Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all, could have logged in earlier but was finishing Best Exotic Marigold Hotel in bed, I'd forgotten how good it was. 6.8 @ 8.32am Have a nice day y'all x
Libre high alarm woke me at 6.43am with a reading of 9.1 after going to bed on a nice steady 5.3 with no evening Levemir and no food in my system since celebratory lunch. Decided to be heavy handed with it, so hit it with 5units of Fiasp plus my 22 units of Levemir but had to change the Levemir cartridge as only 5 units left in the old one, which took about 10 mins. I had everything by the bed so didn't need to get up ie no FOTF. By that time I was 10.5 and a sloping upward arrow. Decided to go back to sleep and give that insulin time to work as I hate starting the day high and woke up an hour later back on 9.1, so hit it with another 3 units and got up, so I guess I have to accept my waking reading this morning was 9.1 no matter how hard I tried for it not to be. 🙄
Starting to think I might want to go back to NR to see if Fiasp has become less effective or I am becoming more insulin resistant. My levels did eventually drop at 9am, no doubt as a result of morning Levemir kicking in to help the 8 units of Fiasp.

Yesterday's trip to the fish and chip restaurant (It was Bells if anyone knows Durham) was a pleasure and a frustration. Food was great BG levels less so. Decided to have half and half salad and chips with my haddock. Did a 1 unit correction before I left home as levels were 7.7 and creeping upwards slightly and it is a half hour drive. 6.4 when we ordered the meal and I prebolused another 4 units as we ordered, knowing it wouldn't be too long. In the mid 5s when the food arrived in front of me about 20 mins later, so felt like I had managed it perfectly at that point, but looked like I was going to need a bit more to cover all the chips. Decided that we might have dessert afterwards as it was a special occasion so thought I could bolus the extra then. 12.1 with a vertical upwards arrow when I ordered what I thought was probably the lowest carb option that I fancied.... a white choc and rasp cheesecake with cream. Hit it with another 9 units before the cheesecake arrived but continued upwards and stayed up in double figures for the next 6 hours despite 3 more stacked corrections amounting to 9.5 units and some exercise although admittedly not much as I was feeling rough with BG up at 16.
In the interests of balance I am posting my ugly graph of events because it is important for people to see that I get it horribly wrong sometimes (usually when I go off piste with diet) as oppose to the unicorns and HSs that I occasionally post...
I have to be honest that battle with my levels did take the shine off my lunch out. Very much wish I hadn't had the dessert but felt it was only polite to have one when Ian wanted one, seeing as it was his birthday treat and I should be able to eat what I want. I also wish I had chosen the Alabama fudge cake or the sticky toffee pudding which were the options I would actually have chosen if not diabetic and if I had known I was going to have a battle on my hands anyway, I might as well have had what I wanted.
I wouldn't mind if levels spiked and came back down, but they just go up and stay there and I have to get tough and stack corrections to bring them down.

This morning I have been for a long, fast walk and really made myself work hard. I stopped in at Ian's to have a cup of tea with him at lunchtime on the way back. Levels were dropping slightly and down to 4.7 so I had the tiniest sliver of birthday cake and I mean a wedge 1cm at the widest tapering down to nothing. Next thing I knew I had to scuttle off home to get insulin as high alarm went off and I was 10.6 with a vertical upwards arrow. Just feeling like I am not getting any reward for the work I am putting in.

Going back to my strict low carb diet and hoping that things settle down. If not, I might ask to go back to NR but don't relish the frustration of changing my routine to accommodate it. 😡
@rebrascora , I feel your frustration. So sorry that you feel it took the shine off the day.

I find with NR that once I’m in the 9s or 10s it can seem hard to bring it back down again. Maybe that’s due to carbs still being digested and adding more fuel to the fire, or perhaps insulin resistance comes into play here? I could imagine the body’s cells can only consume so much glucose either to store or use, so no matter how much insulin you take, the tank is full so to speak? I may be totally wrong, just a thought about a reason for highs to sometimes be stubborn to reduce? It would be such a shame that you have to stick with a low carb diet and have to avoid the odd day of higher carbs.

I guess what I would say is try not to let this blip cast a long shadow. Take care!
Good morning - 6.0
Morning all. 6.9 and a long post from the corner incoming….

Colin’s Cultural Corner

Rusalka - 27th Feb - Royal Opera House

My first experience of Dvorak in the flesh and what an experience it was.

Let’s set the scene. There’s a forest. In the forest is a palace. In the palace is a Prince. He’s a bit of a wastrel and spends most of his time hunting in the forest. There’s also a lake. He likes to swim in the lake.

Unbeknownst to him the lake is home to Rusalka a water spirit, along with her dad and her sisters. Known to him is that the forest is home to forest spirits. Why he can’t guess that similar creatures live in the lake I won’t ponder too hard.

Curtain up. The Prince is swimming in the lake. He’s being held and caressed by Rusalka, who as she’s a water spirit has no bodily form. He has had enough swimming and heads off back to the palace to wrap himself in a big fluffy towel and have hot chocolate and buttery toast. I don’t actually know if that’s what he had but it’s what I’d want after a swim in a cold lake so I’m going with it.

She’s fallen for him so, in a Little Mermaid moment, sings (beautifully) that she wants to enter the world of the humans. She begs her dad to let her go. He’s somewhat disinclined to acquiesce and points out that she’s a water bubble, a naked wave, as corporeal as a pale moonbeam. And immortal.

Rusalka is determined so engages the services of the Big Chief Forest Sprite who says it’s possible and that she can help her enter the human world but at a price. That price being mortality and the inability to utter a single sound until her beloved declares his true love for Rusalka.

She readily agrees to this only to then be told that if he doesn’t do this then Rusalka can’t return to the lake and that basically all humanity is doomed (it does seem that all powerful magic creatures/gods in opera are very fond of damning all humanity because of unrequited love).

Rusalka agrees to this as she’s convinced her Prince will declare his love once he sees her.

Women in operas who pin their entire future well-being and that of humanity itself on the behaviour of a single man don’t ever seem to fare particularly well. You’d have thought they’d have learnt that lesson by now but apparently not.

The forest spirit leader woman hacks off Rusalka’s gills and gives her legs and clothes.

The Prince discovers this silent yet alluring, probably slightly damp, woman and falls immediately in love. So he whisks her back to the palace where he immediately sets about arranging the wedding.

Enter The Duchess. Basically she’s a bitch. She’s Alexis Carrington. Beautifully dressed, dripping in contempt and cutting remarks she has her eye on the Prince.

Wedding day… Rusalka hasn’t spoken a word as she’s waiting for a declaration of true love.
The Prince decides to not marry her but to marry Alexis Carrington.

Rusalka runs back to the lake where she’s met by her dad so gives her the whole “I hate to say I told you so” speech but says she’s welcome to swim about in the shallows but not to bother coming down into the depths anymore.

Meanwhile back at the palace Prince has changed his mind. He won’t marry Alexis and wants only his silent and cold Rusalka. But she’s nowhere to be found. Guessing where she might be he heads off the the lake.

She’s now half woman, half water spirit and doesn’t fit in anywhere any more. She’s a fish out of water and out of land I guess.

Prince dives in the water and declares undying love for Rusalka who can now speak and sing!

Ooh I forgot to say that the only way she’s told she’s able to find happiness and live in the water again is to kill the Prince.

She kills the Prince. She’s distraught. He’s dead. She’s still rejected by her family. She’s still distraught. He’s still dead.


The singing is as wonderful as the orchestration is lavish and with an orchestra that’s roughly 100 strong the music is lavish.

There’s a story here somewhere about mankind polluting the purity of the water but honestly this is all about the achingly beautiful music. I would happily go and see this again tonight if I could.
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Good morning 7.2 today

had my eye injections yesterday, the plan is back in one month for the 4th of the initial injection of Vabysmo then maybe a maintenance dose I think she said that will be every 4 months (depending how I’ve respondEd)

will see what they decide next month when im due a scan / the 4th of the initial dose, prior to this treatment they were using originally injecting me with lucentis and then eyelea.

over the last I think it’s more than 6 years I’ve been having eye treatment. yesterday (for the first time)
they gave me a useful basic guide book explaining a few things about Diabetic Macular Oedema, and the medication I’m getting treated with.

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning. 6.00. Not displeased with that after a rather difficult yesterday.

Lower back aching for no reason and then, with no excuse, neck and right shoulder went into spasm - and stayed with the pain increasing to screaming point and reaching up to right ear - felt as though somebody had clubbed me on head - even face aching. Contemplated giving in and taking a couple of DF118's but decided to try to ride it out with hot-water bottle under head. After a couple of hours the pain levels came down to tolerable so staggered out and set ponies fair for the night. Pottered about with lower level until the kids came to do Louie - then was faced with a "we are off" statement as have found a place offering livery for £34 a week. It is quite a relief actually as getting them to do work in lieu of money has has been very difficult lately - but could have been a better day for a difficult conversation. They still owe me 5 hours.

Anyway got some sleep eventually after reading a book about the Roman Navy (Sea Eagles) which filed in the hours and I seem quite mobile again this morning so off to my lesson in Lampeter...Dunno what brought it on as only provocative thing I have done is reduce steroids by another 1mg.

Quite looking forward to not having daily regime disrupted by Alex and Carla although wish they had gone at end of summer as I shall have to organise power harrowing of big field after Louis' big feet and determination to shit in heaps have churned it up. Will have to see about finding somebody to do the lawns this summer.

Nasty grey morning here - hope it is better for the rest of us.
Morning good peeps. 🙂 10.4 here - BG shot up at 4am, the cheeky so-and-so.I need to come up with a plan!

It’s a bit grey out there after yesterday’s blue sky n sunshine.

Do the injections hurt @goodybags? You sound very relaxed about them.
@ColinUK brilliant description.

Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 still sooo close but no chocolate bar!

Pulse low as always
BP spot on

Today no plans

Unusually my wife got up at 6am (an hour after me) happy. She os now sleeping in my arms making typing thise extremly difficult 🙂

Attached is todays Spider chart. Remarkably 'round'.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
4.5 for me today. 🙂

Morning all on this damp day. 7.1 ( I think). New sensor fitted less than 24 hours ago is playing silly beggars. Read low, very low, all day yesterday. At first I believed it and ate more, then when it didn’t budge from the threes I fingerpricked. In the sevens! Of course it then just got worse, up to almost 13. Lesson learnt, don’t trust a new sensor. Think it’s sorted itself out now, 6.5 on the metre so near as damn it.

No plans today, if it dries up I’ll hang more washing out. Such excitement.😉

@ColinUK this opera sounded not quite as mad as the others. Your review made me equally laugh and cry. Poor Rusalka but it was his own fault really, woman like Alexis Carrington are never good news, has he never watching Dynasty? 😛

@TinaD sounds like an awful day, hope there’s not a repeat of it today. Can I borrow your book? Sounds just the sort of thing to help me drop off! 🙂

Have a great day all.
Morning all on this damp day. 7.1 ( I think). New sensor fitted less than 24 hours ago is playing silly beggars. Read low, very low, all day yesterday. At first I believed it and ate more, then when it didn’t budge from the threes I fingerpricked. In the sevens! Of course it then just got worse, up to almost 13. Lesson learnt, don’t trust a new sensor. Think it’s sorted itself out now, 6.5 on the metre so near as damn it.

No plans today, if it dries up I’ll hang more washing out. Such excitement.😉

@ColinUK this opera sounded not quite as mad as the others. Your review made me equally laugh and cry. Poor Rusalka but it was his own fault really, woman like Alexis Carrington are never good news, has he never watching Dynasty? 😛

@TinaD sounds like an awful day, hope there’s not a repeat of it today. Can I borrow your book? Sounds just the sort of thing to help me drop off! 🙂

Have a great day all.
No chance! 220+ pages of riveting stuff. Cannot be responsible for keeping you awake page turning!