Group 7-day waking average?

Well porridge (made with oat milk for 4 extra grams of carbs as I'm using it up cos kids didn't like it) plus a heaped teaspoon of peanut butter was fine this morning. 6.4 post meal. I might be brave tomorrow and try it without the extra fat from the peanut butter to slow absorption... If I have breakfast as I don't always bother on a weekend
Morning all. No blood hardly so dunno if a correct reading: 7.0 @ 6.34am plus I'm crook as usual so that would put it up wouldn't it? Plus I'm eating bread. Couldn't find any low carb bread so bought a Hovis. I dunno how my mind works. Have a smashing day all, it's the weekend yay.
And it was a nice 5.1 for me at 8.20 this chilly morning....
4.1 this morning, but a lot of time low overnight. I can own up now that I didn’t have any alarms on as I desperately wanted to sleep as long as my shoulder allowed it rather than being woken up by a low alarm then not being able to get back to sleep due to the shoulder pain. However my brain craftily recognised a low of 2.9, woke me and got me to eat a couple of dextrose tablets. Thankfully it let me get back to sleep afterwards.

But looking at the chart I think today will be a day of chasing levels!

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However, pleased to report that my shoulder is actually a little bit better and the co-codamol is actually having an effect now and killing the pain for a few hours at a time. Hopefully this is a sign that the naproxen is starting to work.

Had a play installing the Shuggah app last night and linking it to the Libre sensor. I wanted to have a Lock Screen widget that showed real-time BG, which sort of works as Shuggah creates a calendar entry every minute (or whatever interval you set) with BG level and you can have a Lock Screen widget with upcoming calendar entry displayed. But this sometimes doesn’t refresh, especially if you have other calendar entries for appointments, etc. as those will pop up instead of BG. Not really sure of the need for real-time CGM as quite happy to scan every so often, more of something to play with and satisfy my techy side!

Congratulations to @harbottle and @Elenka_HM on your HS today.

@ColinUK - loved the unexpected CCC, the information about the bible was totally fascinating. Amazing the history of the book and just thinking about how many hands it has passed through over the years is very thought-provoking. As to a separate thread, not sure but maybe have a link on this thread? I would like a separate thread so that I can go back over them and they would be in one place rather than scattered on here.

Hope everyone has a great day!
I can tag them here so you can find them easier perhaps.
My favourite has been the Toulouse Letrec one in Albi, France. We spent hours in there. It was fascinating. I bought a print and it’s proudly displayed in my dining room. The grandchildren find it mortifying but I think it’s rather beautiful.
OMG.. I know that print well. It lives in my downstairs toilet with the other nudes we've picked up on our travels. Sorry, bit hard to photo. Colin please keep on posting your CCC on here, but I agree, they would do well combined into a blog elsewhere.


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Hello again! I got a call from the GP nurse regarding the results of my HbA1c. Is now in the not diabetic range, what I thought is great news, but she is worried about hypos. I said I don't have them often at all, last week was an exception. Maybe I had more when I was not on Libre and didn't notice, but I think I'd get symptoms unless I was asleep. Anyway, the nurse wants to arrange a review with the hospital team, which is not going to do any harm. She also suggested I stay in the reduced basal of the past couple of days.
Hello again! I got a call from the GP nurse regarding the results of my HbA1c. Is now in the not diabetic range, what I thought is great news, but she is worried about hypos. I said I don't have them often at all, last week was an exception. Maybe I had more when I was not on Libre and didn't notice, but I think I'd get symptoms unless I was asleep. Anyway, the nurse wants to arrange a review with the hospital team, which is not going to do any harm. She also suggested I stay in the reduced basal of the past couple of days.
Congratulations! There are a fair few posts dotted across the forum threads, where people have been told their HbA1c is too low, and they must be having hypos the whole time. (this one caught my eye today, for example, I think this dates back to the days before the Libre, when you couldn’t tell what was going on overnight, or between fingerpricks. But now we’ve got the Libre etc, they ought to recognise that some people's HbA1cs are low without them being in the red the whole time, just that their time in range is good.
Hello again! I got a call from the GP nurse regarding the results of my HbA1c. Is now in the not diabetic range, what I thought is great news
It is great news @Elenka_HM. Well done!
OMG.. I know that print well. It lives in my downstairs toilet with the other nudes we've picked up on our travels. Sorry, bit hard to photo. Colin please keep on posting your CCC on here, but I agree, they would do well combined into a blog elsewhere.
Good taste Patti. 🙂
6.3 for me 🙂

@TinaD if the new screen doesn't do the trick, a monitor stand that you can adjust is usually a very good tool to getting things to the right height and distance so you can sit straight/comfortably. You can get ones that clamp on the desk vs making holes. Shout if you want recommendations or help getting the right one if you end up considering it x
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It's far into the day and I realise that I haven't posted. I was fortunate to wake at 5.4 - highly surprising since I was plagued by low alarms from midnight until 2am when I finally had a cup of sweet tea and put a temp -70% basal on. Only to be woken at 4 am by a high alert... grrrr. Hence little sleep and I overslept, not waking until 10:20. The rest of the day's been rather rushed, but shopping done now, a large stewpot of Boeuf Bourguignonne is slowly bubbling away in the oven and I can finally relax a bit!

7.4 today, got some nice running trainers yesterday and a couple of new pairs of running socks, hope my son wasn’t too shocked at the cost.

today got to try and get a fridge that we can collect rather than have delivered as mum’s fridge packed up at 9pm last night, issue with collecting ourselves is her apartment is on the 3rd floor, hoping son can persuade one of his biker mates who live locally to come and help.

I was looking forward to going for a run In my new trainers, but have to wait until mum’s fridge is sorted.

have a good Saturday everyone.
Morning all. 7.5

And get ready for another CCC tomorrow as today’s a double bill!

This afternoon I’m seeing Cocaine Bear and this evening Handel’s Giuolio Cesare. Looking forward to both as the film just seems like a good bit of fun and I’ve never seen, or heard, any Handel opera and it’s the first of three visits to the Hackney Empire coming up.

If anyone’s wondering what Cocaine Bear is about, it’s inspired by the real life time when a bear ate kilos of cocaine dumped by a drug smuggler. Of course the bear then became known as Pablo Escobear.

Here’s the trailer. And it just looks like fun!
Good morning everyone.

Got up at 2am. Fixed a niggling thing in my App. Went back to bed at 3:30am. Just got up again at 7:15am. BG at 2:30 am 4.8.

Just retested BG at 7:30am (out of interest) and its a 5.0 and that is a few minutes after a coffee (no sugar but with a little milk).

Today, a quiet day, but this evening I am going to the church to set up their sound system and help the musicians prepare for tomorrow. Not sure how my wife will react as I have not told her yet. It is very possible that she will be a bit anxious And could react badly, but I am hoping she will be ok with it. I have found that it is best not to say things too early as she often frets and worries needlessly.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
@Gwynn How has your wife been doing recently? Has her run of good days continued?