Group 7-day waking average?

Well done to @Michael12421 & @Gwynn on those 5.2's. 🙂
Missed it by a whisker on 5.1.

Good morning - 7.4
Morning all. 4.9 today, but like yesterday, which I didn’t mention as I thought it was an anomaly, I’ve had Dawn’s nicer, younger sister visit, and after a visit to the loo, dressing gown and slippers on, morning tablets taken and a walk down the stairs, my BGs were 4.5! Perhaps it was her Anti Dawn! 😛

Nice day so I’ve a wash on already and hope to hang it on the line. Otherwise I’ll be just doing domestic stuff and making a Sunday roast.

Well done @Michael12421 and @Gwynn on your HSs.

Have a super Sunday. 🙂
4.9 this morning, shoulder absolute agony today:(

Co-codamol, warm shower and now sat with a heated wheat bag around my neck and finally it has started to be a bit more bearable. Not sure the chiropractor is doing the right thing, but don’t know what to do now.

Congratulations to @Michael12421 and @Gwynn on your HS this morning. Here’s Chester Cathedral for you both to share

Have a good day everyone!
And it’s a happy 5.0 for me this fine sunny morning…☀️☀️
I realise I forgot to post the regular NHS ceiling pic from therapy on Friday.


It is a very old building. Very old.
Morning all - routinely grey again.

9.2 this morning (Libre and BG tests agreed) after a horrible night's sleep. I lay awake worrying about various things from 3 am to gone 6am.

Yesterday I managed to uninstall the LibreLink app and reinstall the version that goes back to last April... after a LOT of faffing about, forgotten passwords etc, (abbot would not be pleased by the pw I settled on after much frustration!) I finally got it going complete with alarms and instant results! What a relief! However - and there's always a but....the sensor keeps losing contact with the app even though the phone is right by my side and I am constantly being plagued by "signal lost" alarms. So I think it must be a faulty sensor. Have turned that alarm off currently. I'll ring Abbott tomorrow but will have to be careful what I say to them.

Forgot to take the pork loin roast out of the freezer yesterday, so we'll have to settle for toad in the hole or bangers and mash tonight! I really ought to get back to lower carb, but I crave comfort food this weather.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @Michael12421 on your HSs. Also for @Eternal422 for yesterday's. This is the cathederal I'd choose for you...the bonkers one!

Have a good Sunday all...
sagrada 2.jpg
Good afternoon, 5'6 today.

I wrote a post yesterday but apparently it wasn't sent. Was basically me rumbling about my unusual night full of low alarms. Last night was a deep and alarm free sleep, thankfully.

Had a nice day yesterday, morning off and went with a couple of friends to a nearby city. Only a few hours but we had time for lunch, coffee and a short visit to the local museum. Quite enjoyed it. Today I'm in a lower mood but probably will get better. A comment from a co-worker bothered me and then I made it much bigger in my head.
5.5 for me this morning. I was surprised at church by café church style service with pastries on the tables.... Since I had already planned to have a more carby treat meal for lunch I resisted the temptations put in my way to break my fast early (well, I did have a coffee earlier than usual on a Sunday!). I brought a couple of the individually wrapped ones (pain au chocolat and chocolate topped waffle) home for my eldest who sometimes has that kind of thing for a quick weekday breakfast.

I promised my kids that I would have a "mending day" to stitch up seams on clothes and plushie friends during half term and haven't yet done that, so now it's time to sew!