Group 7-day waking average?

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @eggyg on your HS and rather splendid castles awarded today!

Running a bit high after a really crap night’s sleep last night. New pillows, crisp fresh bed linen and meditation didn’t touch the sides.

I’m sure it’s to do with my starting a new (to me) form of therapy this morning. It’s EMDR which is specifically for PTSD and its eye movement desensitisation (no idea what the R stands for!).

I’m not looking forward to the necessary first steps of going into great detail about the attacks but I’ll take that trepidation to the session, which is 90 minutes today.

On the good news front, I’ve had confirmation that my diagnoses means I’ve accepted into the Royal Opera House Access scheme. That means 25% off all tickets!
Good morning Friday 6.9 today

currently the was the bungalow purchase still hasn’t happened

ok there’s a possibility it still will happen BUT I’m not holding out much hope,
after all the seller will even agree to re-negotiate, then accept my revised offer, after all just a few weeks ago he wasn’t even willing to meet us half way in the cost of the couple of indemnity policies. (that was more cost I needed to pay)

Keep Smiling 😎
Morning all. I’m on the “close, but no cigar” step with @freesia 5.1. Can’t grumble though.

What a very blustery night, and still is to some extent. 10 degrees though, and wet.:(

Again, just another day pootling about. Zara at other grandparents and we’re still on our annual leave. :rofl:

Have a fab Friday, the kids finish school today for a week. That’s been a very quick half term, although probably hasn’t for the staff and the pupils! One of my friends retires today, she’s a TA, 25 years in the same school. She’s ready for it, she’s nearly 69, but has admitted she’ll miss the children. She can join me in pootling! 😉
Good morning everyone.

Almost a house special BG 5.1. Maybe a house under construction?

It doesn't look as pleasant out there this morning. Not much planned, some exercise.

My wife cooked scampi and chips in the oven last night. It was surprisingly good. Normally I would deep fry the lot, but we don't use our chip pan anymore. A bit high in carbs but ohhh so good.

I wonder if I will hear any more from the job applications...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A 5.7 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 10.1
7.1 for me this morning and Dawn was clearly just on an away day as I needed 2 separate JBs through the night again at 2.30am and 4am but kept me out of the red. My own fault as I stuck in a 1.5 correction at bedtime for a 7.5 and rising after a late fish and chip supper. I had reduced my Levemir by 1 unit so thought the 1.5 units would be OK. I really do sleep so well when my levels are in the 4s though so even though Libre woke me twice, I was straight back to lovely deep restful sleep within minutes and the rise this morning made it so much easier to wake up and get up straight away. I just worry about eating JBs every night and what it is doing to my teeth. Overnight graph looks brilliant and TIR is getting close to a new personal best and my sleep the last few days has been really restful, but too many JBs being consumed.
It seems 5.1 is popular this sunny morning, and I’ll add my 5.1 to the list.
Good morning. 6.4.

Exhausted and ignoring the house work required post Grandkids. Miserable drizzle outside. Animals fed - feet up with a book seems the best choice for the rest of the day. Might download the 25" to the mile for Pembroke and the Cleddau and do some thinking - cannot believe that the records are silent on Roman forts and ports in Pembs. So lovely to have no noise in the house!

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Had a very productive day reading manuals and watching YouTube videos. A feature of my keyboard I thought I'd never use looks as though it could be potentially very useful. More hands on experimenting required.

A bit wild out there. Garden may remain untouched today.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - grey, misty and mizzling. A nuisance as I have to catch the bus to the chiropracter as it clashes with J's appointment for an eye test. There's never anywhere to park near trhe chiro... usually Julian lurks in the car and keeps moving it if he's blocking anyone in. There is no bus shelter at this end, you just have to endure wind and rain, so I am not looking forward to it..

A shocking 9.2 this morning... probably due to an over-enthusiastic -35% temp basal last night having been woken twice by the alarms before 1 am.

Glad to hear @rebrascora is having good sleeps.

@ColinUK hope all goes well at the first session of your therapy.

Have a joyous Friday everyone.
the kids finish school today for a week. That’s been a very quick half term, although probably hasn’t for the staff and the pupils!
It definitely hasn't :rofl: !! Its been such a long one, i'm now counting the hours down until 3pm.
Late to the party today! 4.7 today (although according to Libre it was 6.2 just 14 minutes earlier - was that Dawn doing a whistle stop tour?)

Definitely got a cold (tested for covid and that thankfully is negative) so going to have to have a mask when I go to the chiropractor later this afternoon for my shoulder. Not sure if she’ll see me with a cold or not but we’ll see as I want to keep going to get the shoulder totally better. Thankfully today it seems loads better, but maybe that is because my brain can only deal with one issue at a time. Probably the benefit of a male brain not being able to multitask? :rofl:

Hope those in the North aren’t being blown away by Otto? Bit windy here but not too bad.

Lunch first (as I’m now 4) then a stroll down to the postbox to Mail some letters and a bit of exercise!

Hope everyone has a good Friday!