Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. I attempted a lie in to no avail. Just dozing off after getting up for the loo at 7am when the Libre alarm buzzed at me. Apparently I was 3.7 going down! I ignored it. Five minutes later, 4.3 going steady. Couldn’t get back to sleep so had to get up. Libre wouldn’t scan “ try again in 10 minutes”. I did 4.7. I reckon Dawn is on a very long holiday. :D

Trip to town today to buy a birthday card for Zara who will be two a week today! Wow! Where has that time gone? Pick up a parcel from Next, clothes for Zara, and some bits and bobs in Tesco Metro, I’m walking, so won’t be much!

Have a good day. 🙂
Another near miss with 5.1 🙂
Many happy returns @Grannylorraine 🙂

Just a quick update...

Just spent the last 4 hours updating my CV so that I can reference stuff more easily during the phone call this afternoon. I never knew so much about myself...apparently I am running for president of USA ... no, I got that wrong, apprently I am just running... 🙂

All looking good. I am looking forward to the call.
Morning all, it looks like I’m the first 5.2 of the day today, and about time too. I’d be happy with a small shed I’m getting fed up with decorating.
5.1 when I woke this morning. Actually had some sleep last night, but by then my shoulder was aching again so I jabbed some Novorapid and stood under a hot shower for ages to ease my shoulder. That helped and the almost an hour prebolus did the trick (today at least :rofl: ) in helping reduce the porridge spike!

Doctor saw me yesterday (I know, a rare actual visit to see a doctor instead of a phone call, and amazingly easy to get as well!) and she said it was either tendonopathy or a rotator cuff tear, so at least not arthritis. I’m now on Naproxen and Omeprazole to prevent stomach problems with the Naproxen, a referral for an ultrasound and a self referral for physio (which came back last night for an appointment in a month’s time).

Hopefully the Naproxen will start working soon and I’ll get some relief from the pain and can actually sit rather than crawling around the floor in agony!

Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS!

@Gwynn - good luck with your phone call today!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all. Had a massive spike overnight to 14, due to a meal out followed by a hypo from walking back then another low before bed. Corrected then went back to sleep but woke to a 3.1 this morning o_O
Morning all 6.5 for me.

Oh dear 46% in range yesterday.
Started to slide downwards just before tea and despite delaying bolus kept on sliding. Took a whole pack of dextrose to fettle. 3 in the morning and high alert blaring on the phone. Correction done and pretty normal by this morning.

On a more positive note car back from garage no work required..

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.... I do not have to say grey again... it's expected! Just dull dull dull. Not especially cold though.

7.3 this morning with a hill rising to 9.4 at 03:59 and gently coming down. Now I have LibreLink working I can see a pattern and am going to adjust overnight basals on an hour by hour basis today as I have little to do except make lentil dahl for tomorrow night. Though if push comes to shove I could do ironing??? or maybe not???

Congratulations to @Barrowman on your much deserved shed!

Have a gay day all....
Thank you for the birthday wishes, I’ll be back posting my morning readings on Frida, currently in Lanzarote, had a lovely day finished off with a couple of cocktails.
Morning all. 8.0

Opera this evening! I’m glad I checked my calendar as I thought it was tomorrow but it isn’t, it’s tonight.
I’m off to hang out with some cigarette making Spanish women at the ENO.
Dispatches from Colin’s Cultural Corner will obviously follow.
Good morning- 4.2

Started a new sensor yesterday afternoon and it decided to stop working in the middle of the night