Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.7.

Didn’t I say I’d be up early today when I was able to lie in. Been awake since 5.30 too! :( Must be excited about Zara’s birthday party! 12-2. Perfect time for a party. Still lively enough to not be too whingy, run around for an hour, then a lovely lunch with cake, bit more running about. Home for 2.30, nap time, a bit of TV, teatime, bath and bed. It actually sounds quite good from a toddlers’ point of view too!😛

Have a sunny Sunday all.
Still lively enough to not be too whingy, run around for an hour, then a lovely lunch with cake, bit more running about. Home for 2.30, nap time, a bit of TV, teatime, bath and bed. It actually sounds quite good from a toddlers’ point of view too!😛
There’s me thinking you were describing your day. 😉

Morning all. 🙂 3.9 here. Hm, that basal tweak didn’t work then...back to the drawing board. 🙂

It looks cold out there. Have a relaxing Sunday ev1. I hope your wife is more settled today @Gwynn.

A whopping 10.1 today, off for a run in my new trainers this morning, thankfully son and son in law sorted mum’s fridge out between them, they got her one from Curry’s that could be collected same day, son in law drives a van so no issue with collection, both strong lads so got it up to the 3rd floor with no problems.

Out for my birthday meal with the family this afternoon, a double celebration for my 60th and my mum’s birthday on Tuesday, so my celebrations have spanned 2 weeks, first the ladies treating me to afternoon tea, then a holiday in Lanzarote, now dinner with the family.

I then have 11 days to lose a bit of weight for my daughters wedding not expecting miracles, just want to make sure I can still fit into the dress I bought.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear your wife have a very bad day yesterday,

Have a great Sunday everyone.
There’s me thinking you were describing your day. 😉

Morning all. 🙂 3.9 here. Hm, that basal tweak didn’t work then...back to the drawing board. 🙂

It looks cold out there. Have a relaxing Sunday ev1. I hope your wife is more settled today @Gwynn.
I was! :rofl:
Good morning - 7.1
@42istheanswer and you get a house!

And yes there is a house here. It’s partly built into the ground and partly mirrored so it’s almost entirely hidden.

View attachment 244436
Are you sure it's not a netty! 😳:rofl:

6.8 @ 7.51am and last night, just for interest after a piggy but 'healthy' day, 7.3 @ 12.52am.
5.5 for me today. 🙂
A leisuerely couple of hours for me this morning keeping the old brain working with the Sunday cryptic crossword. 🙄

Good morning, 4.7 today after a lovely flat fish overnight.

Shoulder left me alone to sleep overnight - woohoo! Still not sure about work tomorrow, will see how today goes. It’s back to aching and now getting some crunches from upper spine/neck, etc. Obviously everything is all connected and not surprising when one part is held awkwardly it will start to complain!

@Gwynn - sorry to hear your wife had a bad day yesterday, I hope today is better for you both.

@ColinUK - another funny CCC!

Nothing much planned for today other than a trip out to a local shopping park & garden centre (it was called Evesham Country World but now changed its name to The Valley and has pretensions of being an up market retail “destination”, branded as a “Farm Style Shopping and Garden Centre” Not that it is anything much, but as it is only about 4 miles down the road it’s worth a visit for us.

Hope everyone has a good day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 5.3 and a night in target for a change. A lazy day then off to see a tribute band later. Last day of the holidays today, got to make the most of it.

@ColinUK great CCC this morning.
@Gwynn i hope your wife has a better day today.
@eggyg Zara will enjoy her party but you'll definitely need a nap after! I hope it goes well.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Ps. Has anyone heard from @Lanny? I hope all is ok.
And it was a low 4.4 for me this morning at 8.15. Usually runs in the five’s range.
Morning all and 7.5 for me.

Didn't get anywhere with writing anything yesterday. The only instruments I've got that will do the tunings I want to use are at the rehearsal studio.

Now got a mandolin sound stuck in my head

@ColinUK I'm a bit of a sucker for period instruments.

Have a good day everyone.
6.4 for me this morning but there was a 1.5 correction involved at 3.40am when the alarm went off on 9.1. I had resisted the temptation (it was tough 🙄 ) to do a correction at bedtime when it was 9.1 with an upward sloping arrow so it must have come down below 9 at some point during the night for the alarm to then go off when it hit 9 again. No evening Levemir again so I was reasonably confident to do the correction at that hour of the morning, knowing that levels would almost certainly rise if I didn't and that worked very well, but a pain fiddling about with injections in the middle of the night. Didn't sleep well and had disturbing dreams most of the night which often happens when my levels are higher. I sleep like the dead when my levels are between 3.5 and 6, but I knew I couldn't afford to be in the red again overnight, so I played it safe.

I think I am just struggling to get to grips with the slightly different algorithm on the Libre 2 and as I tend to base my dosing decisions almost exclusively off Libre rather than carb counting it is not surprising that I am having some wobbles. Hopefully I will figure it out. It hasn't been helped by going a bit off piste with my diet recently. Too many birthdays to celebrate! Off out for fish and chips today as that was Ian's choice for his birthday treat.