Group 7-day waking average?

4.2 this am FOTF 5.6 then 10 mins later 7.2 (dawn says hi)
looks like i need to trim the basal down, maybe recalibrate as it continued dropping over 4hrs after last bolus.
congratulations @eggyg and @Barrowman on those lovely HS!

5.3 for me this morning. Think I will start easing myself into not testing every morning now I have got my HbA1c down to normal levels but couldn't resist seeing what it was today after celebrating with wine and extra pudding yesterday with my friend!

I was 7.something this morning xxxx
Ooh I made it first this morning!

I was 4.9 at 5:49 this morning and 5.6 at 6:10 so I reckon I’ve passed through 5.2 fairly recently on the way
7.2 about half an hour ago when I roused myself from my bed to stagger into the kitchen to refill my bedside water bottle and swallow a couple of cold and flu tablets.

I honestly don’t think I slept a wink last night but then I did go to bed once the passport had been delivered early that day.

Heating has been on all day and the flat is pleasantly warm. Miraculously I’m neither burning up or cold to my core. Whatever pesky virus decided to use me as host for a while has been given a lesson in what happens when you pick the wrong host.

I’m clearly still unwell but considerably less so than yesterday.
Glad you’re feeling a bit better, I’ll go and put us some breakfast on
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 excellent

Today church, a walk, pretty much nothing else, keeping warm

Someomone asked about the units on my macro nutrients spider chart....

There are no units. Each aspect is looking at the actual value compared with the official NHS maximum with an aim of keeping to a mid point (0.5). Where there is no upper limit set by the NHS I arbitrarily set one that was above the minimum and fitted the foods that I consume. Also some maximums (upper tolerable limits) were crazy values so I chose more sensible ones.

It is a rough and ready chart. The real line graphs use actual data but there are so many and it takes a while to examine each one in detail (which I always do).

On top of that the data itself from the internet is not wholly complete but pretty close and different sites give different values for the same thing, so overall, it's an approximation to enable me not to be deficient or in excess of any vitamin or mineral.

I had no idea if it would be useful when i set out to add the analysis to my App. Now I strongly believe that it is essential because I feel so much better and so much more 'me' since I ensured the daily foods that I consume do provide a reasonably good source of all the aspects needed.

Does it restrict what I, in fact it has pointed me in the direction of better food choices. I have a very varied and sustainable diet.

And, here is todays spider chart.

Spider for 22th Jan 2023.jpg
Good morning. 6.8 - getting yet further away from that house. Couldn't be faffed with cooking yesterday and subsisted on smoked salmon/parma ham/cheese etc. with accompanying crispy "thins". Not very clever.

My excuse is that I was trying to get a handle on the population of Britain in the Roman period! The wretched invaders might have had the decency to do a census rather than rely on modern historians guessing anywhere between 1 and 4 millions. Why do I want to know? Well, it affects the ratio of Roman troops to native barbarians. Think I'll get back to my watch today and order it some new hands thus giving mine something to do instead of frying brain with blasted sums...

Alex and Carla have gone off for the weekend baby sitting her nephew so its either extra mucking out or telling the GGs to slum it whilst scattering a disguising top layer. Alas life is full of decision making.

Have an enjoyable day everyone.
I have choice but to venture out today as I need loo roll!
Morning, 5.5.

A day of doing nothing. Bliss. 🙂 Then it all starts again tomorrow.

Cold and dull, but not freezing, still a wee bit snow on the lawn but I’m sure it will be gone by the end of the day. Thank goodness.

Have a super Sunday everyone. 🙂
I have choice but to venture out today as I need loo roll!
That was bad planning. Any newspaper knocking about? If so, cut into squares, thread string through the squares, knock a nail in the outside loo’s door, hang it on the nail and Bob’s your uncle. Sorted! :rofl:
Bore da, bawb- just getting myself in the mood for another Welsh session on Zwm!

5.0 for me. 🙂 I had to banish the Libre reader to another room last night - bloomin alarms wouldn’t stop going off, and for no obvious reason. It must’ve been celebrating something. 🙂

So today’s agenda is: Welsh, walkies, lesson planning for next week. Enjoy Sunday, ev1! 🙂
Good morning - 7.9
A near miss this morning at 5.3 and I can see green grass again. 🙂
