Group 7-day waking average?

Ugh, it’s raining again today so it looks like I’m not biking this morning as planned.
Almost forgot it’s another 5.4 for me at 7.35 this morning.
Good morning, 5.3, and what a beautiful morning it is too, sunny and frosty. Skiddaw is resplendent in the distance with a light dusting of snow.

A fantastic day for a walk in the Lake District, alas, even if I had the time it’s half term! Keswick et al will be rammed! So I’ll strip the bed, and make a ragu in preparation for the hordes coming tomorrow. Got all five grandchildren tomorrow and the eldest four are sleeping over! At least they’re not getting in everyone’s way round Derwent Water!

Have a lovely day. 🙂

@ColinUK I’m thinking some of these operas need to be re written ASAP so as not offend folks’ sensibilities, you know, like the Roald Dahl books. 😛
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Morning all. 5.3 after a lie in. Its sunny outside but supposed to be quite cool today. Not much to do other than hang out the washing and hope the breeze is enough to dry it. I might just potter around the house today and catch up with my book.

@ColinUK i love CCC. You should publish your reviews in a local newspaper anonymously, like one of the food critics or hotel inspectors 😉.
@freesia I’ve thought about doing them as a blog… maybe I’ll think more about doing that.
@Bloden , if DP and FOTF are a regular thing have you thought about adjusting your basal down a fraction for 2 hours before the DP sets in. ISTR you're on the Omnipod so 0.05u for the two hours might just do the trick.
That’s interesting @Pattidevans - you do mean DOWN, don’t you? I’ve just tweaked my basal UP to see if that helps.

Morning all. 🙂 7.6 here.

The sun’s shining but it looks like there’s a cold wind blowing. Coffee down the beach with mum it is then - once she’s hauled her elderly bones out of bed, that is. I dunno, lazy bloomin OAPs having lie-ins on a weekday! 😉
Well as usual I have gone from one extreme to the other. 11.1 when I first woke up but had been above range most of the night, despite corrections before bed and +1.5 units of Levemir. That will be the chick peas from my midnight feast curry although I injected a significant amount of insulin to cover them. No rice and no other appreciable carbs other than tomatoes and onions and a bit of butternut squash. I have had 2x3u of Fiasp this morning and I am still only down to 8.8. Once I get above 10 my levels really do not want to come down again and Fiasp is such a wimp in dealing with them, especially at this time of day. My own fault for not injecting a correction when my alarm went off at 9.1 an hour after I got into bed but I already had stacked corrections in my system, so didn't seem wise to add some more. I can hear my Libre saying "I told you!" Grr! At least it looks like I did something about the previous few days of nocturnal hypos! 🙄
Good morning! A 7.1 (meter) today. Quite puzzling as I slept through alarm (hearing messed up by Covid) and the Libre said 9.4 on waking. 20 minutes later after wheelchair transfer, loo and glass of water with early tablets finger prick said 7.1 (no insulin, coffee boost, etc.) so rescanned and got 7.5. I can drop over 8 in an hours physio so do I use that much energy first thing shifting 100kg about? (querying emoji)
Good morning. Brilliant sunshine outside although a bit nippy.

Joined @Barrowman on 5.4 - a perfectly respectable number after lots of carbs yesterday and a lousy night! Diabetes has to be the most irritating condition. Happy to report that food consumption is going well - eggs on toast went down splendidly and stayed put. One good outcome of this horrible virus is that pain levels are right down after so much bed rest - not so good being that fitness levels will have to be recovered. Will have to be very careful rebuilding them as I have managed to get my steroid dose down by a third so do not want to provoke a flare in palindromic arthritis.

Awaiting call from GP to see if can reduce my diuretic dose as BP has been pretty good for a while and the oedema is under v. good control. I hate being restricted in where I can go in the mornings by needing to be within a close dash to a loo and, post cutbacks, public ones are like hens teeth. Also I note that all loop diuretics have the side effect of raising blood glucose levels. Made the appointment 2 weeks ago so maybe waiting times are improving.

Lecturer on Roman history sent through a good bibliography and an excellent power point so I shall have kept abreast of my course. Happy to report that his map of forts in Wales has missed one in Pembrokeshire. Now shall I be decent and send him the data before Tuesday or spring it on him? Oh well, I am only truly malevolent when paid. Being retired now I think a quick email is called for!

Have a good day all.
Missing in action yesterday (not sure what figure I take as “waking” as I was awake most of the night pacing around in pain, unable to get comfortable until giving up at 5am something with something around mid 4s. Got a miserable 64% TIR overnight, but 5.5 this morning when hauling myself into a hot shower to ease the shoulder, mostly bouncing around the 3s during the night (resorted to having a Skyr yoghurt for a 6g carb boost at one point which did actually manage to keep me around low 4s until getting up so did the trick for me).

However (trying to look at the positives here) I did get a good few hours during the day where the pain and discomfort was reduced enough to allow me to read the kindle. Hoping the Naproxen will be doing its trick more today and I can get some more ok hours. Sadly going to have to cancel Saturday night meal out with friends as I just don’t think I’ll be up to that, the evenings are my worst time.

Sorry for the ramble, I probably sound like a moaning minny and I know some of you have more to deal with than me. I’m just trying to talk myself into a “This too will pass” frame of mind:rofl:

Anyway, great catching up on what everyone is doing, had my breakfast whilst reading CCC - thank you @ColinUK ! That really helped lift my spirits and gave me a chuckle! You really should write a blog, then maybe a book once you have enough material!

@rebrascora - sorry to hear your BG is not behaving! Whilst reading your post it came to my mind it is like we are all trying to operate a machine that has many levers and buttons, most hidden from us, and the ones we can see and press sometimes don’t always do the same thing.

@eggyg - enjoy the Lakes, I bet Skiddaw with a dusting of snow looks beautiful!

Great reading everyone’s posts, it‘s lovely to hear bits of what people are doing.

Enjoy your day everyone!
Missing in action yesterday (not sure what figure I take as “waking” as I was awake most of the night pacing around in pain, unable to get comfortable until giving up at 5am something with something around mid 4s. Got a miserable 64% TIR overnight, but 5.5 this morning when hauling myself into a hot shower to ease the shoulder, mostly bouncing around the 3s during the night (resorted to having a Skyr yoghurt for a 6g carb boost at one point which did actually manage to keep me around low 4s until getting up so did the trick for me).

However (trying to look at the positives here) I did get a good few hours during the day where the pain and discomfort was reduced enough to allow me to read the kindle. Hoping the Naproxen will be doing its trick more today and I can get some more ok hours. Sadly going to have to cancel Saturday night meal out with friends as I just don’t think I’ll be up to that, the evenings are my worst time.

Sorry for the ramble, I probably sound like a moaning minny and I know some of you have more to deal with than me. I’m just trying to talk myself into a “This too will pass” frame of mind:rofl:

Anyway, great catching up on what everyone is doing, had my breakfast whilst reading CCC - thank you @ColinUK ! That really helped lift my spirits and gave me a chuckle! You really should write a blog, then maybe a book once you have enough material!

@rebrascora - sorry to hear your BG is not behaving! Whilst reading your post it came to my mind it is like we are all trying to operate a machine that has many levers and buttons, most hidden from us, and the ones we can see and press sometimes don’t always do the same thing.

@eggyg - enjoy the Lakes, I bet Skiddaw with a dusting of snow looks beautiful!

Great reading everyone’s posts, it‘s lovely to hear bits of what people are doing.

Enjoy your day everyone!
Poor you with your shoulder. I’m a martyr to both of my shoulders. Both have frozen and both have had bursitis. Eleven years on my left one is worse than useless at times. I’ve had steroid injections, acupuncture, Tramodol, Chinese pine oil, TENS machine, more frozen peas you can shake a stick at. I’ve been offered a procedure but the consultant wasn’t selling it. He said it may make it worse! I said no, then waited six months, and said no again. This was six years ago and I sometimes wonder if I should have gone for it. The pain is now more chronic than acute, although one wrong reach out too far and it starts all over again. It’s very weak and I can’t reach up or stretch out. Luckily it’s not my dominant arm. Have you been offered a steroid injection, done by someone who knows what they’re doing? it was the only thing that helped at the beginning when, like you, nothing else helped. It’s not pleasant ( I nearly passed out) you need to keep it still for 48 hours but if they get it right, my God, the relief. I hope you get some relief as constant pain is so wearing.

I’m staying at home and just looking at Skiddaw from my bedroom window. Too busy in the Lakes this week. I can get there in 20 minutes any day I want to. I’ll wait until the brats errr…I mean the children, go back to school. 😉
The sun’s shining but it looks like there’s a cold wind blowing. Coffee down the beach with mum it is then - once she’s hauled her elderly bones out of bed, that is. I dunno, lazy bloomin OAPs having lie-ins on a weekday! 😉
You speak from pure envy.... we have deserved it for all the years we slaved LOL!
Good morning everyone. I was 5 with something very early this morning.

Didn't have any overnight lows...but then I didn't give them much time. 3 and a half hours of sleep o_O and I was in charge to set the breakfast buffet this morning, not helping a supervisor as usual, but on my own. To add more emotion to the situation, the chef didn't show up until the hour we open to customers. Thank goodness not many people were up early today!

I took a reduced basal, same dose as yesterday, and it seems it's keeping me in the 5s more instead of the 4s from previous days. I loaded up on hypo treatments yesterday so probably now I won't have a hypo in weeks. Better to be prepared tho 😎

Morning all, this wet, windy, perfectly horrible day! Still, can't complain, we did have sun yesterday even though it was blooming freezing. Went round every optitians in town and am absolutely horrified at the cost of specs. I am definitely off to ASDA.

7.0 at 09:10 when I woke with a straight line all night. Not bad after quite a carby curry for a lateish dinner. Now it's dropped to 4.8.

I was awake from 4am till past 5:30 thinking about which restaurants to book for an April celebration of 3 birthdays. Friends coming to stay for 4 nights so should be fun. Then we had a cuppa and us lazy OAPs sat in bed perusing websites and menus. Decision made... really looking forward to it.

Meeting friends in town this afternoon, not looking forward to waiting for the bus later as the townward stop has no shelter and is very exposed. Thick anorak with a hood methinks as it's far too windy for a brolly.

@Eternal422 you really do have my sympathies. I've been there and got the Tshirt and it is NOT pleasant.

Have a lovely day all.
Morning all, this wet, windy, perfectly horrible day! Still, can't complain, we did have sun yesterday even though it was blooming freezing. Went round every optitians in town and am absolutely horrified at the cost of specs. I am definitely off to ASDA.

7.0 at 09:10 when I woke with a straight line all night. Not bad after quite a carby curry for a lateish dinner. Now it's dropped to 4.8.

I was awake from 4am till past 5:30 thinking about which restaurants to book for an April celebration of 3 birthdays. Friends coming to stay for 4 nights so should be fun. Then we had a cuppa and us lazy OAPs sat in bed perusing websites and menus. Decision made... really looking forward to it.

Meeting friends in town this afternoon, not looking forward to waiting for the bus later as the townward stop has no shelter and is very exposed. Thick anorak with a hood methinks as it's far too windy for a brolly.

@Eternal422 you really do have my sympathies. I've been there and got the Tshirt and it is NOT pleasant.

Have a lovely day all.
Do you have any glasses that the frames are in good condition that you like as you could have your new lenses but in those, there is normally a 're-glazing' charge.
If your prescription is not complicated then some of the on -line suppliers people have mentioned they have found satisfactory. I have never tried them myself as my lenses are higher prescription than they normally do.
Bit floored and have random sleep patterns again. Its so easy for me to knock it off 🙄
Anyway 6.4 and held steady overnight. Been a while since its been like that (upped basal again) but I'm sure that will change again. Revolving set of doors it is with me and my basal :rofl:
@eggyg - no mention of a steroid injection, although I know this could be a possibility. My wife had one in the early stages of a frozen shoulder which ended up with surgery - did the trick but was really painful in recovery initially. This is not a frozen shoulder (and hopefully won’t progress into one!) and not arthritis, so hopefully can heal on its own. I’m still seeing the chiropractor who said she thinks just doing laser treatment is best for now so as not to aggravate tendons and muscles any further. She also suggested taping the shoulder joint - something my wife had on her Achilles tendon which she said really helped, so may try that on tomorrow’s appointment.

Sorry to hear you still have problems, hopefully not bad pain, but even so, a low level chronic pain is indeed very wearing.

@Pattidevans - did you want the t-shirt back? :rofl: Hopefully you are ok now and can assure me that there is an end of the tunnel!
@eggyg - no mention of a steroid injection, although I know this could be a possibility. My wife had one in the early stages of a frozen shoulder which ended up with surgery - did the trick but was really painful in recovery initially. This is not a frozen shoulder (and hopefully won’t progress into one!) and not arthritis, so hopefully can heal on its own. I’m still seeing the chiropractor who said she thinks just doing laser treatment is best for now so as not to aggravate tendons and muscles any further. She also suggested taping the shoulder joint - something my wife had on her Achilles tendon which she said really helped, so may try that on tomorrow’s appointment.

Sorry to hear you still have problems, hopefully not bad pain, but even so, a low level chronic pain is indeed very wearing.

@Pattidevans - did you want the t-shirt back? :rofl: Hopefully you are ok now and can assure me that there is an end of the tunnel!
When my shoulders first started playing up I used the kinesiology tape and it did help. Mine are bad at night but pretty OK during the day and it doesn't seem to make any difference with what I have been doing during the day. The last few days I have done some digging in the garden and bell ringing where I am using my arms and no worse at night.
I take Naproxen, makes no difference plus paracetamol, a slight difference. I have been using the Tens which is helping a bit.
I saw the physio at the GP and he says it is muscular not joints, and gave me some exercises, which sort of makes sense if any of it does.
I'm not sure what caused it in the first place but it was certainly aggravated when I was needing to be on crutches last year when I injured my knee.
I have not been to a chiropractor, I might try that as they worked wonders on my back about 20 years ago when I had a trapped nerve

I hope you get some relief soon from all your treatments.