Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, it’s a 5.7 that’s starting my day off today.
Morning all - no snow, just the usual wet and grey! Snow is unusual here, in 2018 we did have some and I attach an iconic picture of St Michael's Mount in the snow.

9.6 this morning. Went a bit low after a late dinner, so ate a sliver of cake with marmalade sauce and put a temp basal on which was clearly too low for too long. No one to blame but myself.

PPG meeting went better than expected. Some agreement from a partner GP who attended that continuity of care could be better and hopefully will be soon. They have been struggling but have now taken on 2 salaried doctors rather than locums so that should ease the problem. Anyone over 75 should have a named GP and be told who it is. I may well struggle with the minutes as my writing seems to have degenerated into a horrendous scribble, but I did have a word with the new Chair and he agreed to tell the meeting when we moved onto the next item on the agenda, so the meeting is more structured, rather than the stream of consciousness way he conducted the last two meetings.

Meeting a friend for lunch, which I could do without as would rather do the minutes whilst they are fresh.

@ColinUK HUGS... that phone call sounds horrendous. She was twisting your words. How frustrating for you.

Good luck with the cervical smear @eggyg - I am glad to be well past those!

Wishing you all wonderful Wednesdays.


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No snow here, just frost and cloudless blue sky.

Libre said 5.6 when I woke up but it was lying although it didn't fool me and I bolused for a 9. Sure enough, after I had injected my Levemir and the 6 units of Fiasp for breakfast and correction and scanned again, I got 8.9. The reason I knew it was telling porkies was that I went to bed on 9.1 with 2 units of Levemir and no correction.... it took a lot of will power to resist that correction, but I was determined not to need JBs again last night. I woke at 4.09am on 9.1 and again at 6am at 8.3. There simply wasn't enough insulin in my system to drop me down to 5.6 at that time in the morning when my liver would be grinding into action. I also think I woke up on my Libre side this morning, so likely a bit of a compression dip. So I am going to say my official waking reading was 8.9 this morning..... Of course, if Libre had said 5.2 I would have believed it and it would certainly have been right. 😉

Anyone got any good tips for burns? I managed to burn my wrist/arm with hot fat a few days ago when I was tipping parboiled veggies into it and it jumped out and bit me! My skin is now blistering off in places. Being at the wrist my clothing was scrubbing on it and working outside it gets exposed to unclean stuff so I was concerned about protecting it. I smeared some Germolene on it (my go to for any minor injury), wrapped it in cling film and taped it top and bottom with Micropore to keep the cling film in place and keep it moist but without a dressing sticking to it. This is protecting it reasonably well but just wondered if anybody has good tips for healing it quickly. Being up in the 9s last night probably wasn't helpful! 🙄 There are 3 spots where the skin has blistered and is rubbing off and a patch about 3 inches by 1 where the skin is obviously burned but thankfully not broken (yet). No longer painful now, unless strands of haylage jab into it when I am stuffing hay bags 🙄 but obviously want it healed asap as I am aware that I am at increased risk of infection. Cleaning it daily with Betadine and then Germolene and cling film.

To add to my woes, my hot water bottle leaked last night and I woke up in a damp soggy mess, but it was warmer in bed than getting out and changing into dry PJs and getting a towel to lie on or changing the bed, so I shuffled across to the dry side and tried to sleep.... probably why I lay on my sensor this morning because I was restricted in where I could sleep and not my usual spot. On a positive note, I was nearly dry by morning even if I didn't sleep well!

Good morning or moaning! It was quite bizarre this morning. The graph suggests it was around 8 at 6:00sm but when I scanned 30 minutes later it was 12.1 with an upward arrow although meter was 11.3. Went a bit higher then started coming down before insulin. Previous sensor was a lot closer at that level! (puzzled emoji)

Snowing here! (snowman emoji)
You likely had a slight compression low (but didn't go as low as hypo) and then Libre rebounded just before you woke up as the pressure was released. Your BG levels were probably quite stable throughout that time but the Libre extrapolates the previous readings to predict your current reading, so if you had had a slight compression low and then come up from it, the Libre senses that levels are rising fast and extrapolates that but takes time to realise that the rate of increase has slowed as it's reading reaches your actual BG level, where it was before the compression low started, so it takes 15-30 mins to readjust to the fact that your levels were not actually rising that fast at all and then settles back down to where it should actually be. Your graph often doesn't reflect that erroneously compression low rebound, but rounds it all off afterwards to make it look less severe and sometimes the log shows a reading that the graph never actually went through.
I probably haven't explained that very well but best I can do this morning.
No snow here, just frost and cloudless blue sky.

Libre said 5.6 when I woke up but it was lying although it didn't fool me and I bolused for a 9. Sure enough, after I had injected my Levemir and the 6 units of Fiasp for breakfast and correction and scanned again, I got 8.9. The reason I knew it was telling porkies was that I went to bed on 9.1 with 2 units of Levemir and no correction.... it took a lot of will power to resist that correction, but I was determined not to need JBs again last night. I woke at 4.09am on 9.1 and again at 6am at 8.3. There simply wasn't enough insulin in my system to drop me down to 5.6 at that time in the morning when my liver would be grinding into action. I also think I woke up on my Libre side this morning, so likely a bit of a compression dip. So I am going to say my official waking reading was 8.9 this morning..... Of course, if Libre had said 5.2 I would have believed it and it would certainly have been right. 😉

Anyone got any good tips for burns? I managed to burn my wrist/arm with hot fat a few days ago when I was tipping parboiled veggies into it and it jumped out and bit me! My skin is now blistering off in places. Being at the wrist my clothing was scrubbing on it and working outside it gets exposed to unclean stuff so I was concerned about protecting it. I smeared some Germolene on it (my go to for any minor injury), wrapped it in cling film and taped it top and bottom with Micropore to keep the cling film in place and keep it moist but without a dressing sticking to it. This is protecting it reasonably well but just wondered if anybody has good tips for healing it quickly. Being up in the 9s last night probably wasn't helpful! 🙄 There are 3 spots where the skin has blistered and is rubbing off and a patch about 3 inches by 1 where the skin is obviously burned but thankfully not broken (yet). No longer painful now, unless strands of haylage jab into it when I am stuffing hay bags 🙄 but obviously want it healed asap as I am aware that I am at increased risk of infection. Cleaning it daily with Betadine and then Germolene and cling film.

To add to my woes, my hot water bottle leaked last night and I woke up in a damp soggy mess, but it was warmer in bed than getting out and changing into dry PJs and getting a towel to lie on or changing the bed, so I shuffled across to the dry side and tried to sleep.... probably why I lay on my sensor this morning because I was restricted in where I could sleep and not my usual spot. On a positive note, I was nearly dry by morning even if I didn't sleep well!

You likely had a slight compression low (but didn't go as low as hypo) and then Libre rebounded just before you woke up as the pressure was released. Your BG levels were probably quite stable throughout that time but the Libre extrapolates the previous readings to predict your current reading, so if you had had a slight compression low and then come up from it, the Libre senses that levels are rising fast and extrapolates that but takes time to realise that the rate of increase has slowed as it's reading reaches your actual BG level, where it was before the compression low started, so it takes 15-30 mins to readjust to the fact that your levels were not actually rising that fast at all and then settles back down to where it should actually be. Your graph often doesn't reflect that erroneously compression low rebound, but rounds it all off afterwards to make it look less severe and sometimes the log shows a reading that the graph never actually went through.
I probably haven't explained that very well but best I can do this morning.
You shouldn’t really cover burns but obviously in your line of work needs must! Have you any gauze? It’ll protect but also let some air in. I’m not a nurse of course but it seems sensible to cover it when needed then let it breath when you’re home. Do you have a pharmacy close by you could visit? They will know the best thing. Germoline sounds a good idea. Cure all!
Good morning. 6.3 which isn't bad given roast beef and Yorkshire puddings last night.
Yesterday I went down to Cwmtydy to look at 2 properties on the market - no good. Given the one track road I wasn't amused to discover that some bf had decided to fell tress without putting up warning signs and had blocked the road. "How long will you be?" "Until it gets dark". Charming. So had to reverse for half a mile with a 20ft unfenced drop on one side and a rocky hill to the other. Eventually got out by the even worse road, all right and angle bends on 1:4 steepness, swearing luridly. By that time my planned low carb dinner seemed rather unappealing so I stopped in Cardigan and laid in a bit of Aberdeen Angus. Very tasty.
Snowing here - was powder snow but is now big flakes and settling. Met office said it wouldn't - BBC said it would. They have been alternating all week. Think I would do better with a bunch of seaweed.
Hope everyone is managing to keep warm.
@rebrascora When I had a large raw burn on my tummy from an unprotected hot water bottle I got some burn dressings from the chemist, they were quite huge (and IIRC expensive) but protected the raw patch from chafing by clothes. I think they were impregnated with something that promoted healing. I think if I were you I would go and talk to a pharmacist if you can as there are several different kinds of burn dressing for different needs.

Was typing whilst @eggyg was posting.
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Morning all. Snowing as I write this . 5.4 for me this morning. Did have alarm gi off at 4 ,39 two jbs sorted it . Hope everyone is doing well ❤️‍
That is surprising as still sunny and blue sky a bit inland here. I thought Consett was supposed to have snow when everywhere else had sunshine, not the other way around!
@eggyg and @Pattidevans thanks for the recommendations. I have to head over to Hexham today so will see if I can find a pharmacy. I probably have some gauze in my horse first aid kit or maybe AnimaLintex would work as it draws infection. I was thinking that Vetwrap might be a good option but the clingfilm has protected it surprisingly well without applying any pressure to it.
Funny how I have a much more comprehensive veterinary first aid kit, than human one! 🙄
@eggyg and @Pattidevans thanks for the recommendations. I have to head over to Hexham today so will see if I can find a pharmacy. I probably have some gauze in my horse first aid kit or maybe AnimaLintex would work as it draws infection. I was thinking that Vetwrap might be a good option but the clingfilm has protected it surprisingly well without applying any pressure to it.
Funny how I have a much more comprehensive veterinary first aid kit, than human one! 🙄
If it's not too late I had some Atrauman dressings which were excellent for some blisters I had on my fingers caused by friction not heat but still very nasty. Made worse by putting blister plasters on them so had to resort to seeing the nurse at the surgery.
If it's not too late I had some Atrauman dressings which were excellent for some blisters I had on my fingers caused by friction not heat but still very nasty. Made worse by putting blister plasters on them so had to resort to seeing the nurse at the surgery.
Thanks but don't really want to put plasters of any sort on as I don't want to stick anything to the damaged but not broken skin and risk it coming off with the plaster when I change it and the area is too big and oddly shaped for any plaster I have seen to cover all of it, so looking more for a dressing that I can tape over it and around my arm. My gut feeling is that skin heals better in a warm damp environment, provided it is kept clean, hence the reason honey works as it is hydrostatic. Obviously, bacteria can also breed more easily in that environment too, so you have to keep on top of cleaning it. I know for horses, you used to get wound powder to dry it up, but then they came out with hydrogel to keep it moist. Obviously that is for routine cuts and gashes, not burns, but I have the feeling that burns need to be kept moist too as the skin has been dehydrated by the heat.
I think medical thinking on these things changes, so not sure I even trust a pharmacist to be up to date and probably only interested in selling an expensive product from their shop. Maybe that is just the cynic in me. As a member of this forum, I have much more faith in what has worked for other people than what medical professionals tell you. 😱
Thanks but don't really want to put plasters of any sort on as I don't want to stick anything to the damaged but not broken skin and risk it coming off with the plaster when I change it and the area is too big and oddly shaped for any plaster I have seen to cover all of it, so looking more for a dressing that I can tape over it and around my arm. My gut feeling is that skin heals better in a warm damp environment, provided it is kept clean, hence the reason honey works as it is hydrostatic. Obviously, bacteria can also breed more easily in that environment too, so you have to keep on top of cleaning it. I know for horses, you used to get wound powder to dry it up, but then they came out with hydrogel to keep it moist. Obviously that is for routine cuts and gashes, not burns, but I have the feeling that burns need to be kept moist too as the skin has been dehydrated by the heat.
I think medical thinking on these things changes, so not sure I even trust a pharmacist to be up to date and probably only interested in selling an expensive product from their shop. Maybe that is just the cynic in me. As a member of this forum, I have much more faith in what has worked for other people than what medical professionals tell you. 😱
The dressings I mentioned worked brilliantly on my fingers. Self inflicted wounds from ringing church bells for 3 hours on the hottest day in 2019.
@rebrascora according to the NHS clingfilm is ok as long as it’s used to cover the burn rather than wrapped around the limb.

They also say you should probably go to hospital…

Anyone got any good tips for burns? I managed to burn my wrist/arm with hot fat a few days ago when I was tipping parboiled veggies into it and it jumped out and bit me! My skin is now blistering off in places. Being at the wrist my clothing was scrubbing on it and working outside it gets exposed to unclean stuff so I was concerned about protecting it.
I would suggest jelonet then non-adherent pad, with tape or bandage to hold the dressing in place
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Good morning. 6.3 which isn't bad given roast beef and Yorkshire puddings last night.
Yesterday I went down to Cwmtydy to look at 2 properties on the market - no good. Given the one track road I wasn't amused to discover that some bf had decided to fell tress without putting up warning signs and had blocked the road. "How long will you be?" "Until it gets dark". Charming. So had to reverse for half a mile with a 20ft unfenced drop on one side and a rocky hill to the other. Eventually got out by the even worse road, all right and angle bends on 1:4 steepness, swearing luridly. By that time my planned low carb dinner seemed rather unappealing so I stopped in Cardigan and laid in a bit of Aberdeen Angus. Very tasty.
Snowing here - was powder snow but is now big flakes and settling. Met office said it wouldn't - BBC said it would. They have been alternating all week. Think I would do better with a bunch of seaweed.
Hope everyone is managing to keep warm.
Eeek not fun reversing on those roads! The number of times I've seen lorries ignore the signs saying they can't go up the steepest route and having to reverse when they realise they really can't 🙄
IMG-20230308-WA0019.jpg we had a buffet at work today for baby shower for a colleague who has gestational diabetes, so I did a lot of the organising and got people to bring mostly low carb foods - the only cakes were low carb ones that I had made - teeny almond flour muffins (2g each) and chocolate marquise (9g per small slice - but very rich so you didn't need a big piece). It was a surprise for her so I didn't mention it here before (as I have suggested before that she checks out the forums here) but this was why I was especially testing out low carb cakes for my weekend meet! I spent most of yesterday evening cooking - mini crustless quiches, the cakes, and parmesan crisps. It went off really well :D


View attachment 24646 we had a buffet at work today for baby shower for a colleague who has gestational diabetes, so I did a lot of the organising and got people to bring mostly low carb foods - the only cakes were low carb ones that I had made - teeny almond flour muffins (2g each) and chocolate marquise (9g per small slice - but very rich so you didn't need a big piece). It was a surprise for her so I didn't mention it here before (as I have suggested before that she checks out the forums here) but this was why I was especially testing out low carb cakes for my weekend meet! I spent most of yesterday evening cooking - mini crustless quiches, the cakes, and parmesan crisps. It went off really well :D

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Looks fantastic! Address please? (salivating emoji)