Group 7-day waking average?

It was 5.3 for me today. 🙂

Good morning, 6.4 when I finally gave up all pretence of sleeping and decided to get up for a hot shower on my shoulder to relieve some of the pain. Once the co-codamol wore off around midnight I just couldn’t get comfortable. My back is joining in now as well, probably because I’m holding myself so awkwardly holding my shoulder and neck. Placed a call with the doctor spot on 8:30, just waiting for a call back now.

@MichelleF78 - I’m sure you will get your levels sorted over the next few weeks. I assume you’re able to talk to your DSN any time, especially at this early stage? I’m sure they will be able to advise you, I guess you will be gradually increasing your basal to start with?

Hope everyone has a good day.
6.7 for me this morning and a success to report.... No overnight JBs required, although the alarm did go off at 4.1 but I didn't inject any Levemir last night, so I held my nerve (whilst I slept 😉) and it only dropped to 3.9 and then came back up. Still needed a couple of stacked corrections at bedtime but looks like the couple of spoons of peanut butter afterwards steadied the ship.

@MichelleF78 It is still very early days so try not to be too disheartened and don't worry about that target of 7. I never hit those targets and it used to really get me down. That is why I love Libre and the Time in Range targets, because they are much more realistic and achievable. If that overnight increase of 3 mmols is a regular occurrence then it suggests you may need a slight increase in your evening basal if you are on Levemir. My waking reading was 6.7 when I woke up and injected my insulin but 5 mins later when I swung my legs out of bed and stood up my high alarm went off and it was 9.3 with an upward sloping arrow. It is caused by our liver dumping glucose into our blood stream to give us energy for the day ahead, but as diabetics we need to inject insulin to deal with it, which is why I inject as soon as I wake up and before I get out of bed. Then I go to the loo, put the kettle on and make a coffee and my breakfast, get washed and dressed and sit down here to catch up whilst I wait for the insulin to kick in before I eat my breakfast. This routine works really well for me and I usually eat my breakfast when levels have come down to low 6s or mid 5s. Finding a routine that works for you is what is important though, but don't feel that you are doing something wrong if you don't hit your target. It is just that you haven't found what works for you yet and it is complicated. It is like a novice tennis player going out to play a Wimbledon champion every morning and getting discouraged because you repeatedly get beaten. Gradually you will get better though, but it takes years not weeks or months. You are doing great for the early stage you are at, so don't get discouraged, just learn from each situation and try to change one thing at a time to see what works and what doesn't.

@MikeyBikey.... You threw me into a panic there. I should have been on the road with your carriage (err... horse box) hours ago if I was still expected for that transport job. Hope all goes well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. X
What, like 1960s? One that opened near here in 1963 was demolished and rebuilt with a much smaller footprint and no A&E nearly a decade ago. Bur they squeezed in a lot of (battery hen) housing! :(
More like 1760s!
A whopping 8.3 this morning.

And I have to say I’m disappointed in you lot. Here I am with a folder of house pics to dole out and there’s not even one HS amongst you all! What is going on??!
And I can’t help @ColinUK, close at a 5.1 this morning but not close enough I’m afraid.
Good morning.

5.1 - after another 24 hours of zerocarbs/zerocals combined with a pressing need to stay near plumbing. Not a very happy bunny but think I may be on the mend. Norovirus? Whatever it certainly made wobbling out to do the animals a bit of a trial - and then missing an HS by so little. No ruddy justice.

Have a good day all.
A whopping 8.3 this morning.

And I have to say I’m disappointed in you lot. Here I am with a folder of house pics to dole out and there’s not even one HS amongst you all! What is going on??!
I could lie if that would help!

Rats, too late, I already posted this morning

How about my BG tomorrow morning will be 5.2 does that cheer you up and can I have a house now on credit please.
Morning all and it was a 7.5 for me although probably a little lower in reality. Sensors in right arm tend to read a little high. Left arm is often nearer the mark.

Waiting to see if the car passes MOT without too much trouble.

Have a good day everyone.
I could lie if that would help!

Rats, too late, I already posted this morning

How about my BG tomorrow morning will be 5.2 does that cheer you up and can I have a house now on credit please.
You want me to quote you on a mortgage for one?
Morning all - no change to the weather, grey and er grey!

6.8 this morning @ 08:30. Yesterday looked like a view of Switzerland with mountains and valleys! Somehow contrived to go low after toad in the hole... go figure!

Nothing to eat yet today as I have an appointment at Specsavers for an eye test at noon, so I want to be in the 6 range.

Have a happy Monday all.

Oh, before I forget... @MichelleF78 I understand how confusing it is when you are fairly newly diagnosed. May I recommend a book called "Think like a Pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It's quite readable and explains a lot about insulin and your bodily needs. It put me on track to much better control.
6.7 for me this morning and a success to report.... No overnight JBs required, although the alarm did go off at 4.1 but I didn't inject any Levemir last night, so I held my nerve (whilst I slept 😉) and it only dropped to 3.9 and then came back up. Still needed a couple of stacked corrections at bedtime but looks like the couple of spoons of peanut butter afterwards steadied the ship.

@MichelleF78 It is still very early days so try not to be too disheartened and don't worry about that target of 7. I never hit those targets and it used to really get me down. That is why I love Libre and the Time in Range targets, because they are much more realistic and achievable. If that overnight increase of 3 mmols is a regular occurrence then it suggests you may need a slight increase in your evening basal if you are on Levemir. My waking reading was 6.7 when I woke up and injected my insulin but 5 mins later when I swung my legs out of bed and stood up my high alarm went off and it was 9.3 with an upward sloping arrow. It is caused by our liver dumping glucose into our blood stream to give us energy for the day ahead, but as diabetics we need to inject insulin to deal with it, which is why I inject as soon as I wake up and before I get out of bed. Then I go to the loo, put the kettle on and make a coffee and my breakfast, get washed and dressed and sit down here to catch up whilst I wait for the insulin to kick in before I eat my breakfast. This routine works really well for me and I usually eat my breakfast when levels have come down to low 6s or mid 5s. Finding a routine that works for you is what is important though, but don't feel that you are doing something wrong if you don't hit your target. It is just that you haven't found what works for you yet and it is complicated. It is like a novice tennis player going out to play a Wimbledon champion every morning and getting discouraged because you repeatedly get beaten. Gradually you will get better though, but it takes years not weeks or months. You are doing great for the early stage you are at, so don't get discouraged, just learn from each situation and try to change one thing at a time to see what works and what doesn't.

@MikeyBikey.... You threw me into a panic there. I should have been on the road with your carriage (err... horse box) hours ago if I was still expected for that transport job. Hope all goes well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. X
Thanks so much @rebrascora Barbara I really appreciate your advice. Yeah I have been taking my pens and injecting before I get up but I need the toilet almost immediately and it still rises. My nurse is great I am in regular contact with her and she told me this morning to up night Levemir by 1 again. Dawn phenomenon and foot on the floor are so wonderful! Never ending battle. X
Good morning, 6.4 when I finally gave up all pretence of sleeping and decided to get up for a hot shower on my shoulder to relieve some of the pain. Once the co-codamol wore off around midnight I just couldn’t get comfortable. My back is joining in now as well, probably because I’m holding myself so awkwardly holding my shoulder and neck. Placed a call with the doctor spot on 8:30, just waiting for a call back now.

@MichelleF78 - I’m sure you will get your levels sorted over the next few weeks. I assume you’re able to talk to your DSN any time, especially at this early stage? I’m sure they will be able to advise you, I guess you will be gradually increasing your basal to start with?

Hope everyone has a good day.
Thank you @Eternal422 for your time. My nurses are great. To up Levemir tonight by another 1 unit. I go to bed at normal levels and rise with DP and FOTF it’s a constant battle and this is all too much at times without this on top
Morning all - no change to the weather, grey and er grey!

6.8 this morning @ 08:30. Yesterday looked like a view of Switzerland with mountains and valleys! Somehow contrived to go low after toad in the hole... go figure!

Nothing to eat yet today as I have an appointment at Specsavers for an eye test at noon, so I want to be in the 6 range.

Have a happy Monday all.

Oh, before I forget... @MichelleF78 I understand how confusing it is when you are fairly newly diagnosed. May I recommend a book called "Think like a Pancreas" by Gary Scheiner. It's quite readable and explains a lot about insulin and your bodily needs. It put me on track to much better control.
Many thanks @Pattidevans I will have a look for this book, anything that can help x
You want me to quote you on a mortgage for one?
Nahh I've already got a mortgage.

I will be incredibly patient and wait for tomorrow morning....
Nahh I've already got a mortgage.

I will be incredibly patient and wait for tomorrow morning....
I’m charging an arrangement fee from tomorrow!