Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning people! Sunny and bright here, and I'm happy because I'm not working this morning (can't say the same about the evening). The reason being a diabetic blood test AND a smear test, both booked for this morning. None of them exciting plans but this time they meant I had a longer night of sleep! I'm done now, will have the results soon but for now glad to see I dropped a few kilos since the last review, and my blood pressure is great according to the nurse.

Had a few pieces of Lebkuchen last night, still left from the Christmas box, as I didn't want to go low during the night. Went slightly over 10, but anyway, had a low alarm at 4 am. Then when I actually woke up at 8, Libre said 3'6 and the meter 4'3. Not sure what is going on, I am not taking Novorapid at all and I wouldn't think my basal is too high, though today I dropped one unit to see if it helps. That means half the dose I had when I was diagnosed. Okay, maybe that first dose needed to be higher to bring down levels at the beginning. But I would expect my insulin needs would increase with time, not the other way around! I understand some of the Libre hypos are not actually hypos but the sensor seems pretty accurate and possibly if I didn't take any glucose then, I would end up having actual hypos a bit later. Often I am walking or working, which I know will drop my levels further.
Now I really fancied the one hour walk to the next town, and might not be the smartest choice but should I let diabetes spoil my sunny morning off? I don't think so. So I am walking slowly with my reader in the pocket, 2 packs of Dextros on hand and might go for a carby lunch when I get there. Can also use the local Lidl for a little food shop and, most important, replenish my hypo treatment stock. I'm almost out of Jelly babies, tho I might get a few alternatives because I'm sick of them this week. For the way back I better take the bus!
@ColinUK of course he is a spy, and if he tells you more he would have to kill you after!
No no no seriously no. I don't want my online joking activity here to affect my employment prospects. Recruiters do check such things
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Good morning all. Happy Lent. I'm on one meal a day for the duration, I've already got a headache and I'm ravenous. I might not be able to keep it up. 🙂 You think?! 5.9 @ 5.57am have a great day all.
No no no seriously no. I don't want my online joking activity here to affect my employment prospects. Recruiters do check such things
Sorry Gwynn, it was just a silly joke from some movie. I don't think it would affect your job search.
Sorry Gwynn, it was just a silly joke from some movie. I don't think it would affect your job search.
That's ok. I have a sense of humour but I also do worry about such things. I am sure no harm has been done.
It was 6.4 for me much earlier this morning but my Libre low alarm went off 4 times during the night and my graph shows a lot of naughty red 😱, despite zero Levemir last night and no significant exercise in the last 2 days. I also ate nice and early (a rarity for me) and had a substantial meal with a conventional ie not low carb, home made blackberry and apple crumble for dessert, so I felt like I did all the right things and still got it wrong. 🙄 Better luck next time I guess!
I am also championing my Libre sensor which is just 3 days old... Levels have been steady for the last hour....6.7 finger prick and 6.4 on the Libre. Very happy with that.

@MikeyBikey that spike during the night is likely caused by the phantom pain triggering your liver to release glucose due to the stress on your body, although it looks like it is also possible that your basal dose may not be quite holding you level overnight. Basal dose adjustment is something to consider but only if you see a pattern over a period of several days though, so don't increase it until you have more data to make a decision from.
Something that occurs to me ... I wonder if high BG levels may trigger the phantom pain or if the phantom pain triggers high BG. We know that high BG affects nerves and blood vessels and I know that I get hot and restless when my levels are above 8 at night, so even moderate levels can have a noticeable impact on our bodies. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Libre allowed you to manage your levels better to reduce the phantom pain, particularly during the night. It is probably worth making a note on your Libre app when you get phantom pain so that you can see if there is any correlation to BG..... just a thought...
It was 6.4 for me much earlier this morning but my Libre low alarm went off 4 times during the night and my graph shows a lot of naughty red 😱, despite zero Levemir last night and no significant exercise in the last 2 days. I also ate nice and early (a rarity for me) and had a substantial meal with a conventional ie not low carb, home made blackberry and apple crumble for dessert, so I felt like I did all the right things and still got it wrong. 🙄 Better luck next time I guess!
I am also championing my Libre sensor which is just 3 days old... Levels have been steady for the last hour....6.7 finger prick and 6.4 on the Libre. Very happy with that.

@MikeyBikey that spike during the night is likely caused by the phantom pain triggering your liver to release glucose due to the stress on your body, although it looks like it is also possible that your basal dose may not be quite holding you level overnight. Basal dose adjustment is something to consider but only if you see a pattern over a period of several days though, so don't increase it until you have more data to make a decision from.
Something that occurs to me ... I wonder if high BG levels may trigger the phantom pain or if the phantom pain triggers high BG. We know that high BG affects nerves and blood vessels and I know that I get hot and restless when my levels are above 8 at night, so even moderate levels can have a noticeable impact on our bodies. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Libre allowed you to manage your levels better to reduce the phantom pain, particularly during the night. It is probably worth making a note on your Libre app when you get phantom pain so that you can see if there is any correlation to BG..... just a thought...

I did note it. My BG climbed after breakfast but was on the way down again when it became invisible! I have posted about this separately. :(
I did note it. My BG climbed after breakfast but was on the way down again when it became invisible! I have posted about this separately. :(

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I have responded to your other post about the loss of Libre signal but just wanted to ask if you injected a correction with insulin when you woke up with the phantom pain or if your levels dropped because the pain relief worked and settled your liver down.
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Carmen - ENO - London Coliseum

So… beyond the style of the production not really being to my taste - I could have done without the half a dozen Mercedes’s being pushed all over the stage for no obvious reason other than to give the supernumeraries something to do, it’s a belter! And not just because of the ridiculous level of violence.

I knew the basic story and some of the music but not the intricate details of the plot. You can imagine my utter shock to discover it’s about dysfunctional relationships, ego, hubris, a woman’s right to live the way she wants to live and the controlling violence of the men in her life. And death.

Some confusing directorial choices made it tough to get into at the top. Especially the soldiers in the village/town square (which was actually a circle with nothing in it apart from a flagpole and a phone box) singing about watching everyone passing by. Except there was nobody else on the stage other than the soldiers. Who weren’t moving. So they weren’t watching anyone pass by.

I didn’t understand the reason for the phone box either. It served zero purpose other than to allow various soldiers to kick it as they walked past. I think it may have been a metaphor for the inability of any character to communicate effectively with any other. But it might have been there just for soldiers to kick. I felt sorry for the phone box.

I’m not going to go into the story other than to say Carmen is in love with José who loves her so much he ends up in prison over her. When he’s released he loves her so much he can’t be with her.
Then he is.
Until declares that he’s so in love with her that he can’t be with her so he leaves.
She gets together with a celebrity toreador who loves her loads. She loves him.

José makes a reappearance and declares that he loves Carmen and she has to take him back.
She refuses.
He gets all violent and rapes her whilst declaring that he loves her to bits and that he can’t live without her.

This is Opera so he then kills her.

C’est fin.

The plot is thin. The music isn’t. It’s beautiful.

An early start for me and another near miss 5.1. 🙂
Back to chilly but dry weather here.

Good morning - 4.1
Morning all, 5.5 an hour ago. Dozed off again, 6.9 now.
Having my hair cut today. I haven’t had it cut since before Christmas because my hairdresser has been busy getting a knee replacement, so it’s been looking a bit unkempt lately.
Good morning everyone

Yearly bath time this moning. Well, I had a shower in a cold room...followed by putting the bins out on a pretty cold morning (after getting dressed!). Now sitting in the warm, grateful that the bins will be emptied, and glad that I can take the gas mask off at last 🙂

BG 4.9
BP fine after all the rushing about and settling down again 119/78
Pulse, not surprisingly higher at 58 (higher for me) 🙂

Just copying my App to an external hard drive right now. The App executable is only 35Mb. Not too bad considering all the data it contains. Mind you there are a lot of supporting images too that have to be copied over. It takes a while.

Today, not much planned. Sigh.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

And thinking how I’d direct Carmen if I got the chance.
Morning all. I've just taken it and I can't remember! Good grief. 5.9 I think.

Re one meal a day for Lent, managed till 1.30am and then hacked open a can of salmon and wolfed it down. I'm fed-up now, I have no control. I should give up making rash statements for Lent, that'd be easier.