Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon Sunday 6.1 today,
woke around @09:00 after a disturbed nights sleep,
I am trying to not take what my GP a few months ago prescribed me to help me sleep (5mg Zolpidem) that is unless I can get them added to my prescription, I’m down to less than half a dozen mow
think I need to speak to GP on that, just that one small tablet gives me such a good sleep.

Update on bungalow purchase
just before the weekend received a copy of the contacts etc to sign, following my solicitor receiving amended mortgage offer, plus on the same day I received the deposit funds backfrom NS&I
having held the funds in premium bonds (since I received my share following the sale of my late mothers house approx 18 months ago)

Yesterday ordered some dehumidifiers (ordered online through Amazon)
they should be delivered this afternoon, spoke to agents and the vendor is happy for me get them working in the property ASAP (as long as I cover the electric cost for running them)

I’ve been doing a bit of sorting out and clearing out downstairs in my garage earlier this afternoon.

hope everybody’s having a great weekend 😎
Good afternoon Sunday 6.1 today,
woke around @09:00 after a disturbed nights sleep,
I am trying to not take what my GP a few months ago prescribed me to help me sleep (5mg Zolpidem) that is unless I can get them added to my prescription, I’m down to less than half a dozen mow
think I need to speak to GP on that, just that one small tablet gives me such a good sleep.

Update on bungalow purchase
just before the weekend received a copy of the contacts etc to sign, following my solicitor receiving amended mortgage offer, plus on the same day I received the deposit funds backfrom NS&I
having held the funds in premium bonds (since I received my share following the sale of my late mothers house approx 18 months ago)

Yesterday ordered some dehumidifiers (ordered online through Amazon)
they should be delivered this afternoon, spoke to agents and the vendor is happy for me get them working in the property ASAP (as long as I cover the electric cost for running them)

I’ve been doing a bit of sorting out and clearing out downstairs in my garage earlier this afternoon.

hope everybody’s having a great weekend 😎
Good luck with the move - you have had to be very patient. I hope you really enjoy your new home.
Good luck with the move - you have had to be very patient. I hope you really enjoy your new home.
Yes we’ve had to be very patient and our mortgage rate will be over 4%
whereas on the property we were originally hoping to buy before,
we were offered a Mortgage at a fixed rate of just over 2% (last Feb before rates rose)

still both my wife & I think the Bungalow will be better as our forever home,
especially with me having arthritis in my ankle, plus it’s in a slightly more desirable location,
what we are buying will require some work, including a few jobs before we move in.
@goodybags - so glad to read you are now getting some progress with your bungalow purchase!
Up super early with a 7.5. Was in bed before 8pm though. Might nap later if need be.

Had a super struggle day yesterday of insulin turning to water and a terrible 32% time in range. Just a slow creep for most of the day despite some pretty aggressive corrections. Today its like nothings happened and slowly drifted back down to more sensible numbers.

Planning on chancing my luck phoning GPs and getting through for an appointment today. Tired of being tired and suspect foliate might be low again but no way of knowing without them releasing the vampires.

Anyway going to get a coffee and do some online browsing for Daughters birthday which is in a few weeks while she's fast asleep. 🙂

@ColinUK and @Elenka_HM that pic put a huge smile on my face. I love how the forums bring folks together in friendship which translates to offline meetups 🙂
Good morning 8.0 on the nose today
(following crisps ice cream & chocolate yesterday evening)

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning. 6.5 which isn't too bad considering I was eating yoghurt at 02.30! I had been lying awake for an hour and a half feeling absolutely ravenous before I gave in to the munchies. The fish I had for dinner had obviously been insufficient to stave off starvation.

Looks as if Taras has decided that the war is not going to be over in the foreseeable future. He is planning to go back to the Ukraine in a few weeks time. He has been missing his family quite badly. I am not sure that the UK scheme for taking them in has been very sensible. Maybe we should have spent the money on providing temporary housing in west Ukraine? Or at least recognised that their displacement would be quite long term and provided jobs for them? So many of them are struggling to find homes and jobs here. Taras has been luckier than most in having quite a well paid job and a home. I gather the plan is to drive home with a friend, maybe two, and a great big load of presents. I hope it works out well for him and his family - it will be quite odd not to see his lights twinkling down the garden at night and to be woken as he heads off to work at crack of dawn.

Meanwhile Alex and Carla didn't come to do poor Loui until after 7.30 last night. Fortunately I had given him some coarse mix and a small haynet to keep him stayed as he wasn't very pleased to hear my 2 being fed while he came in to a dirty box and no nosh.

On the whole rather looking forward to having my place my own again.

Hope everyone has a good week.
Good morning - 5.7
Good morning everyone.

Light? Hmmm. Not round here. Still I guess you could say it is 'lighter' than doomy blackness.

BG 4.8
BP 125/77
Pulse 52

Today I need to think of something to do, however, first thing...I have to make a rhubarb crumble!! How do you make a rhubarb crumble??? Tell it some bad jokes! 😡

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Morning all. A triple whammy for me....5.2, a unicorn day yesterday and a fairly flat line overnight. That never happens to me! Aaarrgh...its Monday, where did the weekend go? Better get up and ready. Have a good day everyone.
5.8 this morning for me, bit higher than normal, but at least it was hovering nicely around 5 overnight and has just decided to spike up now. Going to do some work today and see how my shoulder goes - plenty of breaks and getting up from the computer screens!

Congratulations to @freesia and @MrPixels on your HS.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all, 6.6 here. Got through a super busy weekend, involving four of us going in different directions several times, with three cars between us, and a hungry cat needing to be fed at regular intervals (by me) at daughter’s house a ten minute drive away. Trying to sort out the logistics of everyone ending up in the right place and with a means of transport reminded me of that old conundrum of ferrying the man with a goat, a dog, and a bird across the river in a boat with limited carrying capacity.