Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all... another.... yes, grey, day!

9.9 at 08:45 - despite several corrections after dinner and it's only dropped to 8.1 now after another correction. Can't think why unless I'm unwittingly getting my knickers in a twist about this endoscopy at 08:40 tomorrow.

Well, it was lovely to meet @Elenka-HM yesterday. Unfortunately it is very much out of season down here right now, which does mean lots of businesses are closed at least for part of the winter as particularly in Marazion they work their socks off in summer looking after the hordes. We met in the Turks Head which is at least open and quite cosy, even though there were a lot of very loud people who made it difficult for us to hear each other. @Elenka_HM certainly saw the moodiest and most forbidding side of Cornwall, with dark clouds over the moors and drifting mist from place to place. We could see Cape Cornwall from Sennen (though the tide was in at Sennen and the beautiful beach wasn't in evidence) but by the time we got to Cape Cornwall and looked back Sennen was shrouded in mist. You can just imagine that all the dark tales about the area are actually true! I am sure she got sick of me saying "this is the famous - whatever" until I pulled myself up and said "well, it's quite well known anyway!" Unfortunately we couldn't get anywhere near the Minack Theatre as we were not even able to drive into the parking area.

So... pleased to see @eggyg has solved her asymmetrical problem!

Have a lovely day all.
Just back from my retinopathy scan, the sky is a lovely shade of mauve. o_O😱
And good news my "recent colonoscopy biopsies revealed no abnormalities". Yippee! :D

Good afternoon. Didn't have much time to post earlier, woke up with a BG of 6'6.

It would be lovely to have a soft transition back to work today. You know, a single 5 or 6h shift. But that's not the way in my workplace! Did 7 to 15:00 and now I'm coming back for dinner. To make things even better I forgot the key for my locker, where I had left my work shoes, and had to wear some old shoes from lost property which were not my exact size. It was not terrible but not ideal for a job that involves constant walking.

I read some of you talking about retirement recently. That's too far away for me so I'd rather fantasize about winning the lottery or, as one rude lady customer suggested, finding a man with money :rofl:

8 exactly long long time ago this morning. Work was very bad and I spent a lot of the day in tears, thankfully my manager backed me up with someone thinking processes and procedures didn’t apply to them. But just so much juggling of resources and work, then someone else being rude to me because I didn’t have a resource for their last minute work. This all resulted in me being so upset I phoned the Samaritans (have to say the lady I spoke to was wonderful). Anyway I am using today’s experience to start a chat with my manager on how other departments seem to think my department just sits around all day with nothing to do, also that because myself and my colleague are administrators doesn’t mean that people can treat us like rubbish and be rude to us, just because we are not technical doesn’t mean we don’t understand the work. Like at @Eternal422 the retirement conversation might come sooner than expected. I can’t keep doing this with the effect it has on my mental health, I can deal with the volume of work, but not the way I am being treated like I am an idiot.

Sorry vent over, but I needed to write all that down.
@Grannylorraine, I understand your pain and can empathise totally with you. I hope you can rise above it and not let it get you down, which I know is easier said than done.
then someone else being rude to me because I didn’t have a resource for their last minute work.
and to this, I quote a manager I once had “Your lack of planning does not constitute my crisis”, which he used in similar situations when we had the exact same situation as you had today.
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Good morning - 5.0
10.3. Yesterday i was in the 11s most of the day then hypoed after tea before going high all night again. I've no idea whats causing this but its draining. I'm so tired. Maybe the extra reduction in basal is too much? Who knows anymore. TIR has never been so bad with the highs and lows. Sorry for the moan.
Good morning everyone. Very dark brooding skies.

Woke at 1am but decided to snooze. Woke at 4am but decided an extra 5 minutes would be fine. Woke at 6am. Way late and lots to do. Cut my hair, shower, put bins out (after emptying all the house bins). I have just settled down again and it has started to rain. Phew! But my morning walk will be postponed or cancelled if it continues to rain.

Food delivery this evening around the time of another energy saving hour. We have done quite well out of these energy saving times (organised by our energy provider). So far we have got back
just over £14. Not to be sneezed at.

For the rest of the day, getting the orchestra to calm down in the west wing, ok,..... more wiring up and testing of the sound stuff. I might even get to play something 🙂 .

BG at 6am 5.4 excellent but no house/cigar
Not done BP or pulse yet cos I've been rushing about.

I have still to organise my food for today...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.2 Gimme that house!!! And it had better be special enough!!!

@Gwynn my power savings hour total stands at a whopping £2.52 - honestly I didn’t realise I was quite so economical with electricity usage before this initiative started (and I joined from UK Power Network so in the original pilot scheme) so now I don’t bother doing anything special for the Power Hours.

@Grannylorraine I feel your pain. I’m glad you called Samaritans and that they gave you the support you needed. I’m not happy that you needed to call them however.
Not to advocate violence but it does sound like your manager deserves a good slap.

8 exactly long long time ago this morning. Work was very bad and I spent a lot of the day in tears, thankfully my manager backed me up with someone thinking processes and procedures didn’t apply to them. But just so much juggling of resources and work, then someone else being rude to me because I didn’t have a resource for their last minute work. This all resulted in me being so upset I phoned the Samaritans (have to say the lady I spoke to was wonderful). Anyway I am using today’s experience to start a chat with my manager on how other departments seem to think my department just sits around all day with nothing to do, also that because myself and my colleague are administrators doesn’t mean that people can treat us like rubbish and be rude to us, just because we are not technical doesn’t mean we don’t understand the work. Like at @Eternal422 the retirement conversation might come sooner than expected. I can’t keep doing this with the effect it has on my mental health, I can deal with the volume of work, but not the way I am being treated like I am an idiot.

Sorry vent over, but I needed to write all that down.
Sending you Hugs!
I'm joining @ColinUK on the house step today, lovely 5.2!

Pretty sure that hayfever season has kicked in for me this week though. Done second COVID test this week due to running nose, have started taking antihistamines yesterday but I don't think they've built up enough yet. Too early to officially read the test but looks negative so far, and when they have been positive it's been obvious from a couple of minutes in.
Have a house, @ColinUK . I'm sure you’d like to stay in London, so how about the middle of The Regent’s Park? It's currently on the market.
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Holme House is beautiful. Not quite so sure if I’d tire of the tourists in my back garden though but it’ll do at a pinch.