Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All

7.1 and a stinking cold - happy half term to me !

Have a good day
Morning all on this beautiful Valentine's day - clear blue skies and barely a breeze today.

10.3 - hardly surprising as I had the mother and father of all hypos last night. It began at around 22:45 and the last alarm screeched at 02:10, when hubby went downstairs and made me a cup of tea with 3 spoons of sugar. Meantime I'd consumed multiple jelly babies, 2 cereal bars, 3 ginger cookies and several Dextrose tablets plus my basal was on a temporary -50%. Every time I drifted off to sleep the bloody thing went off... not always in the red, but 4.1/4.2 some of the time, course it wasn't just keeping me awake, but hubby too. No real idea what caused it except I didn't eat all my dinner, but I had only bolussed for 20g anyway and I had eaten most of the jacket potato, some of the cauli cheese and the stewed pears and raspberries. It was very scary.

Although JugGluco is giving me alarms I am bereft without LibreLink and tearing my hair out to see any kind of a pattern.

Anyhoo... enough of all that! Hope everyone is well today and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Morning all and 6.8 for me.

Been to the vampires this morning to see how the manky bone marrow is getting on .

Bit more website updating to do to reflect another confirmed date.

Have a good day everyone.
Late posting today but got 7.0 exactly bang on target set for me :D

@ColinUK not watched the last of us as its on sky/now tv which I don't have and never played thru it (I'm an xbox girl and its ps exclusive) however seen it played through many times on twitch.
Kiddo got a ps4 recently so might get a run through it at some point still :D
What's the scheduling for it? Pretty sure my sons never had a now tv subscription/free trial LOL
Didn't get around to doing kids bank accounts yesterday so that's today's job now. Better hurry them out now the bank closes earlier it used to! (Could do them online but would rather go in...)
Late posting today but got 7.0 exactly bang on target set for me :D

@ColinUK not watched the last of us as its on sky/now tv which I don't have and never played thru it (I'm an xbox girl and its ps exclusive) however seen it played through many times on twitch.
Kiddo got a ps4 recently so might get a run through it at some point still :D
What's the scheduling for it? Pretty sure my sons never had a now tv subscription/free trial LOL
It’s 9 episodes in the first season I think. Currently we’re on episode 5.

I’ll try and remind you when it’s done so you can binge.

It’s slow. It’s atmospheric. It’s sometimes almost a shot for shot match to the game.
Good morning 7.9 today
Morning all. 10.6 and just out of range all night. Most likely due to the peanuts i had before bed as i was 4.4.
Morning all. A nice round 5.

No massive plans, guests for lunch. Daughter number 3 and Zara. Otherwise a bit of washing, mostly muddy walking gear!

Have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Introspectively pondering life this morning. How I wish I had understood things better when I was younger. I feel that I have wasted a lot of my life. I have done ok, but I could have been better, kinder, more appreciative, achieved more, helped more, given more. Sigh.

The last of the meat and potato pie was wonderful. 🙂

My wife made some cake buns but they didn't turn out so great...probably because she didn't follow any recipe and just made it up as she went along. Sometimes that approach works, sometimes not.:(

Sadly, she finished the day off by spilling a glass of water everywhere at bed time. She was none too pleased.😡

Nothing planned for today. I will appreciate a quiet day in the warm.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 4.7 here. An afternoon walk (only half an hour up n down the beach) seems to get rid of both DP and FOTF...well, who’d of thunk it?

A few bits n pieces to do before our little weekend in North Wales. OH even suggested we went to Bodnant Gardens - not his cup of tea at all, but right up my street. I think he must still have a temperature from this pesky cold! 😉
6.1 for me today. 🙂

5.1 this morning after a much better day BG-wise.

Shoulder has decided to not play the game but a little better after last night’s visit to the chiropractor. Next visit is Friday, so hopefully the two visits this week plus all the exercises will see an improvement by the weekend.

Introspectively pondering life this morning.
I know how you feel. I cannot believe how the years have gone by and I’m sure everyone has at least some regrets. I really think the best course of action is to live in the moment, enjoying what is happening now otherwise you will miss out on life by dwelling on the past or fearing the future.

Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 6.1