Group 7-day waking average?

6.9 for me this morning after a single JB at 3.32 for a 4.1 when the Libre alarm went off, so not got the evening Levemir quite right but there again, maybe I didn't need the JB since my levels clearly went up higher than a single JB is capable of raising them so I had both DP and FOTF this morning but hit them hard with plenty of Fiasp and that fettled them both.

Had another Unicorn day yesterday, so that is 2 on the trot but it took a lot of Fiasp yesterday afternoon to keep in range and then my levels suddenly dropped like a stone about 10pm and I caught it on 4.0 with a downward arrow but 2 JBs turned it around promptly without incurring any red ink on my graph.
I think I must be lacking a purpose in life just now...I have applied for 2 idea if I will get any response. But the challenge of working again is both exciting and daunting.

Wish me luck
6.1 - Medical appointments today. Nothing too exciting just referrals for minor things which have been irritating me for long enough for me to actually now do something about them.

Q. Is anyone else watching Last of Us? I have played the game so know it packs an emotional punch but have forgotten some of the details for minor characters. I wasn’t quite ready for the emotional wallop in the latest episode that’s for sure.
I’m not sure if I’m actually enjoying the show or not though.
It’s undeniably well made and objectively ‘good’ but I’m not sure why it’s not grabbing me as I thought it would.
I’ll probably stick with it though.
I'm watching it. I really loved that episode but I agree it isn't completely grabbing me, but like you I'll carry on because I'm probably already hooked!
I'm not always sure games turned into tv work.
I think the main difference is when you are playing, you are invested. You take on that role as protector (or whatever the role is) and feel the emotions so much more than sitting watching it. I cry when playing sad games more than watching a sad film.

Oh and 9.9 today. Toast before bed didn't agree with me then 🙄
Morning everyone - AWOL again for a few days because there's just so much to do with getting ready to move. We had a farewell party here for all our village friends and others on Friday night which was great and then on Sunday we had a yard sale which went really well and I'm still selling things on our village Facebook page for people who couldn't come. Who knew that old bikes and life jackets would be so popular! Have a great day everyone - oh, I was 8.2 today
Morning all. 6.4 for me this morning. Another fine day up norf . Even managed to get through to the hospital to make an appointment for my feet . Last February since last seen . Had an appointment Jan 19 rang me been called off Now 22 nd March . (Fingers and toes crossed.) Have a good day folks
And it s a 5.6 for me this fine sunny morning after a light frost last night.....
Morning all - well in direct contrast to yesterday it is grey and raining today.

Amazingly BG was 5.7 this morning with a flat line most of the night. It came as a surprise as I had another difficult hypo last night, eventually cured by a cup of sweet tea and half a slice of toast with marmalade. At least that one didn't keep me awake as we were watching a movie late.

Trip to Lidl this afternoon, followed by making a ham and mushroom pie out of the gammon I cooked on Sunday, then down to the pub for a drink with friends early evening.

I noticed the absence of Kaylz and Lanny.... bit more worried about Lanny as at least Kaylz has Bruce, whereas Lanny lives alone.

Have a nice Wednesday all!
Morning all. Proper nippy here brr. 🙂 6.5 @ 7.53am not bad as I've had a greedy eating week, being stupid. Must get back to being sensible and will just as soon as I've finished up the nice stuff! I don't know how my mind works! Brother has brought crusty bread round nom nom nom
Forgot to post this morning. Forgot to test too!

And I miss @Kaylz and @Lanny and hope both pop by and reassure us that they’re doing ok.
I also did not test this morning. Meal out for lunch and I decided to (carb) treat myself and had gammon with egg & pineapple and chips, and then a small dessert of one scoop of lemon curd sorbet. It was delicious but oddly made my coffee taste more bitter :rofl: . Over my usual carb allowance for the day in one meal so will be having a low carb tea! (Had a low carb breakfast too - just cheese and coffee as was short on time!)
Morning all. 7.9 after a broken nights sleep of bad dreams. Tired and looking forward to Friday.
Good morning everyone.

Feeling rough again this morning. Temperature is normal though. I must have caught a strange nasty slow moving bug. Sigh. I wish it would move on !!!

However, my BG yeserday evening was 5.2, nice and I had a good sleep.
And this morning my BG is 5.2 yesssss another house. Where am I supposed to put them all?
BP slightly elevated
Pulse depressed, ok , low

I will take it easy today and hopefully start to recover more

Things I hadn't realised, number 507684351, I read recently that older people need to consume higher amounts of protein in order to stop muscle wastage. No idea if it is true but a lot of older people do seem to have reduced muscle. So, in the interests of 'almost' science, and as an 'older' person, I have decided to test the hypothesis by increasing my daily intake of protein (though well below the upper tolerable limit of 3.5g per Kg body weight). I will let you all know the results in 20 years time :D

Here's a picture of this evenings light snack (tea) with extra protein...


Actually todays protein intake will be around 117g.

It's a good job the the body seems to look after everything (?) given a fair chance with reasonable nutrition and nothing breaking down. There are so many things in the body that need continual internal adjustment.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing