Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon everyone. Today was 4´8 before getting out of bed.

I´m not wearing a sensor at the moment, mine expired and I decided to have a night off and apply the new one today after a shower. Thing is I would like a walk but I´m more comfortable walking with the Libre on, as my levels tend to drop. At the same time I prefer to take my shower (previous to the sensor application) after the walk. Decisions, decisions...

I say I´d like to walk because I know is good for my health, BG and mood, and don´t want to spend my whole day off at home. But is not actually appealing to go outside now. At least I´m motivated because I´m spending a weekend in London soon, I booked trains and accomodation this morning and I´m now googling stuff and planning in my head. That will keep me busy if I don´t feel like doing much else today.

Yesterday evening I lived a stressful situation. Was ready for work, coat on, locked my room door... and realised I left my backpack inside. This contained my keys, my glucose meter and the skirt I wear for work. Inmediately phoned the landlord, who told me he was in Ireland...moment of panic. Where am I sleeping tonight? What about my insulin and contraceptive pills? How will I know if I´m hypo? I had the Libre reader in my pocket but the sensor was due to expire in 30 minutes. And my supervisor insisted on being on time this evening... Luckily the landlord has a maintenance guy in the town who has access to copies of the keys and he was able to sort it while I was at work.

Now that the big problem was solved, my immediate issue was I was lacking a piece of my uniform. Texted the supervisor who said she didn´t care what I wear, but I was embarrased to show up with those gray sweatpants combined with my shirt, waistcoat and tie 😳 I was tight on time but popped into Poundland on the way and got a pair of black jeggings. The guy in the till made me come back for my receipt "in case you need to change the size". I didn´t have a chance as I was wearing them 20 minutes later, but they did turn out to be a bit big for me. Looked nice enough tho. I arrived half running, out of breath, wondering if I´d be low (with no way to actually check)...but right on time. Ate a couple of Dextrose tablets for good measure and ready for action!
was 7.6 when I woke up.

@Elenka_HM well done on handling the situation yesterday. Although not ideal to be without, you did the best you could and made sure you were safe. Better to run higher than low as you figured out <3
Your normal pharmacy is a good stop if you are in a bind, if they cant help you out with replacement items, they can possibly help get you to the right service to sort you out (although I suspect you will be extra sure about picking up your bag now).
was 7.6 when I woke up.

@Elenka_HM well done on handling the situation yesterday. Although not ideal to be without, you did the best you could and made sure you were safe. Better to run higher than low as you figured out <3
Your normal pharmacy is a good stop if you are in a bind, if they cant help you out with replacement items, they can possibly help get you to the right service to sort you out (although I suspect you will be extra sure about picking up your bag now).
Thank you! I definitely will be extra careful for a while, I'm one of these people who has to double check she has everything twice before leaving...but still can have a day like this. I'm sure after the initial shock I would calm down and find solutions if I couldn't access my room, but in the moment I was only seeing all the problems! Being in a rush didn't help, of course.

I had more Dextros before walking home because I felt very tired and sleepy, and actually was slightly hypo when I arrived. Then I had my meter and jelly babies and was sorted in no time.
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Meeting the EMDR therapist yesterday went fine. I like him. Don’t yet totally understand EMDR but I’m open minded and ready to give it a go.
Good morning - 6.6
Good morning. 5.9 and dropping libre says. Yesterday was awful with levels struggling to stay up. All day i was eating glucose to stop hypos but still ended up being stuck at work for almost an hour at the end of the day due to being too low to drive.

First day of the half term and i'm out for brunch this morning with a friend, looking forward to that. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
And it’s another 5.1 again this morning for me.
Good morning everyone. Horrible dreams this morning just before I woke. Hasn't set me up well for the day.

A bit blustery out there this morning.

Up late at 6:30 am

BG 5.0 not even trying towards an HS
BP and pulse as usual. BP ok. Pulse severe low

I hate it when a potential employer asks for a personal statement, which you then provide, only to then later think of all sorts of things that you could have, possibly should have, included (Too late as the response cannot be edited). Mind you my response was reasonably short and to the point.

Today again nothing planned. Yawn

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning, 6.0 for me today after a dip at 3am down to 3.9 which I didn’t treat.

Chiropractor saw me ok yesterday and the shoulder is ok, if a little sore today. Hoping for further improvement over the coming week. Cold is as bad as ever and had to have extra inhalers last night. It can just do one and go away today!

Nothing planned for today, so starting with a lazy breakfast.

Have a good day everyone!
5.3 for me! 🙂

5.8 for me, after going to bed with a 2.9 following a walk back from the pub!?! Had something to eat before going to bed.
This seems happens quite often.

Coming down with a cold as well, first one for years. (When I had CovId I had no symptoms apart from a runny nose!)


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