Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and another grey one... when will it end?

No reading this morning as my sensor has expired in the night and I need to uninstall LibreLink and install the version prior to all their evil updates before I start the new sensor which has been on since lunchtime yesterday. I suppose I could prick a finger, if I could find my test kit.

Nothing much on today except maybe some ironing and cooking BBQ spare ribs (Gordon Ramsey recipe).

@Elenka_HM well done on handling the crisis so competently! Scary stuff.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
Hey all 8.2. Dawn showed up at about 4am and after an initial sharp ish drop I had a pretty typical slow drift down so not entirely unhappy with my waking after all that nonsense 🙂

Hope you get libre sorted once n for all @Pattidevans
5.2 for me today! Church is having a Beetle Drive and Pancake Day this afternoon so I will be having at least one pancake, will see what that does and decide whether to stick to almond flour pancakes for me on Tuesday
Good day all. 6.9 @ 8.50am not bad after horrendous week of bad eating choices. 😱
It was a 6.4 for me much earlier this morning.

For someone who never does routine for more than 2 days in a row, I am now on 6 days of needing 2 or 3 JBs through the night at various intervals but having absolutely wonderful sleep in between eating them and waking up really refreshed. I have adjusted Levemir once but levels have started to rise at bedtime and I have ended up needing a correction as I get into bed. Last night I promised myself I wasn't going to do it. My levels were lovely and steady in the mid 5s at 9.30pm. I settled on 2 units of Levemir and had a cup of tea at 10 pm. By 10.30pm my high alarm goes off and I am 9.4 with a vertical upwards arrow. Double checked it with a finger prick and 9.2 so my resolve went out of the window and I hit it with 1.5 unit Fiasp correction and went to sleep. Just before 1am the low alarm went off on 4.1. One JB sorted it until some time around 3.30am when I must have slept through the alarm and dipped into the red and woke up at 4.30am on 3.3. One more JB and I was in the 6s by 6am, no doubt with some help from Dawn. Great sleep, woke up refreshed and ready to start the day early again, rather than my normal struggle to get up. My quandary is, Do I really want to fix this issue when I am getting such great sleep and it is making me feel really well physically and mentally or do I tweak things to prevent these lows and risk upsetting this wonderful sleep routine I am in. It was notable that as soon as my levels rose to 6, the last 2 mornings, I woke up and became restless and was ready to get up and start the day, but down at high 3s and low 4s I am sleeping really soundly and drop back off to sleep immediately after eating the JBs, into that same lovely deep sleep.
I may try injecting the Levemir at 7pm instead of 10-11pm and see if that prevents the need for a correction.

Many congratulations to @42istheanswer on your House Special this morning.
@42istheanswer in honour of your HS and the beetle drive here’s a house for you.

Might have to get Paul McCartney to move out though!

@Michael12421 Have a house!

This one’s rather special. Four bed, four bath, all built on stilts as separate pods connected by glazed walkways. Each pod clad in mirrors so the whole thing just vanishes in the 4 acres of densely planted woodland.

Good morning everyonne.

Up late rushing about and yet BG 5.2 yesss. Can I have a cathederal please (since it's a Sunday)

Off to church this morning. Going early to set up their sound system.

Walk exercise this afternoon

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
6.2 for me this morning.
Just a single unit correction at bedtime last night....I couldn't help myself when I hit 8.8. Just needed a single JB at 3.30am for a 4.1 when the alarm woke me, except that I fell straight back off to sleep without eating it 🙄 and woke half an hour later on 3.7, so I did eat it then. Sensor change today although I applied it last night. So far, I have been really impressed with my first two Libre 2 sensors. Hope I am not jinxing this new one by saying that!

Congrats to @Gwynn and particularly @Michael12421 as I know how rare and therefore more special they are for you.

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough @TinaD. Hope you feel better after some more time in bed. Rest is really good medicine.

Very quiet on the thread this morning. Hope everyone is enjoying a lie in.