Group 7-day waking average?

Well done to @harbottle and @Elenka_HM on those HSs. 🙂
Mine was 5.9 today. I expected it to be higher because I over did the Bitsa Wispas a bit last night. 😳

Went to bed on 7.4, woke up on 7.4. Bit of a wiggly line between probably due to tossing and turning but essentially level. Ate late again last night, still 1.5u Levemir but no corrections/JBs needed and remained in range, so that will do.

Many congrats to @harbottle and @Elenka_HM on your nominated optimum waking readings this morning.

Absolutely love CCC this morning (as always) @ColinUK Thanks so much for making such an effort to educate, inform and entertain us. Really fascinating, particularly that Hebrew Bible and it's history. Just fascinating.
I would like to add that, whilst Southeby's may allow "normal" people in, you do yourself a great injustice by including yourself in that group.... Extraordinary is more the word I would use.
I’m thinking of spinning Colin’s Cultural Corner stuff into another thread as I’m conscious of the pain of seeing loads of photos pop up in here may cause.

Would folks prefer I did that or did posting a few and a link to a shared album work ok?
Morning all

8.1 today, back from a lovely holiday in Lanzarote, where as lots of you know I celebrated my 60th birthday. I didn’t test while I was out there, just sat back and enjoyed the warm sunshine, temperature was perfect for me to sit back and relax without needing to be in the shade. Did lots of walking in the mornings and evenings. Really pleased to have only gained 1lb in weight.

Really proud of myself as I managed the 3.5 hr flight without any panics, I don’t like flying and the usual flight to Spain is only around 1.5 hr.

Birthday celebrations are continuing, as off to buy new running trainers today, my present from my son, then on Sunday a big family meal out join between me and my mum as her birthday is next Tuesday.

Have a great day everyone, I’ll catch up on your posts later as I have to make my own breakfast today.
Good morning. 6.7 - not surprised as found myself rattling at 0200 hours. Only thing edible in house, except for eggs, was half a Greek yoghurt and some almonds...Nothing for it but to plan a trip into town for a major shop.

Weather more than a little miserable this morning. Peachy and daughter quite grumpy and sick of being in. Can't say I blame them as it seems a very long winter and now a threatened beast from the east. On the bright side feeling quite well this morning and Mr Wolf was happy and excited to get back to normal service. He looks a complete rag bag, very matted, having decided to have a major moult, but will have to wait for some warmer weather before he can have a bath and blow dry.

Treated myself to a bigger monitor via Amazon yesterday in the hope that it may amend my posture. When my old one died I just picked up an 18" and carried on but I find myself slumped in front of the pc like an elderly hawk with dyspepsia. Should make searching the LIDAR data from NRW easier on the shoulders - sadly the quality available doesn't look as good as the Environment Agency stuff but it is amazing that they are both releasing it free of charge.

@ColinUK Your culture notes give me great pleasure, combined with nostalgia, recalling the years when I could look at the Tate from my living room window or stroll down to the South Bank for an evening of music. I miss it but would miss the quiet of rural Wales more and short of magic no way to combine the two. That bible - what a wonderful survival.

Have a great day everyone and don't put the snow shoes away yet.
I vote for staying on here with a link, @colin. If it’s a separate thread, I tend to think, oh, I’ll look at that later, and then forget. If I can click through to a link, I’ll do it straight way. I like being surprised with something off topic first thing in the morning.
@ColinUK you are so lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful places to visit. I love to visit an art gallery when I can. My favourite has been the Toulouse Letrec one in Albi, France. We spent hours in there. It was fascinating. I bought a print and it’s proudly displayed in my dining room. The grandchildren find it mortifying but I think it’s rather beautiful.


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@ColinUK you are so lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful places to visit. I love to visit an art gallery when I can. My favourite has been the Toulouse Letrec one in Albi, France. We spent hours in there. It was fascinating. I bought a print and it’s proudly displayed in my dining room. The grandchildren find it mortifying but I think it’s rather beautiful.
That means you can torment them by telling them you’ll leave it to them if they misbehave!
@ColinUK Sorry @Carlos but my vote also goes with keeping it here with a link to photos which surprisingly for me, worked really well. I love it here as part of our morning check in and catch up. This is my essential reading for the day, keeping tabs with you lot.... stuff the official news.... this is where it is really happening! Please keep CCC here!
4.1 this morning, but a lot of time low overnight. I can own up now that I didn’t have any alarms on as I desperately wanted to sleep as long as my shoulder allowed it rather than being woken up by a low alarm then not being able to get back to sleep due to the shoulder pain. However my brain craftily recognised a low of 2.9, woke me and got me to eat a couple of dextrose tablets. Thankfully it let me get back to sleep afterwards.

But looking at the chart I think today will be a day of chasing levels!

However, pleased to report that my shoulder is actually a little bit better and the co-codamol is actually having an effect now and killing the pain for a few hours at a time. Hopefully this is a sign that the naproxen is starting to work.

Had a play installing the Shuggah app last night and linking it to the Libre sensor. I wanted to have a Lock Screen widget that showed real-time BG, which sort of works as Shuggah creates a calendar entry every minute (or whatever interval you set) with BG level and you can have a Lock Screen widget with upcoming calendar entry displayed. But this sometimes doesn’t refresh, especially if you have other calendar entries for appointments, etc. as those will pop up instead of BG. Not really sure of the need for real-time CGM as quite happy to scan every so often, more of something to play with and satisfy my techy side!

Congratulations to @harbottle and @Elenka_HM on your HS today.

@ColinUK - loved the unexpected CCC, the information about the bible was totally fascinating. Amazing the history of the book and just thinking about how many hands it has passed through over the years is very thought-provoking. As to a separate thread, not sure but maybe have a link on this thread? I would like a separate thread so that I can go back over them and they would be in one place rather than scattered on here.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Wow! Morning all, just woken up!! I must have needed it. Anyway, woke to a 7.

Congrats to @harbottle and @Elenka_HM on your HS.

@ColinUK CCC today is fab, i really loved reading about the hebrew bible, its so interesting. Please keep it on this thread, i don't always get time to check others and would hate to miss it. I like reading about what everyone has planned/done.
@ColinUK Sorry @Carlos but my vote also goes with keeping it here with a link to photos which surprisingly for me, worked really well. I love it here as part of our morning check in and catch up. This is my essential reading for the day, keeping tabs with you lot.... stuff the official news.... this is where it is really happening! Please keep CCC here!
No need to be sorry! I thought a dedicated thread might be nice for looking back over time, but otherwise I don't have any strong opinions.
I can kind of see the looking back with a separate thread, but we can always click on @ColinUK 's profile to see his previous posts :confused: . I think on balance my preference would be to keep CCC in here