Group 7-day waking average?

Do you have any glasses that the frames are in good condition that you like as you could have your new lenses but in those, there is normally a 're-glazing' charge.
If your prescription is not complicated then some of the on -line suppliers people have mentioned they have found satisfactory. I have never tried them myself as my lenses are higher prescription than they normally do.
Thank you for your suggestion. It is a good one. I'd already asked about it as I really do like my current frames, but the cost for it was £296 as against £305 for completely new glasses with new frames!!! Barking! Yes, I need top of the range varifocals with photochromatic lenses, anti glare and anti scratch. Apparently I am developing a cataract in one eye but it's progressing very slowly and not yet at the stage it needs an op. It does, however, mean quite different prescriptions in left and right eyes.
@Pattidevans - did you want the t-shirt back? :rofl: Hopefully you are ok now and can assure me that there is an end of the tunnel!
After a nightmare 6 months they did (rather suddenly) get better. As I've mentioned before, the Voltarol helped a lot and I do know it didn't work for you, then almost overnight the pain disappeared. After discussion with the chiropractor who had a couple of other patients with similar problems, and some online research I am pretty sure mine was caused by a Covid vaccine injection.
After a nightmare 6 months they did (rather suddenly) get better. As I've mentioned before, the Voltarol helped a lot and I do know it didn't work for you, then almost overnight the pain disappeared. After discussion with the chiropractor who had a couple of other patients with similar problems, and some online research I am pretty sure mine was caused by a Covid vaccine injection.
Glad you’re ok now and also it gives me hope this will resolve at some point! I don’t believe this is from a Covid vaccination as my Autumn booster was October 2 last year and this problem only started in January. But funnily enough my neighbour taxi driver who took me to the doctors on Monday said the same that he had an aching arm/shoulder after his booster.

@Leadinglights - a fellow sufferer too! You would have thought that bell ringing and digging would cause problems, so it’s good it hasn’t aggravated things for you. I can see some improvement over this week, so maybe the Naproxen is working for me, it’s not a pain killer as such for me, but may be reducing inflammation which in turn reduces my pain.

I wonder if diabetes plays a part here? I had trigger finger a couple of times a few years back and the surgeon who did the steroid injections (both times they worked first time) did say that people with diabetes are more prone to trigger finger, so maybe duff shoulders through tendonitis are similarly more likely?

I have not been to a chiropractor, I might try that as they worked wonders on my back about 20 years ago when I had a trapped nerve
My chiropractor uses a technique called McTimony Chiropractic technique which is far more gentle than what I had experienced before. She also uses a laser device which heats up and relaxes muscles deep within the joint, so non-invasive and gentle. Maybe worth looking one out for yourself to give it a go?
Glad you’re ok now and also it gives me hope this will resolve at some point! I don’t believe this is from a Covid vaccination as my Autumn booster was October 2 last year and this problem only started in January. But funnily enough my neighbour taxi driver who took me to the doctors on Monday said the same that he had an aching arm/shoulder after his booster.

@Leadinglights - a fellow sufferer too! You would have thought that bell ringing and digging would cause problems, so it’s good it hasn’t aggravated things for you. I can see some improvement over this week, so maybe the Naproxen is working for me, it’s not a pain killer as such for me, but may be reducing inflammation which in turn reduces my pain.

I wonder if diabetes plays a part here? I had trigger finger a couple of times a few years back and the surgeon who did the steroid injections (both times they worked first time) did say that people with diabetes are more prone to trigger finger, so maybe duff shoulders through tendonitis are similarly more likely?

My chiropractor uses a technique called McTimony Chiropractic technique which is far more gentle than what I had experienced before. She also uses a laser device which heats up and relaxes muscles deep within the joint, so non-invasive and gentle. Maybe worth looking one out for yourself to give it a go?
Gentle sounds good. I had one bad experience when they (a Russian lady) nearly broke my rib, the previous chap I had been to had retired. I will see if there is someone offering the technique you mention.
My daughter did a chiropractic degree but never practiced as she went to med school.
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Carmen - ENO - London Coliseum

So… beyond the style of the production not really being to my taste - I could have done without the half a dozen Mercedes’s being pushed all over the stage for no obvious reason other than to give the supernumeraries something to do, it’s a belter! And not just because of the ridiculous level of violence.

I knew the basic story and some of the music but not the intricate details of the plot. You can imagine my utter shock to discover it’s about dysfunctional relationships, ego, hubris, a woman’s right to live the way she wants to live and the controlling violence of the men in her life. And death.

Some confusing directorial choices made it tough to get into at the top. Especially the soldiers in the village/town square (which was actually a circle with nothing in it apart from a flagpole and a phone box) singing about watching everyone passing by. Except there was nobody else on the stage other than the soldiers. Who weren’t moving. So they weren’t watching anyone pass by.

I didn’t understand the reason for the phone box either. It served zero purpose other than to allow various soldiers to kick it as they walked past. I think it may have been a metaphor for the inability of any character to communicate effectively with any other. But it might have been there just for soldiers to kick. I felt sorry for the phone box.

I’m not going to go into the story other than to say Carmen is in love with José who loves her so much he ends up in prison over her. When he’s released he loves her so much he can’t be with her.
Then he is.
Until declares that he’s so in love with her that he can’t be with her so he leaves.
She gets together with a celebrity toreador who loves her loads. She loves him.

José makes a reappearance and declares that he loves Carmen and she has to take him back.
She refuses.
He gets all violent and rapes her whilst declaring that he loves her to bits and that he can’t live without her.

This is Opera so he then kills her.

C’est fin.

The plot is thin. The music isn’t. It’s beautiful.

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My school did not have a phone box on stage when we did it :rofl: and I'm pretty sure the gypsy girls (iirc) were meant to be passing by when the soldiers sang that song :confused:
A little late posting (it has been a busy day) but 5.8 for me this morning
Good morning - 9.7
Morning all. 8.1

And an unexpected trip to Colin’s Cultural Corner!

Yesterday morning I went to Donatello: Sculpting the Renaissance at the V&A.

I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy it for two reasons mainly; firstly I tend to find the V&A can be overwhelming and also a little dry at times, and secondly I wondered how good an exhibition in Donatello could be if it didn’t mention the other Turtles.

I needn’t have worried as it’s engaging, enlightening and entertaining.

What struck me was how commercial his work was. Much of it was designed in order to be reproduced. Sometimes sculptures were made with a set of moulds which were sold to other artists for their use. Some plates had reverse sides that were for use as glass moulds (which is extraordinary considering the cost of glass at the time). And many of the specific poses he used were clearly copied by other artists.

In fact that ability to copy his work meant that in the 19thC when there was a growth in interest around Renaissance art many contemporary artists copied his style. The V&A posit that as much as 30% of Renaissance sculptures purchased by collectors and museums up to the mid 20thC were in fact 19thC copies.

This exhibition includes some of those copies and often stages them adjacent to the original. It’s very difficult to tell them apart.

What the exhibition does do very well is show how Donatello and his contemporaries would have worked and how he specifically allowed his sense of humour to come through at a time when some of his creations would have pushed boundaries of acceptability.

I’m not sure how long the exhibition is running for but if you feel like a trip to London then book tickets and go.

Photos are here: Donatello

After this I popped to Bond Street and Sothebys. Many people don’t realise that Sothebys is open to the general public and that they have exhibitions of items in forthcoming sales.

They hang their paintings beautifully and you can get a lot closer to them here than you ever can in a gallery or museum. In fact sometimes you can look behind the frame and see the artist authentication and previous auction catalogue labels.

Yes it’s a place of business and there are folks wandering around whilst talking about bidding on multi million pound items but they encourage “normal” people to come in so that’s what I did.

Specifically I wanted to see the Codex Sassoon. It’s the earliest known complete Hebrew bible.

Dating from around 900 it was written in Tiberius and then sold to a spice merchant who kept it for about thirty years before selling it to another. He then sold it to a synagogue in northern Syria where it remained for a couple of hundred years. They passed it to someone for safekeeping as the synagogue was destroyed. There’s an inscription, actually it’s a curse, saying that be codex be returned once the synagogue was rebuilt which it never was.

There’s a gap in known whereabouts of about 500 years before it pops up for sale in Frankfurt pre WW2. It’s bought by a book dealer and shipped off to the USA. It’s changed hands a number of times and in the 1970s was owned by the British Rail Pension Fund who bought it at sale in Zurich in 73 I think for $150k equivalent and sold it in 78 for $3.8m. That buyer immediately sold it for $4.8m.

Estimate now is $30-50m but it’s likely to go much higher.

The thing which struck me though was the tangible sense of history the codex has. What it’s seen. The events it’s survived. They have each left a mark in the pages as testament.

There’s also the spiritual element. I wasn’t expecting to feel anything spiritual but I did.

It’s really quite the thing to see.

Then I wandered through the rest of the sale rooms and saw many works by the likes of Chagall, Picasso, Pissarro, Warhol, Emin, Schiller, Haring, Henry Moore, Klimt, Munch, Anish Kapoor and others.

Photos (more photos) from Sotheby’s are here Link
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Morning yawning. 5.7. On the one day I have to get up for child care, I could have laid on. Of course on Sunday when I am able to have a lie in I’ll be up at the crack! That’s life.

First precious bundle arrives at 8.30, three more at 9.30, then the sleepy head teenage granddaughter wants picked up at 3pm. That’ll give her time to have a lie in, shower, eyebrows brushed to,perfection, makeup on and eyelashes glued on. Then decide what she’s wearing, even though she’ll change into her PJs as soon tea is over! Busy day/night, then it’ll start all over again tomorrow but just with four. Fridges and cupboards full. Fresh bread made to go with the cauliflower soup for lunch, and ragu made for the stuffed pasta Bolognaise for tea. I just need to stuff the conchiglie, filling is made, it’s a fiddly process but so worth it. No nuggets in this house. 😉

Have a fab Friday. 🙂
5.1 this morning. I think I am going to trial a breakfast of porridge this morning and see if that still puts my post meal BG up too much or if my body can cope with it now

A weird one yesterday. It was the funeral of a friend, which was slightly stressful. After getting back from the wake I did a test and it was at 8! I rarely see a reading over 7. A short time later, after sitting down and chilling, it was back down to 5.3. I seem to find that stress affects me far more than food.
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
4.6 for me thus morning, as previously said I only started Insulin in November so the dose is still being sorted. At the moment I'm on Humulin I @ 16units am and 12units pm. But have a problem remembering to Inject before evening meal.
Good morning! A beautiful 5'2 this morning after a single piece of Lebkuchen at bedtime. Glad I didn't go for a second one. Pretty flat line overnight too.

Yesterday's breakfast shift was long and exhausting after the very short night of sleep. However the evening was relaxed, received a few quid from tips and tried a nice celeriac and potato soup. I know many people here use celeriac as a lower carb substitute for potato, so was interesting to see them combined. Today I have more reasons to be in a good mood: we have more staff, it's payday and after tonight I'll have the whole weekend off!

Have a fab Friday <3
Payday for me too! Might splash out on a new belt as my current one is starting to be a little loose on the tightest setting
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8
BP 120/72
Pulse 54

I get more stressed now about my BP than my BG if it goes higher. BG seems ok all the time. Gotta be worried about something!!! Hmmm

Today a very boring update to my App.

Absolutely nothing else planned. Oh, a walk this afternoon

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 4.1 here...the tweak worked but a bit too well after some activity yesterday afternoon.

A bit of gardening today while OH goes to a funeral. He’s trying to avoid going to the wake cos it’ll be boozy but I’m pretty sure he’ll succumb! 😉
@harbottle Congratulations! You get a house!

This one’s on stilts so that when the river running through the end of the garden floods every year the house just floats above it all.
