also double checked the 9.2 before calculating and injecting a correction but I am so sick of my Caresens meter not working properly and I value my sleep and that would involve putting a light on, that I just act on Libre info and go back to sleep. I have however "bit the bullet" this morning and bought myself a pot of test strips for my Libre reader online because my Caresens just isn't fit for purpose and is doing my head in. I swore at it the other night when I was hypo and it kept cutting out durig testing despite more new batteries and I almost never swear! I asked my consultant almost a year ago for Libre test strips and blood Ketone strips but neither have been actioned and I know they have a very heavy workload so I haven't chased it up, but will mention it again at my next appointment. One pot of test strips every couple of months or so isn't going to break the bank. I might even invest in some blood ketone strips too, although in 4 years I haven't needed any, so they will likely go out of date before I use them..... with any luck anyway, as that will mean I haven't been ill. Bit of an insurance policy I suppose.

Anyway, many congratulations to @MrPixels and particularly @freesia You are clearly on a bit of a role at the moment after what seemed like a very long frustrating period with your diabetes. Hope this run of smooth sailing continues for you.

Absolutely loved CCC this morning so many thanks to @ColinUK for that and also loved that you and @Elenka_HM were at the same opera (what are the odds of that or did you plan it?) and that you met up. Seeing your smiling faces together put a real smile on my face for the day too. Just lovely!
Another thing that caught my attention is they didn't have any visible prices in the luxury section, they do in the gift shop and food area where us common people go :D but thinking about it now, they probably won't risk damaging a crazy expensive bag to put a price tag in it.
The saying goes 'if you have to ask the price you probably can't afford it'
8.6 and rising for me this morning, but I got last night totally wrong and see-sawed. Gave it 1.5 units of Levemir because I didn't get out for a walk yesterday and still needed a small correction at bedtime but then low alarm (4.1 and sloping downward arrow) went off at 2.20am. Gave it 2 JBs and went back to sleep, then high alarm went off at 4.09am on 9.2 with an upward sloping arrow. For some reason I injected a 2.5 unit correction which was a bit heavy handed. I think I was factoring in some DP, but it was definitely a bit of overkill with hindsight. 2 hours later I was 4.0 and downward sloping arrow again, so 1 more JB and next thing I know I am 8.6 and rising again. Maybe I need to work in half JBs units. Anyway, despite the interruptions I had a decent sleep and I had no problems getting back to sleep in minutes after each action. I do find it amazing that I can make decisions like this when I am still half asleep, decide how many JBs or units of insulin I need and administer it without putting the light on, log it all on my Libre reader and be asleep again in probably under 5 mins. Do other people manage to deal with their diabetes so efficiently during the night?

I should really have done 15min checks with a finger prick and also double checked the 9.2 before calculating and injecting a correction but I am so sick of my Caresens meter not working properly and I value my sleep and that would involve putting a light on, that I just act on Libre info and go back to sleep. I have however "bit the bullet" this morning and bought myself a pot of test strips for my Libre reader online because my Caresens just isn't fit for purpose and is doing my head in. I swore at it the other night when I was hypo and it kept cutting out durig testing despite more new batteries and I almost never swear! I asked my consultant almost a year ago for Libre test strips and blood Ketone strips but neither have been actioned and I know they have a very heavy workload so I haven't chased it up, but will mention it again at my next appointment. One pot of test strips every couple of months or so isn't going to break the bank. I might even invest in some blood ketone strips too, although in 4 years I haven't needed any, so they will likely go out of date before I use them..... with any luck anyway, as that will mean I haven't been ill. Bit of an insurance policy I suppose.

Anyway, many congratulations to @MrPixels and particularly @freesia You are clearly on a bit of a role at the moment after what seemed like a very long frustrating period with your diabetes. Hope this run of smooth sailing continues for you.

Absolutely loved CCC this morning so many thanks to @ColinUK for that and also loved that you and @Elenka_HM were at the same opera (what are the odds of that or did you plan it?) and that you met up. Seeing your smiling faces together put a real smile on my face for the day too. Just lovely!
It was pure coincidence that we planned it!
I only spent a silly amount in chocolates, and it was not a big quantity of them
Ooh, that takes me back. I had to sit through a fraud trial at the Knightsbridge Crown Court once, (for work, I hasten to add, I wasn’t the defendant!). I used to pop into Harrods on the way home and buy a small bag of Belgian fresh cream truffles, to share with my flatmate.
The saying goes 'if you have to ask the price you probably can't afford it'
Oh, I don't need to ask...I know I can't afford it! :D is not something I actually want, I'm just curious.
Morning all - the G word applies again... though there are tiny patches of blue.

7.3 this morning, which isn't bad really considering I spent all afternoon and evening in double figures (as high as 20.9 at one point) and went to bed on 13.2. My own fault, as I hopelessly under-dosed for a long leisurely 4 course Sunday lunch.

For desert I made the Bizcocho de Naranja con Azafrán y Vino de Jerez cake that @Michael12421 kindly sent me the recipe for. Also the Marmalade sauce. Due to a misunderstanding (mine) regarding the flour, I spent a happy half hour sieving cornflour and plain flour together to make "Cake flour" or reposteria. It resulted in an enormously risen cake that took over an hour in the oven. Nonetheless the cake was indeed absolutely delicious, especially with the marmalade sauce. I suggest anyone making it just use ordinary plain flour. I took a pic of the whole cake, complete with single candle for our friend, whose birthday was last week. Unfortunately it didn't come out, so you'll have to make do with the slice and sauce!

Lovely to see the photo of @ColinUK and @Elenka_HM together. How great that you met up & thanks for another great CCC

Congratulations to @freesia on the HS and Unicorn and to @MrPixels on your HS.
@goodybags - considering the damp was caused by your vendor he should really foot the electricity bill for drying it out! Still, very glad to hear you are now further on the voyage of purchasing the bungalow.

Have a good day everyone - I shall be clearing up the remains of yesterday and putting all the china away + shopping for the next round of entertaining on Wednesday - glutton for punishment me! Only I think surpassed by @eggyg !