Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK Thanks for asking. My wife is a lot more stable and a lot more communicative. The main issue still seem to be there but, given time...

Just been out for 84 minutes walking exercise on the beach. It's pretty cold out there this morning. Out again this afternoon.
4.4 for me today and 3 hours later still struggling to get above 5. Oh well a good excuse not to do the shopping given I'm not allowed to drive!
I believe you are allowed to drive above 4, so long as you eat some carbs first. But given that several forum members have reported shopping as being enough exercise to drop blood sugar I guess you would be risking dropping below 4 and then being stuck at the shops
Morning all. Beautiful blue sky and wall to wall sunshine, but the temp is just skimming above freezing.

5.6 with a more or less flat line overnight (I went to bed on 6.1) and no nasty warnings waking me. This is slightly surprising as I had no insulin at all with dinner. I was a bit low and decided to leave it until after I had eaten. I think my problem is the fact that I have completely lost my appetite in the evenings, so have been bolussing for dinner and then not eating it. Last night I managed half a small jacket potato and a few forkfuls of boeuf bourguignonne. Somehow never got round to bolussing and never went above 6.1.

Nothing much on today. Hubby will be watching rugby all afternoon, so I think I will make a chicken, spinach, blue cheese, gnocci and cream bake for dinner and hope I feel like eating it.

Congratulations @Eternal422 on your HS. Have a good afternoon at the zoo.

@Gwynn, pleased to hear things are a little better with your wife.

@colin, really looking forward to CCC. BTW did you ever come to any conclusion about your job?

Had a banging post-gardening hypo yesterday - working out how to handle vigorous exercise with a pump is still a work in progress LOL. Roll on the spring and more trial-and-error opportunities. 🙂
@Bloden, you can set another basal profile to deal with days when you do exercise. On my old pump there was a setting that delivered -10% when bolussing for the meal prior to exercise, but it's probably easier to do it by a temp basal starting 2 hours before the planned exercise. Good luck!

Have a super Saturday everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 Another 7 for me, but still not 100% so presuming it's that. Is anybody else cold? ::shivers::
I am a Thursday’s Child, and I do tend to work hard for my living
Ok, I got that wrong! Thursday’s child has far to go, it’s Saturday’s child that works hard for their living. Still feel I work hard for my living though! :rofl:
@42istheanswer and you get a house!

And yes there is a house here. It’s partly built into the ground and partly mirrored so it’s almost entirely hidden.

Morning all. Beautiful blue sky and wall to wall sunshine, but the temp is just skimming above freezing.

5.6 with a more or less flat line overnight (I went to bed on 6.1) and no nasty warnings waking me. This is slightly surprising as I had no insulin at all with dinner. I was a bit low and decided to leave it until after I had eaten. I think my problem is the fact that I have completely lost my appetite in the evenings, so have been bolussing for dinner and then not eating it. Last night I managed half a small jacket potato and a few forkfuls of boeuf bourguignonne. Somehow never got round to bolussing and never went above 6.1.

Nothing much on today. Hubby will be watching rugby all afternoon, so I think I will make a chicken, spinach, blue cheese, gnocci and cream bake for dinner and hope I feel like eating it.

Congratulations @Eternal422 on your HS. Have a good afternoon at the zoo.

@Gwynn, pleased to hear things are a little better with your wife.

@colin, really looking forward to CCC. BTW did you ever come to any conclusion about your job?

@Bloden, you can set another basal profile to deal with days when you do exercise. On my old pump there was a setting that delivered -10% when bolussing for the meal prior to exercise, but it's probably easier to do it by a temp basal starting 2 hours before the planned exercise. Good luck!

Have a super Saturday everyone.
I emailed a really rather professional and emotionless email this week quoting meeting minutes etc and proposing another way forward.

That was sent at 6:30am Wednesday morning.

You think I’ve had a reply yet?

7.4 today, got some nice running trainers yesterday and a couple of new pairs of running socks, hope my son wasn’t too shocked at the cost.

today got to try and get a fridge that we can collect rather than have delivered as mum’s fridge packed up at 9pm last night, issue with collecting ourselves is her apartment is on the 3rd floor, hoping son can persuade one of his biker mates who live locally to come and help.

I was looking forward to going for a run In my new trainers, but have to wait until mum’s fridge is sorted.

have a good Saturday everyone.
It is getting rid of the old one that can be a problem unless you can take it to the tip. The scrap man we used to collect the old washing machine didn't take fridges or freezers.
4.4 for me today and 3 hours later still struggling to get above 5
I'm having a day like that too!. We've been out for lunch, i've had 3u less insulin than needed and still struggling to keep it nearer 4.5-5. I hope your levels have gotten a bit better now.
Well, it was 4.2 for me this morning with most of the night in the red despite 6 jelly babies which I think is a record for me AND no evening Levemir. I have dropped my morning Levemir dose by 2 units this morning but already needed 5 corrections totaling 8.5 units to keep levels in range so far. I even over egged the corrections intending to perhaps have a little snack, but not a hope of it! 🙄 Same thing happened yesterday lunchtime. I had a good walk in the morning. Bolused 4 units for lunch as levels were in the 8s, even though it was a low carb lunch.... about 20g carbs and not a lot of meat/protein. I needed 3 x2u corrections after lunch in the space of an hour and a half, when my levels went into double figures and wouldn't come down again.... so 10units of Fiasp for about 20g carbs.... on top of a morning basal dose of 24units. Went out and helped a friend with her pony late afternoon, expecting to crash at any time as I was getting exercise, but levels took till 8.30pm to come down into range. I had a brief walk after that up to Ian's and then levels dropped a bit low, so I had a tiny sliver of Ian's flapjack with a cup of tea and an hour later I was 8.8 and still going up. Gave it a modest 1.5 unit correction considering what had gone on earlier in the day and that I wasn't going to have any basal insulin and then spent all night eating JBs. I think the high was down to stress watching TV with Ian as it was a bit of a suspenseful episode of Endeavour and my tolerance for stress is zero. I had to get up and leave the room in the end as the stress and anxiety was causing me to feel unwell. Maybe that depleted my liver. Who knows!
Just getting one night out of 4 right is frustrating me though at the moment. Still it could be a lot worse. I could live in the earthquake region of Turkey and lost my home or war torn Ukraine and lost loved ones or countless other awful scenarios across the world. Got to count our blessings!

Congrats to @42istheanswer on your House Special today.

Eagerly awaiting tomorrows CCC @ColinUK
Installed the new monitor. No instructions, save for those applying to electrical safety in every known language (61 pages, 6 paragraphs in English) and, hidden at the bottom of the box, instructions on how to get the goods out of the package i.e. the last thing to emerge... So I boldly stuck what looked promising into various holes and switched on. Works a treat.

Very good picture, nice and sharp, excellent angle adjustment, better stand height - I may decide to raise it another 2 inches if it doesn't sort out the posture problem. Reviews said the speakers were a bit basic and the noise came from the back of the screen but it doesn't seem to have switched the internal speakers on as the sound is still coming out of my existing set up - which is a relief as I know how to drive that and adjust its balance.. Cosi Fan Tutte, courtesy of BBC sounds, emerging at full bore as I type.

Downright good value.
@Bloden, you can set another basal profile to deal with days when you do exercise. On my old pump there was a setting that delivered -10% when bolussing for the meal prior to exercise, but it's probably easier to do it by a temp basal starting 2 hours before the planned exercise. Good luck!
Thanks @Pattidevans - I do have a Gardening basal profile set up but it wasn’t much help yesterday. I think it’s cos I started off with a saw-wielding pruning-fest which was anaerobic so my BG shot up. Next time, I’ll switch to the garden basal profile again but have a nibble of insulin up front for the pruning (5 more hazel trees left to tackle) and be much more conservative with my meal-time bolus. Thanks for your advice - keep it coming! You’re much more experienced than me. 🙂
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Giulio Cesare in Egitto - Handel - Hackney Empire

Written in 1724 this is one of the most successful things Handel ever wrote. It’s been performed constantly from day one pretty much. It’s also one of the campest things I’ve ever seen on stage and I’ve seen some very camp things!

It’s loosely based on the events of the Roman civil war of 49 - 45BC but I do mean loosely.

Caesar is pursuing Pompeo who has fled to Egypt. Tolomeo (Ptolemy XIII) has Pompeo poisoned and presents his head to Caesar.

Caesar isn’t best pleased as a king should show grace and mercy so immediately declares that he wants Tolomeo dead.

Also wanting Tolomeo to shuffle off his mortal coil are Pompeo’s widow and son.

Oh and Cleopatra isn’t exactly overly enamoured but Tolomeo continuing to live as she wants to be Queen and that can’t happen with him being Pharaoh.

She dressed as the Virgin Mary in order to seduce Caesar (don’t ask!) whilst Tolomeo and his general try to poison Caesar. They fail.
There’s a battle.
The widow is imprisoned in the palace as is Cleopatra.
Caesar is presumed dead.

But he isn’t.

He ends up leading an army into the palace and freeing both the widow and Cleopatra. Tolomeo is assassinated and they all live happily ever after.

A surprisingly low number of deaths happen over the course of almost three hours.

The singing is superb. Both Caesar and Tolomeo were written for alto castrato and there’s something quite magical about hearing voices in that register.

The whole thing is simply staged but that staging is effective.

Music was a delight and the orchestra used period instruments such as the viola da gamba and theorbo.

This should be more of a gushing “review” but the fact that my bun was sitting in one of the most uncomfortable seats I’ve ever sat on did detract from the experience. As does the knowledge that I’m back sitting in the exact same seat twice more within the next ten days.

Ooh I should mention how camp it was!

Put it this way, a few of us doubted Caesar was really going to be pursuing any of the ladies that intently and wondered if the singer playing him hadn’t based his interpretation on what Kenneth Williams would have done with the role!

Don’t get me wrong, he was fantastic but there’s frequently something inherently cannot about camp Opera and this upped that quotient quite significantly.

Cocaine Bear will likely be today.
Good morning everyone.

BG 4.1 very low for me and that's after a dreadful and unpleasant day with my wife yesterday. She was not well and quite unpleasant too...all day. Difficult to deal with. By the end of the day I was well fed up and exhausted.

Pulse and BP ok though.

Today, church, walk, hopefully a happier wife.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
@Gwynn I’m sorry to read of your day.
It must be difficult after a period of such relative okayness for your wife to see her have a bad day.
Hopefully she’ll settle again soon.