Group 7-day waking average?

@MrPixels Who cares how it happened? Have a house! Specifically have a magnificent villa in Ibiza!

Morning all. A nice round 6 on this mild, wet morning.

Woken with a terrible sore throat, it started feeling a bit scratchy yesterday and I sneezed all day. Thank you Zara for giving me your cold, at least she hasn’t given me conjunctivitis like she gave her poor mother. Son in law went to the chemist to get her something, the member of staff was a bit reluctant to give him anything without actually seeing daughter. So she sent a selfie. The assistant said “ Bloody hell!” And promptly gave him some eye drops. :rofl: Five days on and they look a bit better.

Visit to brother and sister-in -law this afternoon before they return to their home in France in a couple of weeks. We won’t see them again until November, unless we go and visit them over there. Hmm…sounds like a plan, haven’t been since 2019.

Have a good day.

@MrPixels congratulations on your embarrassing HS! 😉

Received an almost indecipherable email from Abbot yesterday about the two week libre trial.

I think they’re sending me a test pack and I think it’ll maybe arrive within the next three weeks.
Well done @MrPixels on that HS. I'm joining today's near misses with 5.3. 🙂

Looks like I’m in the market for a new house today.
Must remember to adjust the day and date sometime.
4.9 this morning for me. Did my breakfast prebolus in bed on waking and 40 minutes later after shower and getting dressed (plus a quick scan through work emails) it was still 4.6 (looks to have gone above 5 as part of FOTF). Grateful that the liver chipped in a bit of help as at one point I just started getting flashes in my vision which I now get when my BG goes into the 2s. For once the liver was being genuinely helpful :rofl:

Dare I say that the shoulder is starting to feel a bit less achy and nowhere near as painful as it has been? Need to continue resting it today ready for tomorrow : aunt’s funeral in the morning, then off to London to see Turandot at the ROH in the evening. So it really needs to be well behaved tomorrow!

Congratulations to @MrPixels and @Barrowman on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
4.9 this morning for me. Did my breakfast prebolus in bed on waking and 40 minutes later after shower and getting dressed (plus a quick scan through work emails) it was still 4.6 (looks to have gone above 5 as part of FOTF). Grateful that the liver chipped in a bit of help as at one point I just started getting flashes in my vision which I now get when my BG goes into the 2s. For once the liver was being genuinely helpful :rofl:

Dare I say that the shoulder is starting to feel a bit less achy and nowhere near as painful as it has been? Need to continue resting it today ready for tomorrow : aunt’s funeral in the morning, then off to London to see Turandot at the ROH in the evening. So it really needs to be well behaved tomorrow!

Congratulations to @MrPixels and @Barrowman on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
Sounds like you are perhaps just cutting it a bit too fine with the prebolus time. You have to keep an eye on that Libre and have your breakfast ready to eat when the "tide starts to turn" or have a JB to slow or stop the drop until you have breakfast ready to eat, if you mistimed it.
If my levels are in the 4s and 5s when I wake up, I know that I might need breakfast a little sooner than if they are 6 or above. Today for example with me waking on 5.3 it was 10 mins less than my normal 45mins.
Not saying I don't sometimes get it wrong and get distracted and dip into the red occasionally, because I do, although thankfully less so now that I have Libre 2 alarms to warn me.
I would hate to think that you are following my lead on this and dropping into hypos as a result. Spikes above 10 are always better than hypos. My problem is that with a low carb diet I don't spike above 10 and then drop, I drift up above 10 and then get stuck there because my Fiasp is just not effective above 10.
@Barrowman and you get a house with a very innovative garden!

The house is built around this garden area and is almost completely open. Granted it may not be suitable for our temperate climes however.

I would hate to think that you are following my lead on this and dropping into hypos as a result.
Not intentionally, but I have found that at least 30 mins prebolus works well for me in reducing the spikes from breakfast particularly. This was purely my fault in messing around with emails instead of getting breakfast!

Generally I watch the Libre chart and when it starts heading downwards from the prebolus insulin I get on with my meal or snack. But it’s a good call that I need to vary the prebolus timing based on starting BG. So far I’ve got away with it thanks to FOTF or DP in the mornings, but I have made mistakes at other times. So it’s a good suggestion of yours to be aware of starting BG when timing the prebolus.

I guess it is continual learning with all of this, especially now we have Libre to help show more clearly what is going on!
Morning all... well, rain, rain and more rain and it's forecast forever (or at least until 27/3) with no let up.

6.2 this morning for the 3rd day running. Another flat line overnight, but only after I managed to correct a hypo after dinner, which I had eaten with no insulin! I'm needing so little insulin I wonder if I am cured. FWIW dinner didn't have a lot of carb, it was a small pork hock and mediterranean roast veggies (courgettes/red onions/red & yellow peppers/mushrooms and a few baby plum tomatoes).

Not a lot on today, answer a few emails from friends that have been piling up, a quick trip to Lidl and then prepare a gnocchi dish for lunch tomorrow when a friend is coming.

Aha... how did I know the chap wasn't going to run away with the phone.... well, he was at least our age (elderly) and very respectably dressed in good quality clothes if that means anything. However, a year or so back a phone theft in St Ives hit the front page of the local paper.... a chap was taking a photo when a seagull swooped down, took his phone and flew off with it. The bird subsequently flew out into the harbour and dropped the phone in the deep water.

Congratulations @MrPixels and @Barrowman on your HSs. I swear that house on the water is surrounded by crocodiles... @Michael12421 getting revenge for people who get HSs too easily!!!!

@Eternal422 glad to hear the shoulder is easier... and have a wonderful time at Turandot.

Have a good day all!
However, a year or so back a phone theft in St Ives hit the front page of the local paper.... a chap was taking a photo when a seagull swooped down, took his phone and flew off with it.
I swear this British seagulls don't know fear. You would expect them to eat the chips you accidentally drop in the floor, but I've seen them taking the whole chippy box from someone's hand!
Good morning everyone. Looks like I may be first up today.

And an almost orchestral roar with a...damp squib....5.3 still I am very happy with that.

I must get on and sort out my sound modules today if possible.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
A 7 for me. Which after the run of highs recently I’ll gladly take.