Group 7-day waking average?

Looks like I blobbed yesterday. Early start, busy day then trying to track down an error on our website.

Today it was a 6.9. Bright and cold outside but the sun feels quite pleasant shining through the patio doors.

Rehearsal today better get my thermals on, it's a bit parky down there.

Have a good day everyone.
1st prize to Carlos! For others - Manzanilla is a type of sherry produced in Sanlucar de Barrameda where the river meets the sea. It is very dry and is said to have a salty character from the sea breezes. manzanilla also means chamomile. It took me a day or two to realise that they had actually served me with what I had asked for!
I think to get the wine you would ask for "un manzanilla", masculine, whereas "una manzanilla" is a chamomile infusion. It is equally confusing for native speakers.
Doctor phoned at 9.20. Agreed that the letter wasn’t very good at explaining. He explained what tubular adenoma was. “Irritated” cells in the colon. He doesn’t know what they’ll do, might just do yearly checks, might remove by colonoscopy or if big, remove part of colon! But it’s not cancer. And probably isn’t the cause of the stomach problems I first went about last May. :(
The diverticulitis bit, he started ranting about it’s a symptom of modern life, too much refined food and it makes sense to have a high fibre diet and was shocked to read that some advocate the exact opposite. I told him I followed a low residue diet because of my partially blocked small intestine. He obviously hadn’t read my recent medical history. Oh, he said, just carry on as you are and wait to see the colorectal team. He couldn’t offer any advise at all regarding my bloating and nausea, again, wait until you see the colorectal team. I’m too complex he says because of all my different conditions. So, not much further forward but reassured that it’s not cancer. But frustrating all the same that it took 10 weeks to get back to me. My daughter thinks they thought if they just ignored me I’d go away. Mr Eggy reckons they’ve passed the results about like a hot potato, “ you phone her” “ no, you phone you”. 🙄
Morning all, and it’s a very close 5.3 for me at 08.45 this grey morning.
The system is broken Barbara. I don’t know if anyone actually sees a GP face to face at all these days.
I’m so lucky with my GP surgery. I can email or call or use their app and request a face to face appointment with the gp and get one.
The system is broken Barbara. I don’t know if anyone actually sees a GP face to face at all these days.
I am quite lucky that my GP practice is still very good. I actually had an appointment for an HRT review with the nurse practitioner a couple of months ago and when I got there the nurse was off sick that day and I saw a lovely lady doctor instead who didn't rush me at all and was happy to discuss the HRT in depth, including her own experience of using it and I was able to ask lots of questions and it really was reassuring, but I am well aware that I am incredibly fortunate with my surgery. It is a modern purpose built building and they use modern tech like econsult but old fashioned family doctor values. Best of both worlds. The lead GP owns and manages the practice as has a really good team of staff. Even the receptionist is helpful!!
I can see this situation as becoming a big selling point for houses in the area in the not too distant future. Good local GP practice probably rates higher than good local schools these days.... although I believe our schools are pretty good too.
I’m so lucky with my GP surgery. I can email or call or use their app and request a face to face appointment with the gp and get one.
We can still get face to face appointments, but wait times are long. Phone appointments are easier to get.

My mum was telling me the other day that she quite likes that she now has all her routine appointments over the phone. She lives in a rural area, so getting to the surgery is not always convenient, as there's no public transport, so she finds the phone appointments ideal. This is in Spain, though, don't know what the situation is if she actually needs a face face appointment.
The system is broken Barbara. I don’t know if anyone actually sees a GP face to face at all these days.
Listening to health questions in parliament and you will be pleased to know that as far as the government is considered they are spending loads more money and there are loads more GPs so there isn't a problem. Yeah, right.
@Docb that's good to know. We can all relax.

Just phoned the hospital to cancel one of two identical appointments this month, so I've done my bit too to reduce any reported stress in the NHS. The lady receptionist was very pleasant and helpful too. Made my day.
Yay! Delivery arrived intact! AND I managed to cancel the unneeded appointment too. Good job cos the blood testing for it coincided with my wifes birthday. And got a batch of washing out too.

The day is going well, what's that creaking sound?...
Listening to health questions in parliament and you will be pleased to know that as far as the government is considered they are spending loads more money and there are loads more GPs so there isn't a problem. Yeah, right.
The government are driving people to go private. I’m hearing lots of stories from friends and family who have had no choice but to pay privately for scans etc because of the wait. Bevan will be turning in his grave.
Morning all

5.8 this morning after a flattish night.

@eggyg pleased to hear you are somewhat relieved about your results, but honestly the time lag is unforgivable.

I have to be careful here as I am absolutely infuriated to read on my file (online) that the silly little receptionist wrote down that I believed that the low sodium result of my last blood test was as a result of me stopping taking the extra 25mg Losartan pill the pharmacist insisted on me having when she did a medication review. In fact what I had said was that it was the increased dose causing the low sodium, but I had stopped taking it.

Until just recently I would have said the same as @rebrascora about my surgery, I thought it was exemplary, but I am afraid it has gone seriously downhill since Covid and even more quickly in the last few months. Tomorrow I have a phone appointment with my own GP that I have had to wait 3 weeks for. Principally because I refused to speak to yet another doctor about my BP. Over the time since covid no less that 5 different GPs + a pharmacist have prescribed 8 different drug combinations. None of which have worked. They are treating the condition and not the patient.

Argg.. I have a Patient Panel meeting this afternoon. I shall be hard pushed not to explode.
Keep an eye out because my OH didn't test positive until 4 days after me.
I will do another later in the week, I wasn't sat too close to this colleague most of the time but did have conversations last week
@eggyg - glad you got a doctor to call you in the end and that it’s not cancer, but sad that you are still waiting.

Our health centre is pretty good in my experience, although I have never seen the named GP I am registered with and seen a different doctor each time I’ve needed an appointment. We get econsult which has worked well the two times I’ve used it, and getting a telephone call from a doctor has been brilliant on the several times I’ve needed it. Face to face appointments are like hens teeth to book online, but I have always been able to get one on the day, usually starting off at around 40 in the phone queue! They do sometimes have a call back facility switched on which saves the tedious wait on the phone! It’s a purpose-built centre and serves our village and several other smaller villages around the area, not sure of total number of patients now but there were just over 11,000 in 2017.

Saying all that there is still no sign of my ultrasound appointment (just over 2 weeks waiting now), but the diabetes clinic in the same hospital trust has been brilliant. So I count myself lucky here. It is just such a shame the same level of service doesn’t exist equally over the whole country.
Evening all. 6.6 @ 7.40am

Re GPs, two separate surgeries moreorless left my son to die. In the end, just before Christmas, I called the ambulance and said my son is dying please come and they did and tested him and he was in hospital all over Christmas unable to eat and on drips and all sorts. I hates them all. He's still only up to 8stones. I kept telling them and telling them. They should be ashamed of themselves. 😡 Son has to reach a weight where he can have an operation now.