Group 7-day waking average?

Congratulations on your birthday - I hope the opera makes your memories of today happy ones.
You’ve not seen Turandot have you?! 😉
@MrPixels and you get a you know what!

Built on stilts so that the house isn’t damaged when the river floods every three months or so like clockwork.

It’s just one house btw.
You’ve not seen Turandot have you?! 😉
Long, long ago. With all opera I ignore the plot and listen to the music. It is the only way to stay sane. In the olden days (1968-1978 when I could walk to the Garden or the Coliseum) I often shut my eyes through the majority to avoid the obese wooden figures interfering with my enjoyment. It also helps to ignore the libretto whenever possible...
Have sent you and B "Love" rather than "Care" but I wish you both, especially the latter if you have a 2 yr old looking after you! I do enjoy reading your posts. Can't believe B has put his Arran Pilots in already!!
I said I thought it was too early but according to the bumf middle of March is fine. They’re obviously very early first earlys! But if any frost forecast they have to be covered.
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7.5 today,having a rough few days with a lurgy, totally body aches, joint point, headache and general fatigue. My mum has had a cold so I was expecting it to turn into a cold, but the aching just keeps getting worse, so bad I could cry, paracetamol is doing nothing.

@MrPixels congrats on the HS.

@Eternal422 happy birthday.

hoping @eggyg and all those feeling poorly start feeling better soon.
I said I thought it was too early but according to the bumf middle of March is fine. They’re obviously very early first earlier! But if any frost forecast they have to be covered.

My gut feeling is that the "bumf" was written for people further down the country. 🙄 That said, you probably get things slightly milder over there in spring than we do here. We get quite bad frosts well into April and I couldn't be chewed with having to cover and uncover them. My Dad never put them in here before Easter.

@gll Are you sure Dawn is still there? I injected a generous 6 units for breakfast 2 hours ago and I am still sitting here looking at my breakfast and waiting.... not so patiently now. Just jabbed another 3 units.... that will teach her!
We’ve never, ever put them in before Easter before but sometimes Easter is late March or late April so perhaps a bit of an old wives’ tale. Only time will tell. Fingers crossed. 🙂
Good Friday was the traditional day for planting potatoes simply because cottagers had the day off!
Good morning! 4'8 when I woke up, with a straight line overnight, 5'6 an hour later after being lazy in bed for a while, then get dressed and make breakfast.

No plans for today apart from picking up prescriptions, it's supposed to rain but looks sunny now so will attempt a walk once I'm outside for the pharmacy. Maybe I'll stop for a coffee somewhere...

Have a nice Friday everyone.
6.9 for me today and a washing line overnight graph which looked to dip down nicely into the 4s, where I always get my best sleep. This was a real victory in my D management because it came after a shared fish and chip supper that I gave 4 units up front and then another 3 units an hour later and then another 2 units as I went to bed because I went back and nibbled on a few leftover chips 🙄.... Still plenty left for the chickens today though, so it's not like either of us had loads to eat, but feel like I managed it really well and only just tipped into the low 10s very briefly.

Congrats to @Mr Pixels an two HSs in a row. Looks like you are on the road to becoming a property developed or an estate agent?

@eggyg Have sent you and B "Love" rather than "Care" but I wish you both, especially the latter if you have a 2 yr old looking after you! I do enjoy reading your posts. Can't believe B has put his Arran Pilots in already!!

Similarly @TinaD I really enjoy your dry sense of humour too and witty turn of phrase. Those "airs above the ground" can be painful especially in a confined area when you are doing other things. I have caught a good few flying hooves myself over the years. Lovely to watch the exuberance of youth though!

@Eternal422 Happy birthday! I hope you have a fabulous time tonight and you are able to share some happy memories of your aunt with other family at the funeral earlier. Fingers crossed your shoulder holds up. Sending (((HUGS))) for your special day.

@gll Lou you are a hero!
A development of affordable housing would be perfect...
Afternoon all - bit brighter today but stil some scattered showers.

Had a friend over for lunch, so was in a hurry this am. 6.1 - I am beginning to see a pattern, which tells me to leave the basals alone! Having said that, all will change.

Off out to a birthday celebration this evening.

Hugs to everyone, especially those suffering.

Happy Birthday @Eternal422 🙂
Good morning everyone. Looks like I am first up again. I love the early mornings on my own. Time to think.

Spent a lot of yesterday rearranging the 'music room'. I decided that the keyboards were the wrong way round which involved some heavy lifting and a lot of rewiring (including soldering). I was shattered by the end of it. BUT the second keyboard, when I switched it on, started making nasty crackling sounds. I will have to look into that today.

And my BG this morning is 5.2. Yesss. Actually I could do with a new house. Perhaps one that could have a slightly larger music room that could fit a small musical group in, say like the London Symphony Orchestra !!!

Today exercise and more music room fettling.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A bit of a scary house that. Not sure it is big enough for my pipe organ :D
Morning all. A very high 11.6!!! We went out for a curry last night. I thought i'd handled it well with the insulin as i was in the 5's before bed. Scanning this morning and looking at the graph it shows i've been up to 18 overnight!! My logbook says i scanned at midnight but i don't remember, i must have been so tired!!

Anyway, correction needed and got to get ready. Going out with a friend today.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn